@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

I main Mercy, but I’m not clicking that.

You mean the Aria Rose video?

If so - good call


I wish there was a way I could PM you…would love to get the input of a sensible GM player on a few things

ah well

you have discord at all?

I dont use discord at the moment, but could

probably not advisable to post any personal or account info here

You can add each other’s battletag and talk that way through battle.net.

im on the forums a lot just het me up if you need info

true they could add this account and I could answer stuff through the messages there

At this point not even Lara Croft can relocate it.

That ship has sailed already. Vocal whining is what got Mercy reworked in the first place.

Aria Rose has no idea what she’s talking about.

Of course it’s a buff. This is just clickbait.
However, it’s not nearly enough. Mercy will still be the worst healer in the game.

Blizzard really thinks that changing some of the characters we’ve complained about the most in extremely minor ways will shut us up. *sigh* :unamused:

Also yeah this is a buff. But it’s a buff that puts a bandaid on an unneeded nerf. Thus why it’s despised. Mercy’s healing did not need to be nerfed. BS rez on cooldown is what needed to be removed but Blizz refuses to lose their precious CD rez and would rather break Mercy’s kit to accommodate for it and since Rez has to be made into an utter chore to use to balance it this whole rework is rage inducing.

To put it briefly, it’s a buff to live Mercy, but she’s worse than she was a few months ago, before they nerfed her healing output.

Well no duh.

Do people actually expect to get Double Res Mercy back?

No? Honestly I just wanted 60hps mercy with an instant rez in Valk (as in if rez is up it’s instant in valk). That’s it. I was okay with her state before the health nerf. My only issue was Valk was boring.

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No, we just expect her not to suck. These changes are so minor that they barely make a difference. Mercy will still be the worst support hero in the game.

Here are my ideas for fixing Mercy (from this thread). They involve removing Resurrect altogether.

She’s already better than Moira, and getting a healing nerf revert and a buff on top of that will make her even better.

She’s not as good as Ana, sure, but that doesn’t mean she’s weak. It just means Ana is busted.

When Ana gets nerfed, or other heroes get changed to make the meta more Dive/Sniper orientated again, Mercy will come right back as Ana gets pushed out.

She’s not better than Moira. Moira outheals Mercy by far, and her Ultimate is actually engaging and makes an impact; plus, she can heal allies and damage enemies at the same time.

Moira can also use her movement ability and escape without relying on her teammates. Fade is amazing.

Ana doesn’t need any more than a slight nerf to Nano Boost’s healing output. Mercy needs actual, proper, impactful buffs.

You will never be her friend OP.
She just uses you for views.

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I thought Mercy mains are trying to be all positive and not toxic, but this is incredibly toxic. You’re going against the whole Mercy mantra aren’t you?

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