Loverwatch live here

… junkrat.

ok now she magically just switched skins…

then again, this is OW…

Ok, I am pissed…spending time with Genji in Nepal in his old house and Zen appeared to crush our date.
(but it says you can get some lore about him, lol)


Ana showed up to mine…

ooooo a title

Try to have some fun for once.


Gives Bircher Muesli to Mercy, and she likes it.

Bruh, who eats muesli at a 5 star restaurant in Monaco? that’s a stereotypical hospital food!

I mean I’d want the famous Mercy’s favourite food on hand if I knew she was coming.

also hotdogs

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I upset her. I don’t think we’re gonna work out.

did you make fun of her coffee?

I didn’t want to listen to her science’y stuff. :frowning:

I was honest with her and told her I don’t know squat from squat and she seemed to appreciate it.

No. I drinked it out of respect. Try to imagine yourself as Bastion and the coffee is the oil.

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I’m waiting for my real soul mate: Reaper.

Even though he’s already married and has a child.

I Just finished with Genji and got his icon and two cards…? Nothing else. It will be so awkward for me to go for Mercy, just because I want the rest of rewards…

Edit: I also found a highlight, but game doesn´t really tell you, what you got and in date simulator, you only see icon and cards. Also I see no title…

Doing Genji now… asked him if he needed healing…

okay seriously, even blizzard knows competitive overwatch “is a comedy club”


ok…im going to put this in spoiler mode…but:


you get a bonus “new game” for hanzo if you complete mercy’s and genji’s routes…

heres what i got as rewards (if you get something else let me know)

  • Genji’s Peace (icon, title, intro)
  • Mercy’s Angel (icon, title, intro)
  • Cupid’s Arrow (icon, title)
  • Valentine Card 8/12/16
  • Card Front 11/13/14

(i suspect that the answers affect the last 2)

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Game is too laggy for me to play. Someone give Genji a smooch for me.

Didin’t see this 2 anywhere in the gallery, or is it going to be added tommorrow?

Also, what title I should look for? I see nothing new
Also…is it enough to accept her friendship, or do I have to go for a love? xD

Highlight intro you can find in Hanzo gallery, icons are in icon gallery

I got Mercy’s title and intro and icon. Working on Genji’s.

it said you’d get them within 48 hours

so probably not in the gallery yet?

Probably tomorrow, for sure.