Interesting, that just further confirms what I’ve been experiencing. I never felt this way in OW1 competitive.
Why do I need to “carry” to win? Why do I have to try 5-times harder than normal in order to just about survive and win?
I’ve played on my friend’s setup who is on gold, I’m a much higher rank player. It’s unbelievable how much I struggled because my team literally dies 2 seconds out of spawn. I remember waiting for my team to push in so I could EMP but the enemy team was just destroying them in their spawn.
I had to eradicate the enemy team going 38-9 whilst my other DPS was feeding the entirety of Argentina. So my question; why should a gold player try 5, or even 10 times harder, on the level of a Masters/Grandmaster, in order to win?
Scoreboard of that game if you’re interested:
You said a lot of things to simply say that losers que is real.
Ya it does happen to some extent I’ve found as I win more in comp, I lose more in QP. It’s almost like the game is seeing ok this player is higher skilled so let’s pair him up with lower skilled players in QP so you can help teach them or guide them to better gameplay. I don’t know exactly if the game is doing it, but I’ve definitely seen a trend where the quality of the players I’m being paired with has drastically decreased as I’ve played more comp. This isn’t me complaining about it btw I don’t really care about my wins or losses in QP, but it is interesting ha-ha.
But that means you are not getting a “losers queue” It is just the regular matchmaker doing regular matchmaking.
Matchmaking still sucks and in my case full br bs teams !
Dont worry man, stomps are perfectly fine in a game like this. It’s normal trust me, MAtch making is fine. IT’s not like it claims on both Unranked and Ranked ( funny they had to change it from Quick Play) SIMILAR SKILL on the dang thing before you select it.
It’s extremely unbalanced teams. Either win with ease or get stomped nothing in between
Also, suffer from a huge cheater problem
Blizzard doesn’t care. That’s the main problem
The devs said in 2 different places that they dialled this down/turned this off.
It was in the official patchnotes and in an interview
The game can’t stop your team from outplaying the enemy teams.
If your team meshes well, they’ll easily outplay a better team that refuses to play together.
It doesn’t change the fact that it was 1 of many forms of rigging.
If they had to paddle back on it because was giving away the rigging, who knows what else is rigged.
If you win a game that you are supposed to lose, the game will just give you even harder opposition and even worse team the next time.
Yesterday in QP i had a score 3/10 I think. In almost every game I had the highest score from my team. MM just gave me a headless chickens running back and forth with blank ammo. Yeah. Next days will be plenty win I guess
What’s funny is if the game wants you to win you will win regardless how bad you are, I had several games in a row where I did nothing because I was placed with literal gods in my team over and over for 5+ matches straight.
And if the game wants you to lose you WILL lose, they’ll just give you a new player in your team, a troll, or someone who’s just ridiculously bad at the game where the other team runs circles around them in stats.
This is what bugs me more than anything. Its not like they are bad, but they are this bad, that the point where I report most of them for trolling. DPS who stand 2-20 or supports with 6k damage and barely 2k heal as Bap… like why am I playing with those people? I completly understand that I am not the best player, but when my performance is always at an equal level and my team mates vary from like people who try, people who are new, people who troll and smurfs, with that I roll the enemy even if I AFK, then something is wrong.
Can you tell me what rank you are playing? I play at Plat and I just tell myself “its just the rank where people get thrown in from the get-go, so they will rank up or down and I am just the cursed who has to deal with them”.
Seems like I am the endboss of Mid Plat people have to go through… the last time I felt like I was at my correct rank with performing as good as others on my team was mid to high diamond…
If you win a match, your mmr goes up.
When your mmr goes up, you face people with higher mmr.
If the mmr works, you will eventually face people who are better at the game than you are and you lose against them.
The problem is not the enemies you face and rather the potatoes of teammates who should charge their mouse, turn their monitor on and turn on the audio!
Some people can get carried to mmr they shouldn’t be at.
If you manage to win with a 2/15 dps on your team, you have carried them. But no one wants to intentionally loose if their teammates aren’t performing.
The next person who gets that 2/15 dps on their team, is just unlucky.
It does go up but probably not as much as you think it does and if you are getting rolled that is even more evident.
The only time matchmaking is excused to be that bad is if an accounts new. Stomps shouldn’t be the norm for a hard stuck account.
The problem is the consistency and I am not overreacting when I say that this happens every second game. If by some miracle all of the teammates are not negative, feeding and just perform basic functions of their role I can work with that, have a good time and have a chance of winning.
But the sheer volume of people who are at the wrong rank is crazy! I think all people should start in bronze and climb up. To put them in the middle, where they can spread out their incompetence is complete BS. I am sure this is completly selfish, but at some point its laughable.
+1, Loss queue is real and the loss streak.