Losing Streak but Medal and Card Every Game

Don’t remember, but it was a 2/1 game.

Hello Kestrel,

The game I linked IS a relatively close game where both rounds were winnable by either team. If you are ‘averaging’ the skills (to be related to amount of input towards the common goal - winning the game) on each team, it is similar.

However, I never said Blizzard doesn’t try to MM for close games. In fact, that is exactly what I said that they do.

Two ‘teams’ of relatively even skill yes. But what exactly is the composition? (i.e. 4+4=8, 1+7 also equals 8 - please don’t flame me on this, I am not a 7, this is merely to demonstrate that many combinations can arrive at the same sum).

I’ve lost many games prior to my original post, but didn’t make a comment until now. Why I think it’s imbalanced:

I will first speak on the plays that can be view as unlucky (if you stretch the definition a bit). 1. At around 50 sec, our Genji died to Roadhog because he was in front of both tanks in that tiny doorway. 2) At around 58 sec, our Reaper died to Roadhog, unlucky or no awareness? 3) At around 1 min, enemy Rein is 1 hp, with our hog at near full, and our Rein at around 25% health but a healing orb is coming directly towards him. Our hog decided to self heal… huh, why???, our Rein decided to charge across the room for no gain - note that there’s only 3 of us on point at this time, and I was in no danger - and their Rein survived. That’s a lot of unlucky within 10 sec time frame - keep in mind that their Pharah and Mercy were behind us most of that 10 sec. And those two were pretty much the first enemies we see coming out of the gate. Unlucky? or players with no awareness?

Now, lets speak on plays that are what I referred to as players playing comp like it’s practice range or deathmatch (but with healers).

Our Reaper and Hog got their ult at around 2:40. Reaper looks like he wants to go behind to ult, but really is not a sneaky player, one shot killed, unlucky maybe, at least he died quick enough to have kept his ult, good. Next, our Rein decided to charge out of LoS in the midst of 6 enemies, which resulted in our Ana nano-boosting him for no gain. Now, where’s our hog between 2:40 and 4:00? Practicing his hooks, and waiting to ult. After our Rein and Ana died, knowing that our McCree is far away from point (trying to snipe Ashe prolly), and that our Reaper had been pacing back and forth on point, I went to try to stall point with them - no gain - the ult that our hog waited over 1 min to make potg killed no one, should’ve just saved myself by backing up to spawn, f-k teamplay no? By the way, our McCree decided to blow his ult at 3:20, two steps out of spawn.

Round two, before the ridiculous stack of ults we threw at them, our doom was waiting around, pacing back and forth on point, instead of disrupting their backline. When the four ults were thrown on them (Zar/Sig/Genji/Doom), we killed two while losing two. This was not unlucky, it was three players on our team competing WITHIN the team to try to get potg.

Above are some examples from one game. Our Rein/Zar, our Ana, they ARE playing comp, some mistakes were made, same goes for me. But, half our team were not playing comp, but rather practice range or deathmatch (I’ve looked at replays from other player’s perspective to see what’s going on, what am I missing. I’ve also looked at replays from the other team’s perspective to see if the same weirdo players are put on their team - the answer is more often than not, “No”).

Like I’ve written before, 1) I am not complaining about winning/losing, 2) I had encountered imbalance MM before. BUT, never to the extent (duration and amplitude) that I experienced this holiday. Some of the mistakes made by teams I’ve been put in are ones that are so outlandish, there’s no explanation besides:

I don’t know why you and I see the game I posted so differently. Maybe you’re focusing in on the percent tick rather than where the rest of my team are (i.e. half the team stares at walls a good chunk of time).

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Those are merely the flaws the matchmaker has been having since season 1… That they won’t fix cause it makes you frustrate and get obsessed with your rank as a psychological metric within a game development team.

The MMR will always inflate faster than your SR and will decay faster as well… The better you do, the harder you try, your teams will exponentially get worse and the enemies will be competent… You will even get to the point where you have statistical throwers that for some reason aren’t banned while the enemy team will have smurfs with twice the average dmgx10 and 5+ elims per death… It’s always been like that. So much so that people throw games on purpose when they see a somewhat difficult circumstance just to play into the matchmaker’s dirty game.

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I mean. Don’t get me wrong… The matchmaker would be functional assuming trolls and grievers would be severely punished and smurfing was controlled, to the point where smurfing is just ranking up an alt account and nothing else… Most smurfs purposefully keep their accounts in silver, gold and platinum to have easy games an account away. Those are accounts that are considered in a numerical aspect by the matchmaker, that happen to have fundamentally false information, thus making the games so awfully volatile…

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This behaviour is indicative of bad supports. Breather instead of attacking because you aren’t being healed. The desperation charge when you are at 25% hp and no healing isn’t coming and shield is going down so you go for a yolo charge because you are going to die anyways and might as well try and pin someone with you.

Hi Chief,

Did you watch the vid? At the very least, I did write down that the hog is just about full health. A melee from either our Rein or our Hog would have ended their Rein, making it 5v3.

Also, I wrote (and the vid shows) that heal is half second away from our Rein’s face; this is an orb, so it would heal him on the way there and when it bounces off the wall (again, check the vid please). Rein charged away from heals that is coming towards him at eye level, so heal is very obviously coming (i.e. this is not an orb coming from behind).

Finally, I’ve said that these may be counted as unlucky mistakes. Well, the Rein charge anyways.

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So your rein gets pinned into a wall going to critical HP and your reaction is to right click their rein, and then when your rein charges at critical health you fade away from him?

Hi Chief,

Please watch the vid. A yellow orb was thrown towards our two tanks 0.25-0.50 seconds after enemy Rein charged past my left. Their Mercy was on their Hog, their Moira was out of range of their Rein to heal (she threw her yellow orb couple seconds earlier, so it’s on CD), our Hog was on their Rein, so it make sense to focus that target down at that time).

For my fading to reposition: Their Hog had killed our Genji/Reaper/Ana, as such, he’s been the biggest threat. Where I was before repositioning is no longer safe, so, I moved to get into a place where I am less likely to get hooked by Hog while healing the tanks. I don’t need to be 2 inches to our Rein’s back to heal him, but since I threw an orb already, I need to avoid having an enemy shield between me and our Rein so my yellow mist will not be blocked (please watch the vid to see what I mean).

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I feel this, I’ve gone from 2449 to 2207, only won 2 of the last 10 games. I lose no matter who I play or what I do, and it’s gotten very old. It doesn’t matter if I don’t do well, or if I’m 25-3 with 22k healing, I cannot win a game. Not to mention I have had 3 people who just leave/DC and the rest of the team follows, so free SR loss for me on those, and I’m honestly 10/10 sick of comp in this game. Not even a thank you or a card vote for top healing or immortality saves, nothing.

**make that 2183, now. 51 SR from plat, and now about to demote to silver because this matchmaking is literally hot garbage.

Heh, I’ve gone from 2700 to 1900. Granted, the last 100-200 was due to me testing the MM, so that’s on me, and I do feel bad about it.

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What other heroes do you play?

Funnily enough, even though Moira is considered opaf, I’m on 30% wins with her, and have stopped playing her.

I’m on 70%+ wins with Lucio and Zen. My stats with them are bad, but they provide other utility via discord, speed, hoops, etc.

Maybe that’s why I’m doing well with them? Maybe it’s cognitive bias as I remember both my dps swapping to hitsscan to counter Pharah (rarer than hens’ teeth) and not goofy team mate errors.

Another factor is adapting to what you got. When I crashed to 1700 my final tank game was Orisa on Anubis. At one point I won a 1v6 and killed 3 of the enemy team. My team ran past my barrier into the small room and enemy Reaper killed all 5…

After that game I realised that a lot of players at low elo just can’t be helped. So, onto Lucio, who I played as a wall riding Tracer with a heal aura. 80% win rate to gold.

I didn’t expect anything from my team mates. I just resolved to carry as hard as I could.

Tldr, don’t expect anything from anybody in silver. Gold is when basic competence emerges.
Try playing heroes that can win with bad stats. I’m doing great with my Lucio. Bopping enemy Reaper away all game doesn’t net much star wise, but greatly reduces the danger he presents.

Do you know why the Win Rate on overbuff is close to 50-60% and not 80-90%? Because the system will try to make you lose with a subpar team half of the time.
Don’t forget that you’re the only carry factor of the team. If you don’t carry correctly, you still end up with a lost.

Moira after the nerf lost a lot of her value. She can’t prevent deaths, and has no utilities. Beside healings, she doesn’t offer much.

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I was crap with her before the nerf. I was using her as a healbot and I wasn’t doing enough damage with her to justify her lack of utility.

Also very team dependent. One lost game I healed 18k and enemy Moira healed 27k. I used replay to view the game through their eyes. Only major difference was her team stuck together and mine constantly went on mad flanks…

I started out as Moira cuz husband says it’s a good way to learn how the game/players move/position. After that, I picked up hamster to deal with situations where teammates just stand at the choke eating damage, and to make mess on their backline. After that, I picked up Sym to help with situations where people are poorly aware of flankers. So I always start as Moira, and switch to try to adapt to current gameplay (These are the main toons. I have played a little bit of others). After the Role Queue update, this all went out the window, there’s no adjusting, just grind the game with what you have as a healer.

I play Bap or Lucio when we consistently wipe to avoidable Ults, but really, by that time, what’s the point, one’s just grinding away for a worst team in the next game. Really sad here. I don’t play Zen cuz that’s one of the husband’s treasured toon :slight_smile: And no, he didn’t carry me, I am higher ranked than he is, and I solo Q most of the time since our schedule doesn’t always coincide.

What I think, with a lot of these games, is that people are used to little heals? So they don’t capitalize when they do get heals. A lot of times, they don’t even know they are getting healed (Just miraculously stayed full health despite no shields and 2 people plummeting on you I guess?).

Two games ago, gold heals, gold dmg, gold elims… etc, and half the team is asking me to heal better (this is with a Mercy/Ana as second heal). Win the round, the 2nd healer locked in Moira, and team says that I should heal more. So, I went back to my strat of playing less well and picked Lucio. After three more rounds, I still out-healed the second player (this time I was a bit distracted by typing in chat), and got the only card on our team.

So I guess I should stop spending efforts on these flamers -some of which, even when the gameplay is recorded, can’t interpret fast enough. How can I even discuss something that’s as fleeting as the current game they are on… So sad.

Always believed that with time, people can be convinced of something as long as there’s sound reasons…… Thank you all for replies and reads.

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Main tank on critical health: check
Moira holding right click: check

This is the kind of stuff that is tilting to see as tank player in the kill feed.

Rein can’t do anything while on critical health except try for yolo or hold up shield and try not to die (assuming you have any barrier health left). Rein cleave does way more damage than your tickle. Maybe if you used your burst heal to get him past 50% he would have swung and killed their rein.

Not that in that particular circumstance do I think that decision caused you to lose the fight 3v6 is rough.