Two games where I lost internet for a trivial amount of time only to be punished after reconnecting. No option to rejoin the game.
The disconnect is about 5 seconds. So fast that I can barely react to the disconnected screen before being thrown back into the main menu.
Bliz Plz Fix
Blizzard can’t tell if someone pulls their power plug or had a blip in their service. Because of that, they treat all game leavers the same. You can read more on their policy, including why they do not refund SR, here:
Hey everybody,
I wanted to take some time today to discuss Leaver Penalties and how they relate to Technical issues. We understand that leaver penalties are an annoying thing to experience. Technical issues can be complicated to troubleshoot. To add penalties to your account can seem like adding insult to injury. This isn’t our intent. The competitive penalty system may not be perfect, but there is reason behind it.
When we created the leaver penalty system, we took in a lot of player feedbac…