Losing streak is forced

Because this is how a video game should work. Needing to take a break due to their horrible system. Says something about a game where you need to do this.


Yh I’m done too, star wars battlefront 2 for the time being no rigged bull for me thank you.

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I lost 700 SR, I am fine.


Almost any game is like this. If you get tilted from losing a mario level 10 times in a row, you should take a break and come back with a fresh mindset lmao.


How has anyone here completely forgot to adress that he is NOT having a losing streak but is losing more points than he wins so a normal win % is resulting in a net loss of 300 sr over two weeks.
You are so completely absorbed in your “reasons”, exoplanations and arguments that you can’t even read.


It just comes back down to the same issue of handicapping. With the amount of variance at middle ranks between smurfs, aimbots, legitimately new players, people who have game sense but no aim, people who have aim but no game sense, etc… you have to have PBSR to allow climbing and falling to be possible for average players.

It’s unfun and anticompetitive to be judged on only stats when they paint a partial picture. But, as long as handicapping exists PBSR has to also exist.


then play better, you’re playing bad and losing games and losing more sr than you win.
this is only a factor of your individual play.

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Please view this thread for a rational and logical approach to how handicapping is likely implemented, and some analysis of why preconceptions are false.

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depends on how you lost all those games…

yes i do see a lot of bad teammates… but i myself do make dumb mistakes myself…

why don’t you look at those failed/lost games and see where YOU could do better… never mind fixing that team (you’ll probably never see them again)

what i want to say is, try to be the best YOU can be… that’s the only variable you can actualy controll :wink:
still no good? then get yourself some friends together and team up :slight_smile:

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I’m beginning to suspect a big issue is playing against teams, when your whole team might be solo queued. Used to be you could tell what the groupings of players were, now it’s not apparent. You get the impression every one is solo queued like you are, until you notice the discrepancy in game play, which is ridiculous…


First they had private profiles and now we can’t even see who is grouped anymore. I bet the next thing they’re going to do is start hiding the ranks of everyone in a comp game.


“game just became competitive for the first time”

uh no? if anything its just become more of a grinding simulator rather than an actual ladder at this point. you dont get to call this a “competitive game” if you balance a game for years around a certain meta, buffing/nerfing heroes and then suddenly changing the entire game without reverting said nerfs.

all that 2/2/2 has proved is that people are going to be a-holes and not work as a team in soloq no matter what you do, and nothing will ever change that.

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Uh yes. If you considered this game a competitive game before with a poor leaver system, five dps throw fests, throwers being much more prominent. The game on ladder was anything but competitive. It was a casual game with a competitive mode that no on took seriously .

Cs go is a competitive game. Rainbow six siege is a competitive game. Overwatch was not until role q and even then with it’s new found actually competitive structure poor balance decisions and the existence of sigma upon role q release in comp ruined even that.

losing streaks are just a side effect, they force your ingame experience.

They already kind of have, if anyone is in placements you don’t get an enemy team SR. With hidden profiles, a gold could be anything from 1900 to 2499, a plat could be anything from 2400 to 2999, etc.

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Dude, you are talking about this as its some kind of conspiracy, both these things were implemented because players wanted it, they wanted to have it because of toxicity.

I don’t recall anyone asking for either of those things before they were implemented. They are doing it because they are strong supporters of China and their communist regime.

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Maybe you should read more to see toxicity targeted towards people because of their hero play time for example. Like do you even read this forum? People even want hide levels nows as its targeted by toxicity too. All of this was done because of players had issues with being targeted by toxsic individuals.

Lol? You are delusional buddy.