Loverwatch live here

oh no not rap in a different language what will we do

Yes. I got Mercy First, than Genji. I didn’t get Hanzo until I found out later that there was secret ending for Hanzo as well.

Make love with Mercy - Mercy icon
Make love with Genji - Genji icon
Do both then start a new game - Secret ending and Hanzo icon
Finish one of the dating games - Highlight intro

??? - Title

Literally all I had to do.

But this goes for icons…not highlights? I see only one highlight…

Theres no more highlight just Hanzo. They just miscommunicated as usual

lol, ah really, that sucks? I didn’t check in game.

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Only the Hanzo highlight got granted with it. And some upcoming title soon.

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That´s weird. I got another guy claiming, we get highlight for each + titles, but I think they meant one highlight after finishing first round?
Got just Hazo´s highlight, 3 icons and no titles so far…
Also no sign of any highlight other than Hanzo´s on the internet (youtube).

Did you perchance click on the >>> button? This is a common feature in Visual Novels, it’s meant to skip dialogue so you don’t have to go through everything slowly on subsequent playthroughs. Just click anywhere else in the dialogue box.

Never played one of those, but I already cleared that up in my edit (right the next line)

i literally dont have it? im on a laptop what am I doing wrong

Someone said it didn´t work on laptop for them, just desktop? I am not sure tho…

thats so dummmbb wtaf

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Dead by Daylight did something similar. Except you have to pay to play their dating sim lol

Loverwatch is stupid, not only is it super laggy but I can’t do it in between matches cuz if I leave it open the frames in game are unbearable

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Didn´t lag for me and the second part sounds like a “you” problem.

I have a 3080 and Ryzen 7 5700, no its not me

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Didn´t ask about your PC :smiley: I meant - it´s your fault you try to play two games at once xD That thing is done quickly and you get free rewards, yet people always find a way to complain about something.

Its not even a game lol