Tons and I mean tons of people proved this guy wrong.
The guy doesn’t like skill-based matchmaking and calls part of skill based matchmaking algorithmic handicapping (which it couldn’t function without)
When asked for a solution he couldn’t give a solution that is free of algorithmic handicapping outside of player-run servers.
I gave him a solution (make a discord and run games via custom games) basically, a solution to all his issues… he still doesn’t play the game.
The reality is the guy quit 5+ years ago and imo wanted to feel like he mattered and it wasn’t his fault he was bad. (To be honest, it’s super interesting).
Don’t believe me… well he said this…
If you wanna trust the opinion of a person that thinks he is better than everyone on his team on every character and can compete with OWL players (I think he was silver) go for it. I’ll call it what is, some of the best copium OW has ever had.