@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

I think it’s great they are giving her some attention despite the kind of attention she needs is more than a few tweaks.

They need to replace Valkyrie with literally any other Ult. I’d prefer it not to be Mass Rez. But something engaging for the user because current Ult is literally glorified spectator mode.

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You think a revert is only bringing back old code. What do you want me to do about that?

Again, it can be a revert or a buff. It doesn’t matter.

Man what a foolish community this game has.
It’s sad to see honestly.

Excpet of BadWidow you’ve all ignored my statement about Bastion and continue to complain, I fear that you don’t actually know how to do anything else.


existing Mercy was buffed

its a buff

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Ah, and here we see the rare forum troll in its natural habitat, A mercy-related thread. As you can see, it attempts to catch the attention of its pray by pretending to be pray itself. Only to be completely ignored due to the Forum users being smarter.

Are they trying though? Is a half-baked revert of an unnecessary nerf really an attempt or are they doing it just so they can deflect complaints? Because A) it does nothing to combat her current issues and B) is not even a full rever back to a state where she was already bad, so she’s not even like she was before, she’s still worse.

Its lazy and mediocre.

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A straight up buff “isn’t a buff” according to her and Mercy should never have been nerfed in the first place even though she was dominating the meta for a year straight.

She comes across as heavily biased at best and delusional at worst.


youre simply wrong about a revert is



If its not a buff. Lets take it away then :slight_smile:

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She wasn’t bad though she had almost double the pickrate of Zenyatta who was the 2nd most picked Support hero. She had somewhere in the 33-34% pick rate while Zen had around 17-18%

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You’re simply wrong about what a revert is. No other explanation really.

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I agree, except I don’t think she was in a terrible spot before the HPS nerf. Honestly, they shouldn’t have touched her healing if they knew they were going to buff the other supports.

a buff is never trash, and Valk wasnt trash to begin with

mercy is not garbage now, and is even further removed from that status with this clear and obvious buff


I think the one being biased here its you. The only reason she was dominant last season was because Hanzo’s freshly reworked OP butt and Widow were meta, but even back then she was not in a good state, and the last nerf(healing to 50 down from 60) was completelly unnecessary on top of the buffs the other supports received.

We all know she was OP after the rework, I don’t think I’ve seen one person say otherwise, but she got 14 nerfs in a roll.

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Right and a lot of those nerfs needed to happen.


Except for the most recent nerf since Blizz literally buffed the rest of the support roster.

Let me tell you exactly how this is going to end. He’s going to call it a revert, then both revert and buff, then a buff, and last back a revert before beginning the cycle anew. And before you know it, it’s going to be 4 in the morning and you’ve wasted your entire night on this.

My advice is to get out while you can. This thread isn’t long for this world anyway.

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I will agree the 50 HPS nerf was not a good one but she was nerfed 13 times before the 14th made her not the best support. That says something.

Sorry, but considering your moira profile picture and locked profile, its safe to assume you havent actually played mercy for a long time. therefore your opinion means literally nothing.

Nope. I’m gonna say it’s both. To me, it’s just a revert. Though, the fact that you didn’t understand that and thought I was insulting you with out last reply by calling you a sister is confusing.