@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

Whether you call it a revert or a buff, they still made something better.
Hence, a buff.
They’re just getting picky about the name and crying about the ultimate.

You cant decide which support is the strongest only by looking at their healing per game

Its not, its really not
Its as statisfying as Valk, the only diffrence is that you have to aim (woohoo!) and it tickles enemies but Coalessence doesnt give you the “wow, I jus did an ameizing job right there”-feeling either
What makes Moira so much more statisfying is the speed with which you can build up your ult, its not the ult itself. Proper use of her orbs and great knowledge of when to heal and when to damage can let you build up 200% Ult charge in a single teamfight and thats pretty much where most statisfaction comes from

but she can do it only once every 6 second while Mercy can bunny hop around her team 24/7 dodging a Tracer chasing you for a whole teamfight. If the same Tracer tracks your Moiras fade your Moira is dead
Mercy and Moira do have 2 completly diffrent ways of moving around the map, you cant compare them

She doesnt. They should take a look at rezz, how they can remove the cooldown and reduce the casttime without making it OP again but apart from that I think shes pretty balanced
Her main issue is that 2 second cast time that takes away all her momentum - the very core of her kit - but without it she would end up being OP again ~

You’re wrong. Can someone else step in for me, please? I’m so tired of typing the same things over and over.

I was shocked there was already a video about the PTR Mercy changes so when I clicked the video in curiosity my instant reaction when I heard the voice was “UGGGHHHHH not this whiney girl again.” :tired_face:

I like how they are putting power into her ult… She seems balanced now but doesn’t fix the fact that rez on E feels awful and shes still boring to play.

  1. What the heck, it is a buff. A change can be a buff and a revert simultaneously, it’s literally a net gain on her current live kit, therefore it is a buff. I thought that was fire-is-hot obvious?

  2. Even if you want to ugly nitpick about the words used, it still is a buff. the 15% ult charge gain rate affects her damage boost and pistol too, this is not a revert in any regard at all

I understand this not being the change mercy mains wanted, but like? Come on y’all this is embarrassing


Thank you for showing you lack both the ability to read and the ability to write.

I mentioned that she was a must pick for the year leading up to her 50HPS nerf. I said that a lot of the people currently playing the game were not even around for her mass res. I said nothing about her state before the revert which I know to be weak. Good job destroying an “arguement” I didn’t make! Compelling stuff


Oh my god.
Her healing has increased during Valk
Valk now charges faster
I don’t understand how it’s not a buff.


I mean she was must pick for a year with 60HPS. The +12 months directly before her nerf to 50HPS.

I agree it was bad game design (but this is OW so I mean it’s kinda expected) to buff Ana while giving Mercy a nerf. I would have liked to see how just the buff to Ana would have played out. Frankly I think she’s over buffed since her ult is effectively 450 instant HP. Would prefer baseline 150-200 base to encourage more use on damage than tanks.

That said I’m sure it’s on their minds that if they go to 60HPS it could be enough to make her must pick or wreck the pretty balanced use of supports (outside Ana) that we have now. Everyone can second slot which is probably a big improvement in their eyes even though having Ana as a must pick obviously isn’t as good as having no must-picks. Given it took so many nerfs to move her out of that they probably are nervous. That’s why I think people expected 55HPS first to test the waters. Her announced buff is like a slightly worse version of 55HPS. She will gain ult faster than a move to 55HPS (10% extra charge if 55HPS at best, but probably closer to 6%) and heal higher in Valk but heal lower out of Valk than if a 55HPS change had been moved in.

I expect she will get another small buff if her win and pick rates don’t pick up after this change (and I don’t they will shift much after the first week of people trying her out). That said I don’t think it’s irresponsible for them to move lightly and try to avoid creating the same support meta they had for so long.

As for the mercy rework to begin with. Maybe you’re right and it was just a vocal minority that caused it. Maybe they didn’t like it from a gameplay standpoint. The only time I’ve seen it much in action was a video of a 2CP game where there was literally 5 min straight overtime because of mass res. Frankly a multi res sounds pretty amazing - like to the point that I think with how much better players are now it would be even better than a CD res if the comp players now got it.

But maybe first pick reversion with no ult charge required is always gonna be better than that. Either it would be very very strong or as people here argue she’d be a throw pick like she was before. If it’s the second and you’re arguing for a design that makes the hero less viable but that you personally enjoyed more it would be similar to a Torb or Sym main demanding a revert… except like instead of that happening once a month it would be 3 times a day. I guess you can keep holding out hope, but I doubt they’ll budge for a couple hundred players.

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Just because it is a “Partial revert” does not mean it is not a buff.
The numbers got tweaked for the better therefore


be thankful that you got a buff after only a month of complaining. Reaper got one after almost 2 years of being F-tier and Roadhog mains have been almost completely ignored by a majority of players and devs for a year and 5 months.


How is it not a buff?

Yes, they reverted a nerf. But they also reduced the ultimate cost.

How is it not a buff?


RIP Titanium and the books they used to write on this same topic…


It is a buff in the right direction /thread

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way to undercut a struggle, try a year +.

Oh boy, the lead cultist herself has made another video.

It’s a buff, literally. It might not be a big one, but calling it anything else is is ridiculous. Her output during ult was INCREASED and the ult charge required for her ultimate was REDUCED. Both of these parameter adjustments made her objectively stronger.

They are buffs.

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Its literally the same as before the nerfs to her 50hps.

^ This

I mean I’m pretty sure you were asked to share the video but yeah :man_shrugging:

Let’s not make her out to be Rosa Parks just yet.


And again. The Overwatch team completely missed what Mercy players have been saying for a long time.