Looks like Kiriko will have the next Mythic Skin

This is the correct answer.

That pattern being 2 new heroes in a row therefore every other mythic skin will be a new hero? Genji was the first mythic and he’s a veteran hero. From a profits pov, it would make sense to make the next “big ticket skin” or whatever to be the newest support hero, especially considering we got a dps and a tank and Kiriko is extremely popular. I’ve seen you complain about skin things before. I bet you’re just sad that mercy didn’t get a skin, even though she got one 2 seasons in a row already, this seasons skin being the epic that hasn’t appeared in the shop yet.

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As much as I wanted it to be Ana (genuinely thought it would be since she’s blizz’s favourite) it does make more sense for it to be kiri… makes it more profitable. Also, that’s a good skin, can’t lie

The pattern is clear, mythical skins have become an exclusive item for new heroes, Genji was the exception, the first and last veteran hero to get mythical skin.

There is no pattern. We have gotten 2 mythic skins. The Kiriko skin isn’t even confirmed to be the mythic. Even if it is, how does that prove that from this point forward every single mythic that comes out will be for a new hero? Even if they wanted to make the mythic skin for a new hero every single time, what happens during the season there is no new hero? Assuming that they do Mythic skins for only the new heroes, S2 JQ, S3 kiriko, S4 new hero, S5 sojourn, s6 new hero, S7 ramattra, then season 8? Original 32. You’re just mad that Mercy didn’t get another skin. I would have rathered that Reinhardt got the Zeus skin instead of JQ, but that’s my bias.


If there is a pattern and it is totally clear.

T5 - Ramattra
S6 - New Hero S4
S7 - New Hero S6

and this will be so, the pattern is already established, mythical skins have become exclusive items only for new heroes.

Funny how you left out season 8. The season that would be forced to be a legacy hero. Then season 9 would be THAT new hero, then 10 would be another legacy hero.

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S8 is 2024, and continue the same pattern.

What new hero would be the mythic skin for season 8, exactly?

At the end of this year there is a new TANK, you already have the mythical skin of the S8.

Its not possible forever because we get twice the amount of seasons than heroes. Maybe they expect the game to die before season 10 :U

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girl, RELAX. we know you want a Mercy mythic skin, and she will get one EVENTUALLY. until then, CALM. DOWN. you’re making all of us Mercy players look bad.


My fault. I missed a season, but my point still stands. The first season that they dont have a new hero to make a mythic skin for would be after ramattra and sojourn get a skin, that being Season 9. I had it wrong when I said season 8.
Season 1: Genji
Season 2: JQ
Season 3: Kiriko
Season 4: New hero
Season 5: Sojourn
Season 6: New hero
Season 7: Ramattra
Season 8: New hero
Season 9: Legacy hero

She’s powerful and she’s fun. Ana has always had a high pick rate even when she’s not meta.

I get why people like Mercy. She’s easy to pick up but she has a decent skill ceiling. She also isn’t aim intensive

That being said, she’s a passive hero. Kiriko and Ana are very active in both damage and healing. They also have game playing abilities in anti and suzu.

It also doesn’t hurt that she’s another really pretty support. Hot characters are more popular than characters who aren’t hot.

Mercy, Widow, Kiriko, DVa, etc. are all hot and are unsurprisingly very popular.

At no time have I mentioned Mercy, I’m saying that it’s unfair that new heroes get the mythical skin, by this pattern, how many years will it take for veterans to get mythical skins? Genji was the first and the last.

They really should do 2 per season. At this rate, most heroes won’t end up getting one.


That’s a nice skin. Not 100% convinced it’s Mythic though as I’m not sure what the variation would be. I like it either way.

A lot of people saying Amaterasu here, probably is because she is probably the most well known of the Shinto deities, but my gut reaction was Himiko. Probably not Izanami because she isn’t normally portrayed like that. Or maybe it’s just called Kami…

Doesn’t really matter I guess.


If Hawnu doesn´t see mercy getting this new mythic skin she will breakdown in tears


Wouldn’t Inari make more sense?