Low SR Bronze needs changes. Too many smurfs!

Something people who blame smurfs don’t realize is that it doesn’t work out mathematically. In order for someone NOTABLY BETTER than bronze to stay in low bronze, they have to lose MOST of their games, since they’ll gain more SR than they lose due to PBSR. So even if everyone but you were a smurf, the net gain from having a smurf on your team is NEGATIVE. But since you will have 5 smurfs on your team and 6 on the others, you will be at a net advantage. So you will win more than 50% of your games in the long run, as smurfs are more likely to throw than to try in low bronze. Since not everyone but you is a smurf, that means you just need to be better than (or even just as good as) the legitimately low bronzes to win over 50%, since you have an advantage by not being a smurf. So to maintain low bronze over many seasons, you actually have to throw or legitimately be low bronze. You are not some statistical anomaly that only gets throwing smurfs on your team and tryharding smurfs on the other team.


I can tell you from personal experience that it takes massive determination to push through bronze. I have increased from literally 300sr up to my current rank of just over 2k by sheer will, practice, and advice from my peers.

Things that I learn about escaping bronze would be:

  1. Choose your playtime well: Mornings are the best time to climb and peak hours can also lessen your chance of coming against smurfs, but there can be more throwers in the evening.
  2. Work on your AIM and use of cover. Don’t go into a fight alone. Regroup the best you can.
  3. Use healthpacks/Learn where they are on each map
  4. Once you climb over the 1k hump you’ll run into less smurfs.
  5. Don’t stress out about it: You’ll get better and increase. It literally took me 4 years to get to Gold. Be proud of any progress you make.
  6. Turn off voice chat and text chat - Just play. (/hidechat)

There are people who understand. Don’t worry, you got this!


You can now turn off team and match text chat in the Options: Social menu. This is better than /hidechat because it still allows you to see the “I need healing,” “Fall back.” etc commands. If someone abuses those, just squelch that individual.


It’s a good option, for sure. Depending on what the player needed it could also be a more permanent decision. /hidechat is a temporary option. Both have their ups and downs - it’s up to the player to decide which is best. /nod

With both options you still get the audio queues as well as the icons over players heads


I have absolutely no problem whatsoever putting everyone who just wants to blame me and not realize low SR bronze has smurfs as well as other problems (leavers, afkers, people who simply just don’t care to win, etc). I play mostly support. There is only so much I can do IN A TEAM GAME to increase my chances of winning. I can end the match with gold healing, dodge as much damage as possible, res as many people as I can and it still won’t make the difference if the rest of my TEAM is playing poorly. That is the point I am trying to make. Stop responding with your pride and realize that people who post complaints about low SR bronze are doing it for a reason and its not because they are trying ignore that they are the only reason for it. Its because they play a lot of comp matches and see the patterns of defeat that clearly have nothing to do with them as a single person on the team playing either which way. You can take it or leave it but don’t insult me by assuming I am the only problem with my rank.

Where did I say my account has always been low bronze? I don’t remember what I placed at the first time I did comp. I just know over the years I have fallen into low SR bronze and can’t get above the 700 range.


ja’baited 20chars ish


you can use <small> if you want to make short replies.


thanks! i never knew that


they won’t.

the road the improvement starts with new devs.

those guys had their chance, took socal cost-of-living paychecks for it, and faultered. pride flag icon isn’t content.
time to vote them out and get some reals.


It’s the solo que down I’m low elo where individuals refuse to help the team.


If you haven’t improved from 5 years of playing, then the game isn’t the issue =]

The only workaround to climbing is actually improving yourself instead of constantly blaming teammates and smurfs.

OP is scared of being exposed for being an actual Low Bronze player, which is why OP is scapegoating teammates and smurfs =]

Imagine seriously believing that being in the lowest rank of a game is because of teammates and smurfs :rofl:

OP is gonna block me for telling the truth, it’s just gonna prove my point :rofl:


Low SR bronze is cluttered with smurfs and players who do not belong there but belong in higher ranks. This alone makes it extremely difficult to rank up and does not reflect the experience low SR bronze players should have in my opinion. I expect this kind of match making in much higher SR. People can continue to blame the individual for not ranking up, but as always they are wrong and will continue to be wrong. They have too much pride to see that this is a problem with the overall teams and not the individual person. A single person cannot improve so well that their skill makes the rest of the team irrelevant to their success. It is foolish and ignorant to think so.

By the way, if I am not replying to you here its most likely because you are on my ignore list. I do not waste my time with people who have a one sided view on this subject and attempt to make their experience in higher ranks the same experience for lower ranks.


There will be smurfs and throwers on both teams, so it balances out in the end.

Well, prove us wrong with your above Bronze gameplay. Share a replay code, we can easily tell if you are Bronze or not.

Is that why I climbed from Low Gold to Top 500?


I’ve got an idea: low bronze should become Wood.
No more low bronze problem. Ez clap.


My homie here solving first world problems so easily!


You wouldn’t be able to see whether they should be bronze, silver or even gold. That’s too far from your skill range and you can’t understand why someone do the things they do.
To get out of bronze, you have to take some bad habbits.
Bronze is a glorified deathmatch game.


Take Shock’s advice: If you’re in Bronze and want to climb out, just buy a new account

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I used to be a TERRIBLE hardstruck Low Gold player myself, so I know how it is.

I just recognized you were the Bronzze Ana I did a VOD review for some time ago.
I don’t agree that you have to make bad habits, I agree that you should take calculated risks to make plays, but not things like standing in the middle of the choke with no shield just to shoot enemy shields and then claiming that it isn’t a problem…


Imho bronze is most funniest rank to play :grin: I have played Bronze - Plat and higer yout SR is more toxic your games becomes… I have heard that in Diamond if you pick something like Mei you get auto flamed over match chat and your teammates ask everyone to report you for throwing. My friend hit a Diamond but literally wanted back to Gold - Plat bcoz he wanted friendly games.

Anyway we all have that ” second change ” it only costs ~20$$


Sorry. It seems the only way is to find 5 friends to climb together :confused: