[LONG POST] Pharah is becoming underpowered & underrepresented hero in this game right now

I feel pharah needs a very minor rework more than she needs any immediate / direct buffs.


She really is fine now, back when her gun was really bad 5 shots and a very slow fire rate. Now her dps is even higher than ever and flies safely in the air dealing massive damage to shields and the enemy team. A good pharah can predict shots and take out snipers if close enough before getting killed. She hasn’t had any nerfs only buffs before.

Pharah has been one of my all time favourite heroes, both in lore and in play, but the only time I can actually play Pharah is for about a hot 25 seconds against a squishy no hitscan team (e.g Rein, Zarya, Junk, Sym, Mercy, Lucio), and then when they come back from spawn as a team of full hit scan/long range, you have to switch off anyway. Unless, by chance, they are the world’s worst hit scan.

I love Pharah so much, and the theories that Echo will be a Pharah-like flying support devastates me. Because, Pharah is so in the garbage right now, if Echo is a flying support she will receive the same treatment without some serious mid air control.

This would be a really good movement ability for her to have.

Also I still want Rocket Barrage to be cancel-able.

Also, I know that ground Pharah is actually fairly viable. But so is Battle Mercy. It can work but it’s not ideal.


Her booster should fly the direction you are looking.

And it should have 2 charges…with a GCD inbetween boosts (1 sec).

Yeah ground Pharah sucks mainly because its extremely difficult to accurately shoot at the ground for splash damage if you’re already on the ground, unless you are right up close but that means you’re taking self-damage

If you’re standing on ground and miss a rocket, it will usually go sailing past them and do nothing

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I think Pharah’s one of those “We won’t touch her until OW2” cases, just like Bastion.

Playing ground Pharah is possible, but teammates may complain why you play her like that or just switch to other ground projectile DPS, like Hanzo, Mei, Junkrat, etc.
Staying on the ground isn’t also safe from dives like Doomfist, Tracer, Genji. I would pick Mei instead.

You’re right. I do encounter Dooms who’re insane with map rollouts and able to catch airborne Pharah.
Some non-hitscan heroes like Genji, Zenyatta… I’ve also seen insane players who can contest/beat Pharahs like child’s play.

Ashe & S:76 are balanced heroes that’re okay to be deal against.
Countering Widow is pretty the same, although her longer grapple cooldown CD makes us lives easier. Back when 8 second cooldown, not able to kill Widowmaker without grapple… it’s more like the attacker’s problem unless Widowmaker was pocketed by Mercy.

Yes, new Mccree & current Hanzo really shreds Pharah.

Pre-buff Baptiste wasn’t hard to be deal against, Pharah can two-shot the Immortality field or boop him out of it. But current Baptiste’s DPS really hurt Pharah.

Vertical mobility buff or splash damage buff can be nice because Pharah excels vertical mobility and AOE damage.

These moments happened usually because Junkrat ‘sneak-attacked’ Pharah. If Pharah knew his presence, then it will usually end up differently.

Stay in the sky is like begging yourself to be solo-ulted by Deadeye, Tac Visor.
Stay in the sky also means Pharah was away from her team utilities like Heals, Shields unless her teammates enable her like a goddess.

In fact, strong enabling teammates can literally make any heroes look ‘OP’.


im sorry but if they solo ult a pharah…then that benefits your team xD

also fact those arent up for msot of the games duration.

This narrative needs to stop.

It’s not true. The stats do not back this up.


No please, she makes half of the playable cast completely useless when she’s meta.

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That’s 6 out of 31, or 19%, not 50% like people lazily claim. Im just tired of people claiming HaLf oF tHe CaSt LiTeRaLLy CaNt InTeRaCt WiTh A pHaRah


It’s the same over exaggeration they do for genju counters

Any Hero that kills Genju now counters him. …

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This is where you’re all wrong. Masters pharah here. The fire rate/dmg reduction back a while ago was a massive nerf, not a buff in any way. She shoots faster, and in return her splash gets gutted. Before you could kill with max splash+ direct, but now you’re required to hit double direct. Not only, the firerate buff means nothing because good pharahs take their time in between shots to aim the projectile. No pharah holds down m1, unless it’s at a choke. Her dps is not in any way “higher than ever.”

Also, flying in the air is anything but safe. When you are in the air, you are completely vulnerable. Ground pharah is the safest way to play, but then she’s completely useless. With all the healing in the game, her spam damage is basically useless only feeding the enemy baptiste’s ult even faster. She builds barrage as well, but barrage is basically a suicide button anyways.

And vs snipers, they can take you in one shot at any range while you have to flank, get close, and hit two consecutive directs. Any good snipers will take you out instantly, or hook/lunge away and get peel from their team. You surviving completely depends on the enemy being bad, and that’s not something you can constantly rely on. Pharah is just bad.


Dont forget the other splash nerf from that patch, the one to splash boop. Before the nerf you could chain splash on someone because it put them on very predictable arcs every time, but now they recover back on their feet instantly

No… even 1 kill with near useless ults like Deadeye or Visor is insanely valuable. One of the dps are now down, and your team can easily push in and win the fight.

And any good mccree will build deadeye very fast.


Exactly this. Shes being left in the dust and holds So. Much. Potential. In both gameplay and lore. One of the most badass designed characters too. Total waste


There’s usually a Mercy hanging out there too.

I mean even when youre hitscan pharmercy is still an annoying thing to deal with, she gets healed with every shot unless you hit 2 perfect hs as cree

Any DPS + Mercy duo is annoying to deal with.

Like I’m Winston, and I can’t deal efficiently against pocket-healed Genji/Widowmaker.

I’m Pharah, doesn’t mean I can deal efficiently against any pocket-healed 200hp hero unless I land 2 successive direct hits.

With addition of new healers, abusing burst heals or heal rates becomes a thing when a team runs Ana + Mercy/Baptiste duo. Enemies become unkillable, thus players will prefer choosing heroes that are able to one-shot squishy (e.g Doomfist, Hanzo & Widowmaker) in order to counter stack heals.

I agree with this. Zenyatta has decent-fast fire rate but it’s still difficult to land his orbs, because spamming projectiles isn’t recommended unless breaking shields.
Spamming projectiles will make enemies notice your firing pattern and they will move in other direction every time when the projectile hero shoots.


Are you crazy? How many nerfs Mercy has to suffer, until she is officially dead and no longer gives you “problems”? :woman_facepalming:

Because she is “unfun to fight against”. Even while Pharah lacks any ways to move in horizontal directions to dodge fire with sufficient speed.

Personally, I find Genji and other mobile heroes much more “unfun to fight against”. As they will get you everywhere, except high in the air.