Low SR Bronze needs changes. Too many smurfs!

Oh right, I forgot we already had an argument over that. That was so long ago.
You don’t know what you’re talking about and people tend to simp for you because you WERE gm at some point.


6-stack in bronze is probably a good idea. I bet there wouldn’t be many other stacks to match you against besides deranker bots.

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Get a new account then, youll get placed in gold and if it’s true what you are saying, you should have no problem maintaining that SR.


Blizzard doesn’t care. Smurfing is a huge problem and Blizzard has done exactly zero to deal with it in five years, there not going to start now.

They think by allowing smurfs to buy multiple accounts it makes them more money. They forget that players like myself have and will never spent any money on OWL skins, even some that I really liked and would have gotten but I made the decision to not buy specifically because I am tired of facing smurfs in every game. There are at least 3 OWL skins I would have bought but didn’t. I won’t buy OW 2. So really this we don’t do anything about smurfs because we want that smurf account money is actually costing them money. If they ever realized that then they will do something about smurfs, not before.


Monopoly, no consumer association care about this. Will be a day when we will remember all this poop as we know the madness of tobacco in '60. None will pay anyway.


You don’t get it. That is not the problem. There is absolutely NOTHING you or anyone can do that would help me or the countless others stuck in low SR bronze. You’re assuming the problem is me. It is not. I have been playing this game since day 1. I am not a bad player.

Made my day.

If thats your serious answer then maybe its time to start playing something else.

I know somebody who climbed from bronce to plat :wink: He will tell you how easy it was to win against silver player. You arent stuck in the lowest elo for no reason.

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Stuck in low Bronze, same as the OP. I have been dropping to <500 and climbed back to 670 rank. But unfortunately im losing all the matches im playing currently and are back at 600.

Played as DPS, but mainly as a tank or healer. While i dont mind this rank if this is what it is, but finding matches most of the time what i experience takes very long and is utterly annoying.


Is your hardware ok? How many fps can your system provide? Have you remove mouse acceleration from windows?

ye, awful experience

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Yes, hardware, fps and internet are fine. This is a replay code from my last match if any one is interested to see rank 500-600 god :smiley: The first round you can clearly see my team and i are outmatched. 2nd Round was a little bit better, but still a lose. ( 9HNGZY )

Think 2 weeks ago, i have been stuck in que’s for about 15 mins and eventually gave up. Even the skirmish match i usually do when i que, was empty and no other players were joining the map. Usually i have que’s for about +/-10mins for a blowout match of 5mins gameplay :frowning:

how many fps do you reach?

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Around 60-70 constantly

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Those are not good, you are playing with a huge handicap. You have to follow a guide on youtube to maximize your fps, try to reach 200 (if not stable go down to 190, try and again… till you find a best minimum stable).

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It’s kinda both. I was like that for a long time and it was true. There are a ton of smurfs below 1k just dumping on people. It took me knowing how to avoid them for me to advance past it.

I said that about bronze a few years ago and got suspended from the forums for it. :joy:

60fps is fine. While it’s not ideal it’s not going to be the reason you’re being held back. Making sure your system is AT LEAST outputting the same fps as your monitors refresh rate is what you should be shooting for.

Recommending that people push their FPS without knowing what they are doing is just begging for people to ruin their gfx card.

Your advice is actively harmful without knowing what card they are using.


no, 150 is fine, 120 discrete, 200 good

60 is not good for ranked

no, you mean overclock, not increase fps cap in a game

I’m running a radeon HD 6990.

I do not mean overclock. If someone is using their gfx card and pushing those numbers they are still going to overheat.

I actually know what I’m talking about. You’re regurgitating crap you’ve heard in youtube tutorials. Stop it.


I don’t know what it means in response to the fps parameters but I am delighted with your purchase. I like 6xxx series.

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lol. you might wanna do some research before you make an even larger fool out of yourself. :wink:


I had the nvidia counterpart for those ages but I knew was not bad.

Ok seems you are not friendly. Have fun with your 60 fps input lag. Not my business.

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Those cards are meant to push 60fps. If you want something that can push 144 or 240 you’ll NEED to at least have an AMD500/5000+ or Nvidia2000+ series graphics card and pair it with a monitor that can display those numbers.

Your generalizations are harmful and asking people to invest in graphics cards at this time is equally irresponsible.

I’m realistic. I’m not here to be friendly, kind, or hold your hand.


I see that Vulpes is helping with some good advice.

Your comment is inappropriate and rude.