@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

no no no, by your own definition, because she had 50 hps before, they reverted her.

she was the only usable healer in the game after her rework up until her most recent nerf. her and zen.

when was the last season she wasn’t the best healer in the game?

You really gonna pretend you don’t know how she outclassed other healers when trying to discuss balance? you realise that just makes you look like you don’t belong in the conversation because you don’t know the state of the game or how strong healers were?


  • Ultimate cost reduced 15%

Good change, Mercy players can now have more impact and prep for fights by having the ult at the ready, makes a mercy player feel more active during a fight.

Valk doesnt make mercy feel impactful at all, she still doesnt have any impact with the change. faster ult, cool. still a useless ult.

  • Healing per second increased from 50 to 60

Meh change, make valk feel more impactful but overall doesn’t do too much, but does have synergy with her other buff.

This was literally a nerf being half-reverted. It doesnt make valk feel more impactful, it merely just tilts the mercy players.

That was a TOXIC video. I had to stop watching after a couple of minutes. You’re negativity and toxic comments are unappreciated and unhelpful.


Jeff did this on purpose so the mercy complainers will role the forums.

Where’s my Britney video when I need it.

Oh, there it is!

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So the improvement of healing, having it more often and chain beams doesn’t make valk ANY more impactful and just “tilts mercy players”?

The half revert tilts them, but it is an improvement, that is undeniable, yet you want to act like its a taunt.

Imagine if someone flags this for being NSFW :joy:

only the vocal minority, it seems

everyone I know who plays Mercy is glad for the improvement, rather than sneering derisively at it

another snarky condescending statement.

I don’t want anything, and quite frankly you pretending you aren’t being a snarky, condescending jerk wont change that you are.

you are so easy to bait. it is so easy to draw who you are out of that fake layer of “positivity”

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Because it is a taunt, they just nerfed mercy for literally no reason, and theyre merely half-reverting the nerf in order to negate the mercy complaints for a few weeks.

so silly

the money from the vocal minority spends just as well as that form the rest of us.

they have no reason to taunt any of us

maybe you got this from QAnon?

They explained their reasons for both, so again, your statement is baseless

“got called out on my toxicity better meme it before people start to see who I really am!”


I disagree, I disagree a lot.


Don’t give them ideas ;3 Some people would love for me to be perma banned.

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There’s two things I really struggle to understand around this Mercy debate currently:

1 - Why does the fact that Mercy has the only non-ultimate damage boost in the game, and arguably the most powerful individual cooldown ability in the game rarely (if ever) factor in discussion?

2 - Why do so many people act as if there’s a secret Overwatch dev-team plot to undermine Mercy and Mercy mains? What would anyone in the dev team have to gain from trying to act as if problems don’t exist with Mercy? The simple fact that they’re actively working on changes to heroes all the time alone shows that they care about balance, does it not?

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Care to explain how we’re the vocal minority and you’re the majority?


All of this because I congratulated for being the only person to understand what I’m saying. Lol, what a mistake I made. (probably gonna get called toxic for saying lol now. :unamused:)

They nerfed Mercy because after a year or so, 14 nerfs she was the most picked healer from bronze to Gm with a 13.3% pickrate.

She was overtuned, but not fun to play, so they tuned her down a little bit more, and are trying to find a middle between the must pick and bad states.

Gatekeeping at its finest.

One does not need to play a character. They only need to INTERACT with the character to be able to give feedback.


Btw I’m at 9 mutes at this point, XD.

You have demonstrated insufficient grasp of the english language to be replied to with anything but this statement