Losing rank is anti natural and should be removed

I honestly not even play this game anymore but I was thinking that the main “fault” of this MMR systems is that somehow you can become worse at the game and that is completely antinatural in fact many of you are very good players and know the game very well in all brackets.

It is impossible in real life to become worse at something you are always learning and improving, humans don’t suddenly de-age and become babies and don’t know how to walk anymore, I know many dishonest evil people already are thinking how to make a fallacy out of this saying people have suffered brain damage IRL or some people become psychologically in a bad spot and do become worse at what they do but first of all thats not the norm and secondly that is not happening naturally, something happened that disturbed the normal proccess so that is a false equivallence fallacy if you are going that way dont bother I will quote you this exact paragraph if you do and then block you.

But somehow in this game you are lets say Gold and after some amount of bad matches and losing forced losses due to the horrible MMR system that hadicapps the player:

(You seriously need to read this topic I linked its long but worth it, there is also a video format on that same topic)

… then now you are thrown into Bronze, HOW? that should not be possible, its not possible for anyone to become this much worse or worse at all at something they do constantly and practice daily.

This game is a team based game and you can ABSOLUTELY lose games due to a bad team, HELL you all know this to be true, the moment someone leaves the game that is basically an instant lose, meaning that the amount of players contributing DOES MATTER, so this system is not measuring your personal skill that is another part of the scam, this system is actually measuring the complete team and then if the entire team loses you all lose rank, thats dumb and completely unfair and not only that but a loss should absolutely not derank anyone just not increase your rank at all only wins should increase your rank.

You need to understand that what is happening here is nor real, it doesn’t have an equivalent in real life it is impossible to become worse at the game and this systems are completely unethical and made so you get addicted to chasing the carrot.

  • A “compromise” would be to do lower MMR but be it impossible to derank, meaning if you reach Gold for example you can derank in the Gold braket but never become Silver again that way you can still have players chasing that next rank but they would be protected from lowering their brakets either voluntarily or on purpose LIKE SMURFS DO.

Right now the system is bad for people and its unrealistic always increasing in rank also sounds unrealistic but it is much better than what we have.

  • Another option without deranking should be TESTS and in game test system that puts you against people of the next rank for a few matches and evaluates if you actually can rank up and if you win most of your matches on that test then you should go up.

But one issue with this type of games is that they never measure indivisual skill and measure entire team skill and that is wrong and also why it is hard to coem to solutions because team performance matter.

In general deranking should be removed it is bad for the people playing the game there should be other means to switch ranks its impossible for people to become worse at the game, only people that throw games on purpose should be moved to another category like the turd category where they dont disrupt other players.

A lot of bodily functions will naturally degrade over time. Not even in a ‘catastrophic injury’ sort of way: You’ll just get old.

As a result, many people get worse at certain things the older they get. It is well documented that your eyesight, hand-eye co-oridnation, and reaction times will get worse as you age.

You can also seemingly ‘get worse’ at things if you are learning: practicing something new, or have not played for a while. This usually evens out though and does not continue in steep decline.

We know that Overwatch has an absolutely dreadful matchmaking. And I am not going to even remotely refute that. However, it is not wise to have a competitive system where you can never de-rank.

Imagine just being able to buy a T500 account knowing that, no matter how badly you play, you’re never dropping out of T500.

When you have a competitive ladder the stakes need to be higher than the casual mode. The thing at stake in comp is your rank. If you could only gain rank and never lose it no matter how badly you play, there is no risk and the reward means less than nothing.

If you don’t like ‘chasing the carrot’, then don’t play the ‘chasing carrots mode’.


Video games in general are wasting your time away as life itself only gets worse from a functional standpoint. Be more picky about the way you waste said time, maybe?


I think this is actually interesting. The new Street Fighter doesn’t let you derank for Plat and below. You can lose points within that rank, but never drop down. You can in Diamond and Master.

In some board games, you can never drop an achieved rank. It’s kind of an honorary title.

I think in a game with a hard reset every season, it makes sense to allow deranking. A season of competition is designed to see where you end up at. What we have now is closer to gambling to me. Seasons don’t mean anything, the ranks are more or less a grouping by range that are getting less and less accurate.

I don’t know what the purpose of OW rank is besides chasing that dopamine hit.


An excellent summary, and I’ll only add one thing - a rating system isn’t actually a measure of your skill in a vacuum, it’s a measurement of your skill relative to the playerbase as a whole.

If you’re not improving as fast as your peers, your rating will slide, just like if you took a break of several months, you won’t be as sharp as someone who plays every day.


bro OP are you seriously advocating that dropping rank shouldnt be a thing? If you are gold and drop to bronze thats on YOU and not a “sometimes I do bad”


I cant be bothered to read this whole thing, especially once you linked that thread, but your original basis is very misguided.

First of all, your rank represents where you sit in relation to the rest of the playerbase, which in general, is always improving. So if you do not improve, you will fall behind.

Secondly, you absolutely can become worse at something. Esports players, for example, practice constantly. This isnt just an attempt to get better, they need to keep practicing to keep up their skills and maintain them.


Terminal case of skill issue. No, you’re not in a below average rank because of the system handicapping you. You’re there because you’re a below average player.


I think it’s fine for derank to exist, but they just need to make it less punishing in OW2 considering how team-dependent the game is and the state of the current matchmaker, which is especially chaotic and random in less populated regions.

I’m pretty sure the devs said that they don’t measure player’s performance anymore. So that means if the matchmaker messes up and pairs you up against smurf stacks, you’re probably losing full (invisible SR) because of it.

Also in other games like Valorant, whenever you lose but you’re out-performing everyone else in your team in terms of stats, you barely lose any RR (rank rating). In one of my games in Valorant, I only lost like -3 RR when there was an obvious smurf on the enemy team + I was the only one with decent k/d ratio.

That means I could afford to lose 33 matches if they were all determined to be unfair for me and I was performing well. But in Overwatch, you get punished severely for losing any game no matter how unbalanced it was and you derank quickly as result.

I guess the limitation with Overwatch is that k/d isn’t all that matters, so it might be harder for the system to detect who is performing well and who isn’t.


This is insanely delusional and just straight up not how life works, that’s video game logic. Skills get rusty over time, sometimes you forget how to do things, and many skills need you to actively seek improvement and learning and practice to get better, not just mindless grinding.

If anything mindlessly grinding something is often bad for complex tasks as it can reinforce bad habits.


They expect to just play many hours and get free elo or to leave the game for 2 years and come back with the same rank.

The copium is strong in this one.

skill issue

20 characters


Two things are wrong here…

  1. You can absolutely get worst at certain thing as you age. For example reflexes are getting worse as you age.
  2. Ranking system is not a measure of your skill in arbitrary sense. It is a relative to other players. And it is absolutely possible that you improve slower than others, hence people that were below you now are above you (and you derank as a result)!
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Please there are so many boosted people in GM right now I dont need any more

I was trying to be kind about it. But yeah.

No, you cant go below bronze 5 that’s impossible

This is untrue. There are a number of reasons your performance at something can be worse over time:

  1. As others have mentioned above, your body will degrade over time. reaction times will get worse. Muscles will age. etc.
  2. You can be out of practice. If you havent played in a while, your abilities will have degraded.
  3. This is partly tied to #2: You did not warm up. Everyone requires warmup to play at their best. You will not perform your best right away on the first match.
  4. You can build bad habits. Sometimes what you “learn” is actually not an improvement at all - something that may have worked one or two times teaches you a bad habit that actually becomes hard to break.
  5. You may be feeling differently that day. You could be sick, depressed, or maybe you just ate poorly that day (e.g. tons of sugar and you’re on a sugar crash, etc). These can affect your physical performance. Maybe you hopped on while drunk, who knows.
  6. Your mental health also plays a role - you can tilt over the course of games. Over the course of a night you may get worse just by being frustrated.M
  7. Your hardware changed in some way for the worse. For example, maybe your computer or monitor died and you’re playing on an older one getting lower frames or worse refresh rates/response times. Maybe your mouse died and now you’re playing on a office mouse from 2003 with the worst sensor ever. Maybe your internet is unreliable at the moment and you’re getting higher ping or network loss causing you to make different/worse plays.
  8. Probably most importantly: A PvP ladder is not static. Even if you dont get worse, others may improve faster than you. ELO is intended to be a distribution curve - not everyone can get to GM just by playing a lot. If everyone is GM then nobody is GM. So even if you didnt get worse, or stayed exactly the same, someone else may improve which means you’ll be playing agianst more opponents better than you, and your skill level relative to those people is now lower.

I probably even missed a few reasons.

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Ranks are percentile-based, not “skill” based. The player base also improves over time, a plat player a few years ago could be a silver now if they played the same way.

If you want to rank up, you have to improve faster than all other players in your rank to do so, and since ranks are percentiles based (e.g. Diamonds are top 10%, Master top 3%, GM is top 1%), NOT EVERYONE CAN BE GRANDMASTER. Not everyone can be top 10% of the playerbase.

If you’re improving slow (in the average pace), you’ll stay the same rank.


Blocked BlockedBlockedBlockedBlockedBlocked

This kid gonna have no one left to talk to soon, lol