Losing Streak but Medal and Card Every Game

If you’re playing Moira, then metals are not valid.

I stopped reading there. :smile:

Its good that you found excuse for being bad buddy.

Just another nonsense about rigged system without any kind of video evidence. As always.

Medals are one of the WORST indicators of what’s going right or wrong in a match. That is doubly true for matches you’re losing. Even moreso when you’re playing a hero like Moira.

If you play Moira and your team is getting rolled every fight, Moira is very very likely to stay alive longer than the rest of her team. This allows you to heal more and damage more than your (already dead) teammates (you know, because they’re dead). This will end up with you having gold damage, elims, healing, maybe objective time, but that DOESN’T mean that you’re getting more value than your team.

You win or lose the game as a team. Not as Moira, not as Bap, not as Zen, not as whatever hero you are. The indicator that something is going wrong is that you’re losing. Figuring out WHAT is going wrong means paying attention, not pressing tab. I guarantee you I can throw a game and come out with gold medals. Don’t use that as an indicator of doing something right.

Blizzard isn’t rigging the matchmaker against you. People throw this around all the time, but it makes no sense. It’s a mix of consistently bad matchmaking (not rigged, just unlikely that a random group of 6 has any synergy at all) and confirmation bias. You claim you don’t want to improve, as well, so I don’t really know what you’re here to do.

If you want to prove that the matchmaker is rigged, get a bunch of people together and solo queue for 500 games or so. Record all your games, track SR win/loss, map win/loss, key players (throwers, leavers, carries, smurfs, whatever, and for both teams where you can) and try to rigorously prove that this crazy phenomenon exists. I’m unconvinced.

If instead, you just want to improve at the game, post a VOD or something and people here can review your play. It’s much better than assuming the game is rigged against you.

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Reviewing his gameplay won’t account for his bad teammates, regardless of the advice given. His point is that when he plays good, he is paired with anchor teammates. When he himself is the anchor, the next match he gets better teammates. Others tried this and saw the same in one match anecdotally.

Someone else had the weak explanation of “playing in a rank you dont belong in= unfun. Playing in rank you beling in= fun.” implying the system works great. It doesn’t. It’s rigged against good players climbing, favors good teams for bad players and is broken overall.

Tonight in gold comp game I went 31-2 as Moira in Volskya with 26k healing + POTG. POTG was saving my team by coalescing when they were sucked into grav. Only player on my team with a card. Still lose. Our Lucio skated around & died constantly. No votes or endorsements from my team. I thought people hated dps Moira’s, I’m anything but. This is typical comp for me.

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sometimes blizzard just wants to lower your rating, that’s my take

got up to ~4000 and dropped 400 by teams that possibly couldn’t be carried

matchmaking system sucks, probably related to role queue

But its only his opinion. There is no such thing as anchor team mates.

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what was your healing/10min? matches can be variable length so total healing isnt much of a guide

14,381 according to last Overbuff update.

Silver to Plat is like 1 standard deviation, and the players aren’t really that different. There are plenty of silver players that could be in plat if they stopped smoking weed, turned down their music, and tried at all. There are players in plat that never do anything but their very best with their best character, and when they get bored with Reaper and start liking Ash, they lose a thousand points.

It’s literally nothing.


Hi Xion,

Linking the recording from my last game of the night - I guess I can comb through replays to pick one where I shined lol… I really am not sure how it will prove my point - to have the replay from my (Moira’s) perspective. But it’s a start I suppose. - YouTube.

Prior to this game, I won and played well. This game, I played okay… But, like I kept saying, I am not looking to make it to the next level - and frankly, it’s not a crime to not aspire to be OW pro… I don’t know why so many people think of it as a negative. So, have I made mistakes? yes. Did I threw all my orbs at the perfect angle, and made play with every ult? No, f-k no, but that’s not what I wrote. What I wrote was that I get teammates that are 1) New, don’t know what the buttons do and/or what their strength/weaknesses are, 2) Not new, but play comp like it’s the practice range or deathmatch with the added bonus of possibly a pocket healer. But! if I play badly for a game or two, I suddenly get a game where people are about the same skill level, and there’s a chance at having fun and potentially winning.

What I wrote in my original posting was that this is nothing new (i.e. the rigged game, balanced game, favorable game comment). Finally, I wrote that this has gotten worst - the imbalance.

You said there is no such thing as anchor team mates. If/when I have time tomorrow, I will clip footages from other teammate’s perspective (same game) to prove that there are anchors, and in couple instances, intentional on the player’s part. If you have questions on why I played a certain way in certain moments, let me know. I will clip the same timepoint, but from another players’ viewpoint, to explain why, what may seem as illogical on my Moira play, may actually have logical reasoning.

I also viewed couple replays of enemy teams, to check on the balance. And my suspicion is more often than not proven correct (i.e. not balanced). Linking another and another video to prove my point is excessive - considering how this is after all a game.

I kept on replying because I know I didn’t make my original post without thinking about it and analyzing the problem first, so there’s some responsibilities there I guess. But I suppose ultimately, no amount of reasoning (yes, my reasoning, my working through logic) can stop the people who don’t believe I am not complaining about ‘SR lost’, but am simply sad/disappointed about Blizzard’s method of dangling the phantom carrot.

Finally, majority of players sit between the 25th and 75th percentile. To stage a match that provides players from both side 50:50 odds means some players may come from the 75th percentile and some from the 25th percentile. Of course, sometimes you get a team consisting mostly of people sitting near the median. But if you have been doing really well for quite a few games (please note, I said doing well, not a superstar), you move up on your “skills”, which needs to be compensated for. I did lay this out in the original post. I feel like people skipped this bit. I don’t know how they bin their players, but recent matchups (going back to before the holiday, around the time when role queue happened) that I’ve had suggests really large bins lol.


I watched only few minutes and you definitely can play better, you throw healing orb when you dont need it and dont use dmg orb that much. I like you showed your gameplay, not many people who complain about matchmaker is willing to do that. Its a good start.

You dont have to be pro, but there is nothing wrong with trying to get better.

We all are getting team mates like this, dont worry. I am playing recently a lot on my alt which is in low rank and this i see from otgers are mind blowing.

People think comp is rigged somehow. As someone who played on many alts and on accounts which were “stuck” for several season i can tell you its not rigged anyhow. Its just random because people are different. Even i lost games in bronze as diamond player. It doesnt mean these games were rigged.

Honestly stop watching replay of others if your intention is purely not trying to find mistakes in your own gameplay. Watching others is useless usualy. Focus on yourself, analyze what you could do different, how you could get your ult charge faster, if you could save your team mates if you had better positioning…

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There really is.

Played some games with a gm friend on his gold surf.

Easy boost for me? Nope. One win. One game we got crushed by better enemy smurf. One game with utter wood tier team mates.

I know that gold is supposed to be mediocre tier, but I’d expect a Zen to use harmony and discord orbs during a match…

My gm friend played a bunch of Pharah games in gold. Regularly 90+ elims. He lost some of those matches…

I’m wondering if I hit plat season 14 due to my crap stats (very poor damage per 10 mins), and got given great team mates to carry me.

Could be confirmation bias, and is very small sample size.

For sure gold Sr is an utter crap show. Nothing like watching a lvl 25 squeaker on Genji playing his first placement in gold and diving in 1v6 all game and getting 0.1 kd.

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Yeah, this.

I play very rarely nowadays, and when I do it’s 3-4 games in one sitting. Stops me getting fatigued or tilted. They’re both big issues for me, that I need to overcome.

With regards to losing as bronze in diamond, one gm Mercy only had an 80% win rate surfing in bronze. Obviously Mercy is super low impact and shows the importance of fragging out to win.

When ml7 lost his first Mercy gold game, which he played 99% flawlessly, his main area to improve on was to get 3+ pistol kills every time he valked, in order to carry his team.

Thats nothing really extraordinary. I lose a lot more games on lower ranked alt when playing with friends than i am losing when i solo q. I dont exactly know the reason. I only have few ideas why is that. Its possible that you have much bigger chance to be against who dont belong in his elo too. I definitely see a lot of smurfs in groups than in solo play. There is another factor too. When i play with fruends i feel preassure to win, which eventualy can make me play worse. Or i play differently as my friends usualy dont try hard or dont take comp that serious as i would. Boosting someone is much harder than climbing on yourself. Not to mention that your friend maybe didnt play his main or he dudnt warm up? Something he would do in his true elo.

Yesterday i was climbing on my alt and i was in super try hard mindset and grouped up with randoms from game and from lfg just for fun and won every single game for example.

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If you’re playing comp, you’re expected to try to win. If you’re constantly trying to win, you’re constantly trying to play better than the other team. If you’re not smurfing, playing better than the other team means improving to the extent that you gain rank. Not looking to be better than yesterday and not looking to go pro are ENTIRELY different things. If you aren’t looking to better yourself and improve to the extent that you help your teammates win games more often, don’t play competitive. That’s literally what competitive is for.

There are players that throw and players that are bad. Unlucky. Blizzard doesn’t put them on your team intentionally. You play against throwers and bad players as much as they’re on you’re team. You probably lose some games against them. That’s how it goes sometimes.

Literally false by definition. I don’t think you understand what percentile means. From game to game, percentile wise, you’re not going to have a 25th percentile and 75th percentile player in the same game.

As far as the game you linked, which category would you classify this game as? Fair, or rigged?

All righty, I am compelled to add my 2cents. First, I find it amusing to see people spouting things like “Medals don’t matter, you are just bad. etc.” This is simply a role most individuals fall into, because it allows them to continue believing that they will “improve”.

Here is the nail in the coffin - YES, we all have capacity to improve, however, normal distribution is just that, normal, meaning most mortals will fall under the normal category. The game algorithm is based on assuming normal distribution. Essentially this ends up benefiting players trending towards the lower end of normal distribution, they end up being carried. Folks towards the higher end of the normal distribution tend to get placed with weaker players in their distribution curve for the end number to be a middling average, as thus, those players are not playing at their actual skill level, but are forced to play below it. This will always happen, the only way to reduce the extend of this, is to narrow the range of skill allowed within a team. (1000SR gaps are massive, 500SR gaps would be much more palatable, however you would wait hours for a game).

Here is another observation about the MMR in Overwatch. The OW algorithm is an adaptation of the ELO system. This system was first developed to rank professional chess players. Not sure if anyone else knows this, but Chess is not exactly a team game. Also, the ELO rating system does not assign you a number based on your skill, it instead infers your skill based on past win/loss performance, seemingly semantic, this distinction is massive. How you actually played while winning/loosing has nothing at all to do with it. The main issue happens for solo Q players. The SR number that you are assigned does not mean that you as an individual are at that “Skill”. It simply means that when you are in teams at around that SR, you have a 50% chance of winning. This becomes frustrating because the allowed SR ranges in competitive games is quite large, and thus if you are near the top of the Normal Distribution curve of your SR (± 1000SR), you will get placed with absolute boat anchors as team-mates, more times than not, meaning that you have to hard carry. Realistically, you are a much better player than the rest of your team, and current SR brackets are not reflective of that skill gap. This is of course because Blizzard is not interested in having an algorithm that most suitably displays a skill scale, but rather the algorithm is designed to maximise the addictive playable nature of the game. The old carrot on a stick scenario. Do not forget that Blizzard isn’t a massive Billion Dollar Company because they care about fair, they only care about Profit. Again, this matters.

Where SR starts to work, and the old “Medals don’t matter, get gud n00b” lines start to matter is at the highest levels of the game. If you consistently play on a team comprised of the same six people, your SR will reflect the skill of your collective team, as compared to other teams. In this scenario, of course, it doesn’t matter who has gold kills. However, when you are in Solo q, the medals is the only direct comparison of your individual skill at the game as compared to other players on your/the enemy team. In other words, if I outheal the other healer, then yes, I have the gold medal and I am the better healer, no other way to describe those statistics.

When people within the normal distribution of the game spout off about medals don’t matter, you need to get better etc, they are simply ignoring the fact that the only way to get better is for the team to get better. And random one-off teams cannot ever get better, since there is no repeat performance. They are simply regurgitating sayings that the establishment has imbued in them. Because without a belief in “Hey, I can get better”, people would have to accept that they are simply average, and for some random reason, nobody is sober enough to understand that by definition, the probability of you being average is so high that it is all but a certainty.

Of course, the second you point out anything in anyone’s game play, people immediatly knee jerk with “NOPE< you’re wrong”. And that is the worst part. Most individuals pathetic weakness, not being able to handle criticism or a differing opinion.

Our world exists in the way it does, because people refuse to think for themselves, they pass off the fact that they are part of an average as individual skill - Pathetic Really.



LOOOOOHHHHHL. do you understand how normal distribution works?

Hello Monatrox,

I’m going to respond to your post in reversed order.

Here is a post by Jeff Kaplan on Competitive Mode Tier Distribution: Competitive Mode Tier Distribution.

Going from top down, Diamond/Master/GM players make up 14% of the pool, thereby representing ‘part’ of Q3 (upper quartile, the whisker). Gold/Plat players make up 57% of the pool (the box, interquartile, 25-75th percentile ). Bronze/Silver players makes up 29% of the pool (Q1, whisker bleeding into the box). We’ve all had games where we see Gold/Plat players on same team, sometimes with Silvers dropping in (whisker bleeding in the box).

I don’t think Blizzard has people sitting behind a desk, putting individual players one by one onto a team (i.e. not intentional on that level). However, the formula for MM (i.e. players are numbers, computing stats of previous gameplays for MM) consequently puts players of varied skill level on the same team - the defined range of this may be too broad? I’ve mentioned binning a couple times, but I don’t have their algorithm.

Me playing better does not mean (equal) improving to the extent that I gain rank. Example: in sports, there are leagues at different levels. I may play well enough for the league that I’m in (i.e. win some, lose some, but with teammates of similar skill range), but never good enough to be on higher tier, and that’s okay.

Let’s say you have evidence that ‘in OW’, that is ‘literally’ what competitive is for. How do you view all the people ranked below Diamond? Failures? People who don’t try?

How do you define better? If one is better today than yesterday, and continues to be better the next day and the next day, one will eventually make it to the top (i.e. pro).

Also, I did not say the two are the same. I said that I am not looking to move to the next level (i.e. Diamond) “or” go pro. I didn’t write “and”. I am simply looking to sit down this holiday and play a fun game where teams are balanced.

The game you linked looks like a relatively close game between players of similar skill which could have gone either way. Both rounds were winnable by either team; it just so happens your team lost both. Unlucky.

From a matchmaking perspective though, that game looks exactly what any reasonable matchmaker sets out to do: create a fair match between 2 teams of relatively even skill that can be won or lost by either depending on performance.

Just because you lost doesn’t make it imbalanced. If anything, that video is an advertisement for the matchmaker working exactly as intended.

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