@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff

I will admit I was just simply messing with you because there is only so many ways I can say something is a buff.

Even worse than blantant toxicity.

I think it’s weird that you’d leave off with an insult, but even doubly weird that it would be a female gendered insult. Why the implication that being referred to as a woman is insulting?

Very strange, especially for a self-appointed mediator.


Yes, Mercy is currently still in a nerfed state compared to before.

I don’t know the numbers well enough to know if she is in a better balanced state compared to pre-rework or not (Nor do I know if pre-rework would be balanced in current Overwatch since new Heroes, Reworks, and balance changes have happened since Mass Rez Mercy).

Just like current Hog is considered still nerfed since his Damage/Clip nerf. Even after his Take a Breather Buff.

You’re overthinking it. :blush: No insults. Just a quick FYI and goodbye.

Okay but when she was first brought in with that Valk Res crap she was incredibly over powered. The only way she will no longer be net nerfed is if she was made even more powerful so using net nerf as a basis to her “not being at prime” is terrible.

it doestn have to be towards a person to be spreading negativity ergo toxicity

Or if they Buff everyone so that Mercy in that state is considered balanced.

Nerf no one.

Only Buffs.


The days when a Mei M1ing you for 2 seconds kills you instantly.

Again, we’re talking about a balance change. It is not toxic to call a balance change dumb.

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Well, this thread has gone places. How’s everyone doing. :slight_smile:

All I see with these posts is a bunch of Lucios inside many squares.

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Or Reaper is hitscan without falloff damage.

At least their clearly trying to make Mercy better

I find it kind of inverse that a handful of Mercy mains are highly vocal and negative(Towards Blizzard) even when their hero gets a buff spamming the forums with thread after thread.

One more reason I respect Bastion mains that much more. Despite playing the most ignored/neglected hero I don’t see them spamming the forums with threads about him. No, I see them keeping it contained to a handful of civlized threads about him, most notably @ChibiFox thread that has of 16 thousand comments and almost 500 likes and it’s not even a locked thread since they keep things calm kver there.


the issue is you could call it whatever you want, but you’re wrong (and ergo misleading others) to call it a revert, a word that has a specific meaning that doesnt apply here at all


Well shoot I just realized it is almost midnight and I told myself I was gonna go to bed an hour and a half ago.

I am such a terrible person no wonder why my mom calls me a loser.

But… Do or do not. There is no try.

Also, if this is them trying, I’m not confident in their balancing abilities regarding Mercy. Then again, that started like a year ago.

Bastion is invisible. I literally almost forgot that he existed once. :joy:. Knowing the devs, they probably forgot about him permanently. :joy:

everyone: her ult is legit the worst ult in the whole support catagory right now
overwatch: ok its better now
everyone: why doesnt it make us insta win? scam


They’re really not trying at all. They’re merely trying to negate the complaints for a short amount of time by not fixing anything, they nerfed her and then reverted half of said nerf. They’re either making work for themselves to undo at a later date. or they’re just not trying.

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