[LONG POST] Pharah is becoming underpowered & underrepresented hero in this game right now

I didn’t say anything about nerf Mercy.
I point this out because some people always bring out PharMercy combo as a way to say Pharah isn’t weak but ignoring the fact Mercy enables all casts and never talks about how ‘oppressive’ other heroes could be when pocket-healed.


If you need hero to be pocketed to be viable, that hero is in trash state. Thought it was common sense.


Fully agree! she either needs a rework or needs better survivability


think she needs a really slight rework to how her flight works to make her more interactive for the whole roster of heroes. Don’t want her to be changed much though, shes fun as she is. Its sad to see heroes get reworked when you love them as they are

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Still as pharmercy you need to switch to hitscan anyways, if its a pocket genii you can still play whataver you want just focus the mercy, as pharmercy you cant focus it or counter it unless you go hitscan

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Hitscans sometimes aren’t completely necessary. Some players are insane with non-hitscan heroes could still counter Pharah easily.

Like Doomfist who’s insane with map roll outs and he could eat airborne Pharah.
Some projectile experts like Hanzo, Mei, Genji, Zenyatta… they could still constantly land hits on Pharah and force her out of the sky or kill her successfully.
(Pharah’s hitbox is large, she’s slow & predictable while hovering and players generally aim at her feet as Pharah descends gradually.)

Shooting Mercy is always challenging when you’re against a team that don’t cheese themselves together, such as Dives instead of just pairing with Pharah.
Scattered teams allow Mercy constantly switch positions, like snipers in the back also allow Mercy disengage from the front.
Plus, that Mercy super jump grants herself aerial mobility. Mercy could also constantly fly when pairing with Winston/DVA, so… not just Pharah.


They can’t buff her without her dominating console so I think it would have to be a separate patch


I thought console has aim assist that makes players’ lives a bit more easier when playing against Pharah & other mobile heroes.

Mercy + Pharah is not inherently stronger than Mercy + literally any other DPS. The only reason it is, is because it requires aim to deal with. Pharmercy has a number of counters in high ranks. Maybe less so in low ranks, but that’s why people pick easy heroes because they don’t necessarily know how to play the game, so heroes like Moira are must-picks.

Like, Pharah is weak to almost everything in the game currently, but people still hate Pharmercy because pocketing is the issue, not Pharah. Does that mean Mercy should be nerfed because the synergy is “too strong?” If anything it says more about Pharah’s traits than Mercy, if she’s only viable when Mercy is being played and a throw pick when she isn’t. This is also considering that Mercy isn’t the top support atm.


I wonder how other heroes + Mercy duos that don’t require aim to be dealt with?
Sure, Winston/Moira can beam jumpy Genji down but their low damage barely does a thing to pocket-healed Genji (until your teammate Ana anti-healed him), thus they’re basically feeding Mercy’s ult charge.
Sure, Mei can freeze him but good Genjis always save his dash to disengage.
If they choose to beam Mercy, Mercy could simply fly back to her backline and get healed by other healer.

Sniper + Mercy duo, again diving Winston can’t really kill them as they’re pocket-healed and your teammate has Ana very low chance to land anti-heal on them across the map. Winston doesn’t necessarily counter Snipers:

  • Winston dives on Widowmaker, she will grapple away and starts sniping again. And Winston just sits in the bubble.
  • Hanzo will lunge away or feeds him Storm arrows.
  • Ashe has Coachgun to knock the dive away.
    (The most common tip against Winston is get out & keep a distance from his bubble because he usually chooses to stay inside instead of follow.)

In some maps, there’s no way that the dives could contest Widowmaker if she’s far away from the teamfight as she would either kill/cripple the dive before they initiate their jump. Her sole counter is having better Widowmaker, a highly aim-dependent hero.

The best way to counter a pocket-healed target target is Ana’s anti-heal, but she doesn’t always have it as the cooldown ability is long.
High burst, One-shot damage heroes or Roadhog can be great counters if they’re all have great aiming, prediction skills.
With Zen’s discord on the pocket-healed target & Mercy’s damage boost on your teammate high-damage hero, a pocket-healed target can be dealt with effectively too.

Currently Baptiste is strong that he outputs more heals in teams that group up a lot. Mercy can’t heal multiple targets unless she ults. So far…
Only Mercy pairs greatly with Pharah.
Zenyatta pairs fairly well with Pharah.
Ana… depends on the player.
Lucio & Brigitte works mediocre with Pharah.
Baptiste & Moira works poorly with Pharah.

Perhaps Echo… another flying Support that can combo well with Pharah?

Brigitte + Pharah is underrated. Armour packs are arguably better than healing beam in some cases. The tradeoff is really Mercy’s damage boost vs Brig’s general utility and presence in the fight.

It depends how well Brigitte player plays. It’s bad if she fails to keep her Inspire up and the amount of her repair kit is limited.

Like if your team doesn’t have enough heals to keep the Tanks healthy, Brigitte isn’t likely to be picked. Ana is a character that everyone welcomes due to her strong heals and kits.

You could say that about anyone. Anyway, I’m not saying she’s a perfect substitute in all cases, just that she’s a better substitute than a lot of people seem to think she is.

True. I seldom see Brigitte in plays now as a lot of healing resources are required to keep the team healthy. With so many shields… and Brigitte can’t stun/whipshot players through them.

Personally, my biggest threat when I play as Mei or Brig will be Pharah. Even now.

A good Pharah makes my life very difficult.

the biggest problem with pharmercy unless your a widowmaker god it will take two hitscan to outdps the heal.

pharmercy is still pretty aids its just not played a lot.


Pharah is strong with Mercy, so it makes no sense to buff Pharah without somehow destroying the synergy there. People would be complaining a lot more about overpowered Pharah than they complain now about Pharah being weak without pocket med.

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Putting GA behind a separately balanced resource meter would do it, but godspeed suggesting anything Mercy.

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Hitscan + Zen’s discord on Pharah can cripple pocket-healed Pharah.

Hitscan + Mercy duo is also an ideal counter to PharMercy.

Orisa’s static shield enables shooters a lot until the barrier nerf hits.
DVA can constantly protect her teammates with Defense matrix from Pharah’s rockets.
Even a competent Roadhog can hook her from the sky due to her slow, predictable air movement.

In some maps, the skyboxes are low enough for Zarya’s beam & Sombra’s Hack (15 metres) to touch Pharah, thus hitscans aren’t completely necessary.

And again, no one talks about how strong other heroes could be when pocket-healed by Mercy.

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Because other heroes can be pocketed with other healers, for much stronger results. But it’s difficult to pocket Pharah as other healer, and Pharmercy can effectively stay out of reach for most flankers for a while.