Losing streak is forced

300 point losing streak, and Blizzard is now ganking my points on losses & giving me peanuts on wins… if I’m going to waste time & money on a rigged game, I’m better off just playing the lottery…


Youre tilted. Of course you’re gonna play worse. Take a break and come back next week.


Take a break and come back for overwatch 2


The losing streak has been over a couple weeks, & is in regards to points more than percentage. Blizz won’t let me climb out now. Wins are 14, losses are 25… if I get a 5 game mini ’win streak’, two losses remove all my points…


Play apex and prepare for project A. This game has a good core but the game doesn’t work for me much anymore. I still don’t enjoy seeing double shield and shooting shields for most of my match.

Unfortunately rein orisa are also played in overwatch league. If you enjoy playing heroes like Mei doomfist. Keep playing the game or are a tank or support. The fps aspects are gone it’s unfortunate.

The game isn’t forced just made to prolong the grind to simulate gambling tendencies.


Yes, that’s the part I hate!

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Comment, Nick? He just housed your ‘Take a break’ line.


Obviously it’s because I suck & don’t deserve to be where I’m at…

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That’s not what it means. The game just became competitive for the first time ever in December. It took role q and a nerf of double shield for that to be a reality. Game still needs work but blizzard is trying to be taken seriously as a competitive game.

Keep practicing rank actually means something now. Besides a few players who are still too high ranked the same on all three roles.

You’re not getting held back by blizzard dude. The fact that you think they are shows that you’re not thinking seriously. A break will help you.

Huh? Are you cheerleading him lmao

Yeah, my break will be permanent. I’m mostly ranting to let Blizz know why they’re about to lose a customer, it’ll be from all their products, and it will be a complete Blizzard ban for my entire household, only thing ‘Blizzard’ allowed will be a Mei poster supporting the Hong Kong protesters…


Aye man, as long as you recognize what youre saying is just venting, and not true statements, we good


No, it’s true, ranting just means complaining… anyway, I’m done! Phouck Blizzard & their ChiCom loving BS!

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I was asking if you had further comment after he said he had taken multiple breaks during his loss streak. Therefore debunking your ‘take a break’ post. Should he take more of a break?


You are losing because you dont play enough to keep your skill up.

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Blizz tries to use data science to estimate where you should be on this ladder based on individual metric. Is is terrible. I am having two accounts in GM right now at this moment, and two other account which are one in plat and another in diamond/low master and yet the matches are all equally difficult to win.

It is a stink fest.


…and they really need to let those people go. But, I can’t find anywhere in the contractual privacy statement that says they collect my in-game performance data. IIRC several countries prohibit that kind of hidden learning of customers -without express authorization and stipulation of how it is used.

I also get this. 24sr is the MAX I can gain on my account. Typical gains are like 14-17sr. A close multi-medal loss is -37sr.

Agreed. Nick, would you care to comment?


I’m presuming total avoidance.

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Another superstitious forum post about how the system is against them and only them.


If you lose around 15 games in a row, (which is what it takes to lose 300) your net gains when you start winning will obviously be low…

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