@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

if “raiding Mercy posts” means “correcting lies and misinformation” then yeah, thats me

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when? are you talking moth meta? that was fixed wayyy before a year love.

B/C every single other healer was buffed and better than mercy in every way. (still will be after the changes hit.)


dude. they buffed ana, blizz didnt have to nerf mercy’s healing. if they did, why is it geting reverted? they buffed everyone esle and nerfed the person that was slightly above them. you need to fix your use of the term must pick. because she has not, in recent times been a must pick.
ana having nearly 50% pickrate is near must pick.

3 nerfs ago, they said they were done with touching mercy.

a month ago, jeff said they were done with mercy.

you literally described the reason she was reworked. she got a buff (invulnerability) that was too good. and instead of getting rid of said invulnerability, they announced a rework, after a month of having her be picked over ana.

they literally caved because high level players complained. that’s a vocal minority.

who’s to say they cant rework her again? becuase right now, mercy is a hollow echo of who she once was, she play poorly res is a self-stun on someone who’s supposed to be mobile etc.

big changes have to happen or she’ll always remain this boring brainless husk of her former self.

leaving her like this is bad game design,
these changes aren’t buffs, and ill explain in my own way.

  • 60 hp/s was given to mercy after she couldnt compete with anyone upon the initial release of the game AKA, mercy NEEDS 60 hp/s to be viable.

giving it to her was basically a revert. not a buff.

  • the ult charge buff, should have come a long, long LONG time ago. they stripped valkyrie of what made it an ultimate and what was the reason for its long charge time, and never shortened the charge time.

Valkyrie right now is 30% of what it used to be, and after 10 nerfs to it, they never compensated with a buff like they do for other heroes.
buffing the charge time does not make the ultimate more usefull.

It doesnt take a genius to see that mercy is very flawed right now.

you know very little about the software development process, then

and this wasnt a revert at all

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There were just two threads about it yesterday. If I had sufficient interest I’d dig them up for you now.

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so wait I just thought about this (you know cause im logical and don’t try to twist what something is or isn’t)

If this is “not a buff” because “it only reverts a part of her kit”

wouldn’t mean going to 50hps was “not a nerf” but a revert to when she had 50 HPS?

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Remember Jeff Kapplan talking about " we revert Mercy, if she gets too bad".
I think this was it :pleading_face:

I find that hard to believe, because statistics already proven that before her rework Mercy was never must-pick/OP, in fact even with the Invul. Buff to Mass Ress she never broke off from C-Tier. Lucio+Zen were the meta, then Lucio+Ana, then Lucio+Zen again after. Thats when the rework hit.

Again, there will always be people who are overly defensive, but we have been doing this song and dance for a while now. People say you don’t have a say in a hero unless you have played them because complaining about a Widow’s headshot is easy, but if you don’t play her you don’t know the effort it takes to learn positioning and aiming.

If you are going to have surgery, would you rather do it with a doctor who already did it before or one who had it done to them? Seeing and doing is different.

Jeff didnt say revert he said fix, but yes, this would be it. still isnt enough considering everyone else got major buffs and all this does is but is back to where she was a month ago.

Comparing tournament stats to ladder game


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so since its a revert because its just bringing it back to 60 hps, then wouldn’t that mean bringing her down to 50 hps was not a nerf? because she originally had 50 hps? :smirk:

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Are you just realising this now? Anyway, it’s a nerf and a revert.

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I mean I hope you are right but Blizzard seems to hate Mercy, so I doubt that actual revert never comes

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No it just means that bringing back to 50 is a nerf and a revert.

Once again, number-wise, has Zen been struggling? Zen was used with Mercy during her Super OP for Months phase, and no one cried that Zen needed a nerf. The struggling supports were buffed, Mercy was nerfed, and Zen remained where he was because he didn’t need moved.

She was just buffed, no two ways about it regardless of what anyone thinks.


so its a buff then as well to bring it up to 60 hps then right? cause you cant say one is a nerf but the other isn’t.

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Someone finally gets it!

rahter than just saying “because she originally had 50 hps? :smirk:” you should also explain the fact that it was given to her because she couldnt keep up with the other healers and was useless, this was before ana and moira. she was the only main healer that couldnt compete with the off healers.

that’s pretty toxic, for you to assume I wasn’t smart enough to understand. I knew the whole time, I was getting you to admit it was a buff.

“someone finally gets it”

that’s a very condescending toxic statement mr/mrs mercy icecream

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Well fellow Marcy players.

We fought for this !
We never gave up on Mercy
(I switched back to Mercy, tried another supp, but Mercy is just my style)

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