@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

In other words, you can’t answer the question. That’s fine then. :blush: Resorting to ad hominem is a bit low though, don’t you think?

Inb4 emojis are condescending amirite?

that said, gotta also love the “logic” that if a player has an icon for a given character, then that player ONLY plays that one character

just stunning


You have demonstrated insufficient grasp of the english language to be replied to with anything but this statement

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guess anyone with a patchimari icon plays patchimari now?

see previous response

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It is a response to your previous response.

no, if you have a Pachimari icon, you flex, since it isnt one of the characters

see previous response

I thought people with the Overwatch icon was flex tho

What am I responding to then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: actually, nvm. Good night.

see previous response

thats right - if you use the OW icon, you are at minimum master level on all characters

you must be awesome, dude

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Just a FYI, Her healing out put was 50/s on release before it got buffed couple of months later to 60, which was reverted years later and then reverted the revert with this PTR patch notes.

I’m surprised she ignored this at all in her video.

You are still correct though.


wouldn’t fit her agenda, ofcourse she ignored it.


im actually a gm dps tank flex player all jokes aside lol

this wasnt a revert

revert means newer code is overwritten with older version of code

that didnt happen here

instead, they buffed they existing version of Mercy

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Looks like you got 9 minutes on your top character and 4 games won, pretty impressive getting to GM with so few games – you must be incredible :slight_smile:

this account I use to post on the forums to avoid getting my team mixed into my controversial opinions, I literally played the minimum required to get an active forums account

So 2 changes that impact the character in a positive way with no downsides arent buffs then? Alright then

To decide wether or not something is a buff you compare the latest version of a specific [character] with the current version of the same [character]
No one asked you to go to your knees before Blizz and thank them that they buff her healing back to 60HPs and reduce her ult charge but denying that they buffed her and keep crying because they did that is quite… silly

Is Mercys state ideal? Prbly not
With the recent buffs they are turning Valk into a Coalessence 2.0 that you can just throw in every teamfight if you want to. Since they cant buff Valk (improving Rezz during valk) thats all whats left. A revert is unlikely, no matter how much you/we/he/she/they want it to happen
Bringing her HPS back to 60HP/s is reverting the last nerf, I agree on that, but a revert can be a buff or a nerf depending on what youre reverting. 60Hp/s was the only thing they changed that maked Mercy unplayable in a lot of ppls opinions, now she has those 60Hp/S back, why complain about it?