Lootboxes still addicting

Why can’t I stop trying to get them? I kept playing until I got 5 from the event and 1 from weekly.

And I almost spent coins to skip the bp to get a legendary box, because I got so fixated on getting more.

Good thing they’re not selling lootboxes, because they’re definitely still addicting.

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Seeing what others are getting from their lootboxes is not having a healthy effect on me :skull:

Let’s go gambling! Aw dammit, aw dammit, aw dammit


If it makes you feel better, you’re more likely to get bad drops if you don’t own most of the skins and stuff already from ow1 lootboxes.

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And yet the shills defend and demand this rubbish came back.

Shame on them.

Because you re weak thats why you cant stop , remember a couple weeks ago when you were laughing at gambling streamers ? You re no better :rage:

This is going to blow your mind but, the vast majority of people demanding this system back are NOT shills my guy.

You can check the 2022 posts when they said lootboxes were eliminated and game going F2P and see how literally 99% of the players were against it lol.

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They aren’t knowingly doing it. But they are doing it.

The amount of times people, including myself, get called “shills” for simply disagreeing that something is problematic, then this happens is quite funny to me.

No beef, if you want loot boxes back, you got your wish. But you’re shilling, and you are saying you don’t care about the issues surrounding it. Which is completely your prerogative.

And you’re right. The majority wanted them to return. But the majority of gamers don’t think past themselves.

Erm … sure I guess? but not really.

The whole point of calling someone a Shill, is to point out that person is willingly, and knowingly, advocating for the company ONLY … on purpose.

Sure that indirectly, asking for loot boxes AND being able to buy it again benefits the company but then again, as you said, the main focus is them getting the skins for a cheaper trade (which we all know it is) so I don’t think that works :thinking:


If you ignore the legal issues, and the moral implications of introducing minors to gambling…

There should be outrage at blizzard actively screwing players over. In Belgium, players are being charged the same price for a BP, but don’t get the loot boxes (as they are illegal).

Given how a few people were upset that Chinese players got things they didn’t… Why aren’t they upset when people can’t access what they can… Or at least be compensated for it…

Oh yeah. That’s probably why…

I just got all the boxes in one day of playing. I never even look at the pass so i don’t know when i could be getting boxes from there.

And the opening animation is lackluster enough to make me feel disappointed even before i see what i get XD

Just don’t look at any shop stuff, nor the pass rewards and you won’t be tempted to buy any of that stuff.

As a professional Belgian, this isn’t a big deal at all, I still got good stuff from the free boxes and this bp is mid anyways.

Oh, yeah I totally agree. Its not a big deal.

But Belgian players should at least get a discount on the BP (probably far easier than doing a separate BP for them).

Ultimately if player gets things they want, they won’t really care about the moral implications of that. So I am very much shouting at a wall on this one tbf. Doubly so given that the vast majority of the players on here are American.

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Just have self-control. It’s wild to me that people think that others are responsible for their own lack of restraint.

Why wouldn’t people defend these new lootboxes? In my eyes, the dodgy aspect of ye olde OW1 lootboxes was that they could be purchased for money. The new lootboxes can’t, so the fact that it’s fun to earn them dosn’t really seem like a problem.

If anything, it seems to highlight how unsatisfactory the battle pass system feels in comparison but since we have both, we’re getting the best of both worlds.


A misconception. Whilst some aren’t. Some are. They are in the purchased battle pass.

Also, the rules in certain countries did not come in because of buying or not buying. They came in because children play the game. Free or not, they took a very dim view to allowing children to gamble and the dangers involved.

In the UK, the gambling commission did a report… “In early 2016 we identified loot boxes as a potential risk to children and young people as part of a wider review on our concerns around video games and gambling themes, resulting in publication of a position paper” (essentially telling government they should be outlawed, but EA made a donation to the government and strangely, it didn’t happen (in the UK that is))

So, you like loot boxes and are happy with them. Fine. Not an issue.

But, you should understand better why they are problematic. If you do, then still decide you don’t care and are happy with them. More power to you.

I guess a lot will be dictated by life experiences. I’ve seen the destruction gambling can do to a family. Hopefully you haven’t, and never will.

Especially when I saw that Reddit post of someone getting Hardlight Reaper guns and another getting Junkrat Legendary Weapon skin. Plus it no longer feels like “I must buy this skin NOW even if I don’t like it that much” for skins like Sentai Hanzo. Now I just say, I’ll get x, y and z but hopefully get Sentai Hanzo in a lootbox next season. Especially hoping to get those Winter white and orange skins. Forgot what they’re called, polar or something?

Presumably that report was talking about paid-for lootboxes and not current OW lootboxes.

Without buying lootboxes, children aren’t gambling. They’re getting random rewards from a video game for playing a video game.

As for lootboxes being in the battlepass: I’m fine with that because a person’s only buying one battlepass. The skeevy part of paid-for lootboxes is continuously paying money for uncertain returns. As part of a battlepass, lootboxes are just a neat little extra on top of the skins and prisms.

I don’t think me or mine are in any danger of succumbing to a fierce gambling addiction because of Overwatch’s unpurchasable lootboxes any more than they are from hit indie game Balatro. I got given that game for Christmas and man, is it ever a good time. My nephews all tried it out and agreed. But none of us are planning on going to Vegas any time soon.

Nope. Just loot boxes. Paid for is irrelevant in this case.

It’s about introducing them to gambling. And gambling mechanics.

As I said.

I do think past myself, I just think that you’re going overboard with free lootboxes acting like a gateway drug to gambling. It’s really not uncommon for families to play actual card games with a fake pot and yet there’s no outrage over that, and for good reason.

Indeed. But that’s a parents choice. If they aren’t aware, it isn’t their choice.

Look, you want to shill for blizzard and white knight their decisions, that’s you’re choice.

But, you’re being sucked in by engagement based tactics that the forms have long complained about. It’s the faux selective rage I find funny on the forums.