@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

ur post can legiterally apply to itself :thonker:

Read the post I responded to, I was being sarcastic.

I find that this isnā€™t true, and that many people do use statistics to validate their arguments.

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Coming from a proud supporter of the Ice Cream Movement. Interesting I had post I made earlier today about this sort of thing.

wrong on facts yet again

Zen was not touched

Zen wasnā€™t struggling, was he?

Exactly. You got it!

Hyperboleā€¦. Ofc, I mean the supports excluding Briggite and Zen.

The Zen mains seem to think he is.

Man, the way some people talk balance on this forum just screams powercreep to me.

Yes, I noticed that too. It seems like these ā€˜movementsā€™ are less about anti-toxicity and more about hero fan militias.


ThisLoser, you need to go to sleep!

so funny

I play Moira too. I dont one trick. I cant have two icons. It happens to be Moira right now

so come to whatever baseless conclusions you want to

as an unrelated aside: comments like yours herein reaffirm that the addition of private profiles was one of the wisest decisions Blizzard has made for this game

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Of course but the issue is people usually take anything negative as just incredibly biased or say they donā€™t play the hero so they have no say on the hero. Which disregards the fact people have to play against the hero as well. It feels like people just try to force it to be an echo chamber by telling others their statements mean nothing because they donā€™t parallel mine.

And by no means am I saying you did this or do this.

I really do but I canā€™t stop.

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Watch Sierra Burgess is a loser and youā€™ll fall asleep from boredom.

Iā€™ve not seen anyone complain about Zen. Heā€™s been fine for ages now.

I normally just watch a RolePlay trolling video from CallMeKevin and eventually just fall asleep after a while it auto plays the playlist.

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With this coming patch sheā€™s closer to where she needs to be. Iā€™d say if they were willing to reduce respawn by 5 seconds (or do a number of other small tweaks Iā€™m not listing here) sheā€™d be balanced.

This is a step in the right direction. And thatā€™s good. Weā€™re not there all the way but at least theyā€™re looking at her. I was half convinced they were content to bury her and ignore the overwhelming response from the community.

Well, this is better than another nerf, so I take it gladly

Mercy can use whatever she gets