Losing rank is anti natural and should be removed

I was trying to be kind about it. But yeah.

No, you cant go below bronze 5 that’s impossible

This is untrue. There are a number of reasons your performance at something can be worse over time:

  1. As others have mentioned above, your body will degrade over time. reaction times will get worse. Muscles will age. etc.
  2. You can be out of practice. If you havent played in a while, your abilities will have degraded.
  3. This is partly tied to #2: You did not warm up. Everyone requires warmup to play at their best. You will not perform your best right away on the first match.
  4. You can build bad habits. Sometimes what you “learn” is actually not an improvement at all - something that may have worked one or two times teaches you a bad habit that actually becomes hard to break.
  5. You may be feeling differently that day. You could be sick, depressed, or maybe you just ate poorly that day (e.g. tons of sugar and you’re on a sugar crash, etc). These can affect your physical performance. Maybe you hopped on while drunk, who knows.
  6. Your mental health also plays a role - you can tilt over the course of games. Over the course of a night you may get worse just by being frustrated.M
  7. Your hardware changed in some way for the worse. For example, maybe your computer or monitor died and you’re playing on an older one getting lower frames or worse refresh rates/response times. Maybe your mouse died and now you’re playing on a office mouse from 2003 with the worst sensor ever. Maybe your internet is unreliable at the moment and you’re getting higher ping or network loss causing you to make different/worse plays.
  8. Probably most importantly: A PvP ladder is not static. Even if you dont get worse, others may improve faster than you. ELO is intended to be a distribution curve - not everyone can get to GM just by playing a lot. If everyone is GM then nobody is GM. So even if you didnt get worse, or stayed exactly the same, someone else may improve which means you’ll be playing agianst more opponents better than you, and your skill level relative to those people is now lower.

I probably even missed a few reasons.

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Ranks are percentile-based, not “skill” based. The player base also improves over time, a plat player a few years ago could be a silver now if they played the same way.

If you want to rank up, you have to improve faster than all other players in your rank to do so, and since ranks are percentiles based (e.g. Diamonds are top 10%, Master top 3%, GM is top 1%), NOT EVERYONE CAN BE GRANDMASTER. Not everyone can be top 10% of the playerbase.

If you’re improving slow (in the average pace), you’ll stay the same rank.


Blocked BlockedBlockedBlockedBlockedBlocked

This kid gonna have no one left to talk to soon, lol


A better explanation is, let’s say there are a mid-range priced carpenter. You work the same way the past 15 years but you gradually improve. Then suddenly there are carpenters in your area, that offer better services for the same price (they are also mid-range priced), if you want to stay competitive you will either have to lower the price of your services OR very quickly drastically improve.

You’re still as good as you were, but others around you are much better now, which relatively lowers your works monetary value for the time being. Additionally, you absolutely can become worse at something over time as well, LITERALLY JUST LOOK AT BLIZZARD.

But anyway, that’s what the point of the ranking system is, it’s not about your exact skill but how much better you are than a certain percentage of players. If the playerbase improves and you stay the same, you will drop.


Please explain in detail why almost all unranked to gm accounts climb with 80%+ winrates despite them supposedly being forced to lose and why you can’t do it too.


People are not giving you fallacies. You’re just saying “these are false equivalency fallacies” as a catch-all to pretend no counter-argument can exist to what you said.

Sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “BlockedBlockedBlockedBlockedBlockedBlocked” isn’t going to make these things untrue.

Also as a closing statement, while matchmaking is broken ATM, ya’ll need to understand something.

Yesterday’s plat is today’s silver, so if you stayed playing it throughout, you actually did improve. It’s the same way Olympic runners over the years got a lot faster, which doesn’t make the speed of those in earlier years any less impressive, just on a relative scale there are a lot more people who can run that fast now than in their time.

Ranks, divisions, et cetera, are all TRANSLATIONS of how much better you are the a certain percentage of the playerbase. Let’s say if you’re platinum it would give you the number “60%” rather than “2500/Plat 5”. Maybe you’d understand it better that way.

And hell no, you can not forever stay “60%”, of course you’re gonna drop because there are people also fighting to reach your number, it’s just that in the backend, it’s refreshed after each win/loss, and in the fronted after every 5 wins or 15 losses.

This is not a false equivalence, it’s literally how a PROPER Elo scale works. Imagine complaining about not being able to reach top 500 because there are only 500 slots.

Yes, it works that way for all ranks on a considerably larger scale.


They are literally just saying “that is a false equivallence fallacy” as a giant catch-all to any argument that goes against his initial statement so they don’t have to argue against it, and then ignoring/blocking anyone who makes a valid counter argument.


Ok lets remove gaining rank too then…

What is the point in gaining rank if you cannot lose it? means it only counts when you win so eventually everyone will get to GM

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No, that player claims his team mates are bad and that he’s better than them in said video (if it’s the same one) and also as a clip where he’s hitting a DVA bomb with hammer and then also moves around constantly when he finally puts up his shield to the point where it appears 1-2 of his team mates die because of it lol

There was no need to be this rude. I know some people have been… unkind in their replies to you, but I was not one of them, and you bit my head off.

If you don’t play this game anymore… why did you make this post? No, really, why? Unless you just wanted to scream at people and troll?


he’s got a thing for being on these forums and giving opinions and stuff… all about a game he doesn’t play anymore

i think he does, and he’s just embarrassed to admit it😖

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Giving opinions on stuff is one thing. It was the disproportionately vitriolic response that shocked me.

But yeah, I think maybe they’re still playing the occasional game on the side. I don’t think someone who isn’t playing would be this… um… passionate.

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Tons and I mean tons of people proved this guy wrong.

The guy doesn’t like skill-based matchmaking and calls part of skill based matchmaking algorithmic handicapping (which it couldn’t function without)

When asked for a solution he couldn’t give a solution that is free of algorithmic handicapping outside of player-run servers.

I gave him a solution (make a discord and run games via custom games) basically, a solution to all his issues… he still doesn’t play the game.

The reality is the guy quit 5+ years ago and imo wanted to feel like he mattered and it wasn’t his fault he was bad. (To be honest, it’s super interesting).

Don’t believe me… well he said this…

If you wanna trust the opinion of a person that thinks he is better than everyone on his team on every character and can compete with OWL players (I think he was silver) go for it. I’ll call it what is, some of the best copium OW has ever had.


you can’t just say some nonsense, claim anyone saying otherwise is doing a fallacy, and stick your fingers in your ears.

maybe this pitifully weak mental is why you’re deranking


No. Fact is, most if not all ranking systems find a general place for you and gradually start to narrow in on where you actually should be. If it places you above where you should be, you’ll rank down. If it places you below, you’ll rank up.

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Seems like guy either wants to troll, or can’t bare the fact that they can be wrong and that they can’t climb [faster than the playerbase average].

Even if the people are using a “false equivalence fallacy”, OP is using the fallacy-fallacy all throughout.