@ literally everyone calling today's ptr a mercy buff


And until he can consistently one shot tanks again, Roadhog has never received a buff either. Everything he’s had since his damage change has been a nerf, including healing on the move with -50% damage.

Say no more.

yeah, that makes sense, just like if you mowed a neighbors yard for 20 bucks and they handed you a 10 dollar tip, you’d just say, ah, no thanks, thats not gonna help

I mean, why would anyone ever want to be healed faster?

why would Mercy ever want to get to the next needy teammate 20% sooner?

yeah, no help at all

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Comic san is peng tho. :sob:

Let me answer with an analogy:

You have a wall.
You paint it purple, and everyone is happy.
Then one day you decide to paint it yellow, but nobody likes it.
You re-paint it purple again, and everyone’s happy again.

But the original purple color wasn’t restored by scrapping off the yellow, but by re-applying the purple paint. But a purple wall is still purple wall in the end.

That’s exactly what this Mercy revert is like, except it’s a partial revert. Like as if the yellow wall that was purple before was painted purple again but with only one coating. so you now have a purple wall with tiny yellow specks. Some people will contend with it, but the rest will still call bs on it.

The actor is Bill Murray, but I posted with the expression because you insisted you were going to call it a revert, not a buff, and then proceeded to call it a buff immediately thereafter.

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If you factor in how she was prior to her last nerf (60 HPS to 50 HPS) she still gains Ult charge slower than when she did even with the upcoming buff (by a few percent, but still slower).

That’s how it is still mathmatically a net nerf if you consider where she was before to how she is going to be.

It is a Buff compared to her current state, but still a nerf to her state prior.

Thus why they are saying a Net Nerf.

ana hasn’t gotten buffed either because she doesn’t have 80 damage or +100% heal boost on nade and a longer duration of anti

that’s how this logic works, right?


Genuinely curious…how is this a nerf?

They are both. A buff and a revert. I prefer to call it the latter. Can’t believe you had to bring Bill into this…

Don’t bother replying to him, he’s just a forum troll seeking some attention.

By that logic everything is a net nerf when you compare it to triple res Valk.

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I am too old to deal with this sort of interweb meme discourse. I’ll leave you to it.

Can we have a moment of silence at 300 replies please?

yeah, the vocal minority would never acknowedge pure and simple facts like rez and damage boost being utility effects

I mean, they’re just facts, so why acknowlege them?

wouldnt want to ever do such a thing

People are getting shady in this thread, time to grab a snack.

No. I’ll leave YOU to it.


don’t take anything I said in this thread seriously. Also, bye sis. We love you.

Yeah but I’m a Debater personality type on the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. So debates, even when one sided, are genially a good time for me.

So the part where she got valk charge and healing in valk buffed is really a nerf? All I see are positive numbers, explain. What do you mean “not a buff”. When they said 60 did they actually input 40 im lost?