Loverwatch live here

In case you didn´t find it yet, lol

…Ok and it skips the whole conversations for me. That is odd…and annoying.
Edit: so, you are not suppose to click on arrows, but randomly in the chat box to not skip the whole convo…? Ok…

Oh and be sure to log on your account!


At least you can semi-play.
Their description on the video states it’s available for andriod devices.

But if you click the link it says- this only works for desktops.

Typical Blizzard.

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Yeah i was about to post the same thing.

you get only a highlight intro. i skip that.

ahh dam. was planning on messing around with it at work tonight on my phone. oh well ill just browse the forums like usual

Mercy’s Angel Received

icon, title and highlight intro granted

anything else besides this? do i have to do again for genji?

Playing it now.

…I feel… uncomfortable.

Also, why is Mercy everywhere in her battle gear?

She’s a busy woman. She got no time to get fancy.

even at the fancy restaurant >: (?

this is a date. i feel slighted.

fidgets with menu

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Let her pay for the date. :eyes:

… she just handed me a cup of crappy coffee…

we’re in egypt… at a clinic. i get it.


Cringe city. Things like this is what makes people embarrassed of this community.


Lol, I am with Genji in Nepal and he seems to enjoy my company a lot

Ok boomer…


Mercy seems to be pretending she’s enjoying mine… but I get the feeling she’s just using me to get a sense of being grounded in the average life she clearly desires.

im just a tool

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He says this like he doesn’t roleplay on these forums every day


Thanks for the compliment.

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It´s weird to date Genji, when I always had a crush on Hanzo…who is now our matchmaker, lol.


yeah laptops dont even work

I’m hoping they make one with Moira and it’s literally just her subtley trying to get the opportunity to use you as a lab rat.


When I asked for another options, I got told they might add some in the future xD

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