Idk if it’s because I specifically don’t play Mercy and thus never felt like supports were that easy to assassinate or what, but I have never once in the 5 years I’ve played felt like Genji was legitimately too strong for me to ever deal with. Even the June 2020 Genji, while too overtuned, wasn’t as bad as several heroes at their peak and yet it was nerfed faster than said heroes.
Would rather play against a Genji who could delete me instantly if I’m not watching him and therefore punish my lack of awareness, than a Tracer who can poke from outside reliable CC range with access to both blink AND recall if she makes a mistake AND a faster charging, more reliable solo ult
Tracer might have an infinite skill ceiling but let’s not act like anyone with slightly functional neurons couldn’t figure out “if I play annoying as Tracer I win” because it’s not all that hard. Yet instead across many tiers, people would rather complain about the projectile/melee DPS who’s harder to aim with and more punishing than Tracer lmao
Now I’m legitimately not trying to be mean to anyone who hates Genji, I really don’t want to be judgy. I just actually want to know what makes him so hated when (imo) he’s a far smaller problem than even other heroes in his role
What people mostly hate about Genji is his nano combo.
A mobile one shot for 6 seconds is a pretty scary thing, and it’s not like it has a real countering… He moves too fast for most players to stun considering he dashes every second and killing him is pretty much the answer for everything not only Genji… But nano makes it harder as well with 400 hp due to resistance
Except for that, he’s considered a weak hero… Which makes sense considering he more team reliant compared to Tracer and have most value against heroes that don’t see as much play like Junkrat or Bastion.
He’s garbage…
This is coming from me, a Genji OTP.
I’m not advocating for a buff, he’s playable and that’s what matters to me.
His kit might needs it’s main cards changed, so he isn’t an ultbot… but i don’t see any reasons to nerf him as of now.
Flanking is extremely hard, even when successful it’s just farming blade off tanks and ulting in.
Now i understand nerfing the nano combo, this would also mean changing him so his kit becomes centered around his base kit and not his ultimate.
But when i see changes like changing his HP, changing deflect duration because people don’t lke predicting and other things make it sound like they don’t know what they want.
It’s not as if other heroes don’t share these flaws, yet Genji is being attacked for them despite being in an average place.
Genji has a pretty low skill floor. So he sees alot more play in lower ranks, If tracer had an equally low skill floor the forums would prob flood with nerfs for her
It’s sad how many YEARS I’ve seen Genji players saying they’d happily take less damage boost during blade (even less duration for some poor souls) if it would allow his base kit to feel better to use. Even high rank players agree that while Genji isn’t the worst possible pick, there’s pretty much always something better than a Genji you could be running. I mean… Mans got swapped out for Widow in dive and people still wanna eviscerate his mains
Nano blade is broken. Watch a Necros stream the dude plays Genji terribly but gets so much value out of blade it’s ridiculous.
He has a bloated kit. Movement Damage Cheat death…
Tracer is way better at killing supports, but genji isn’t that far behind. Genji can also wreck havoc in the backlines especially if his teammates are good and your teammates aren’t peeling you. Genji’s skill ceiling actually pays off a bit more than Doomfist too imo. So Genji may not be the best flanker that can kill supports, but he isn’t the worst either. In GM/T500, he becomes less viable of course because of brig protecting the backlines.
I don’t hate him at all. Although from a design perspective, I’m not too much a fan of his style. Since right now, I think his power is leaning too much in his ult and not much else making him into an ult bot.
Deflect is just obnoxious ever since they made it cancelable. That’s pretty much my maim annoyance with him.
aint that clown perma double-pocketed?
I just think he’s such a cliched and lame character, I’m so sick of seeing him as much as I have. And he’s annoying as hell.
COWBOYS > NINJAS, there is no comparison.
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Maybe it’s got something to do with how he’s the only character who gets a full cooldown reset from assists. Not just kills, but from assists. He can also turn enemy ults into friendly ults. Not just “delete” them like Sigma or D.Va, but turn them into his team ults. But it definitely couldn’t be how he just ults, gets nano’d and just swipes a 4-man kill, at least. Then just wait for the combo to be ready again and clear another checkpoint/round.
Because he’s obnoxious to fight.
His faster movement speed and wall climb means he will be able to get to you no matter what and attack from weird angles and just constantly be annoying all game if he decides to do that.
His tendency to jump over you or dash through you makes fighting him disorientating and awkward.
I’m about 80% certain that his double jump animation being a midair flip does shenanigans with his head hitbox.
Deflect. Just… the entirety of Deflect. One of my most memorable annoying moments was when the Hanzo on my team shot at a deflecting enemy Genji and I got head shot by the deflected arrow.
It probably won’t happen much, but he’s got a few different combos that can take you from 100% to 0% in a very short amount of time. Again… this won’t happen very often, but when it does it’s just like “really? really?”
Not getting killed by Dragon Blade if Genji targets you with it is exceedingly difficult and good luck having teammates who will actually help you deal with it.
Mercy is one of the hardest Supports in the entire game to kill, alongside Moira.
You literally swap to them usually Moira if you keep dying.
It was always able to be canceled with swift strike. So it didnt change much
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Genji is not hated overall. He’s 4th most picked DPS, where preference matters more than performance, so I’d say he’s liked a lot more than most.
Actually, I don’t believe many people hate Genji or his kit, what annoys people (or me at least) is how Genji mains still pretend their main is the worst hero and deserves a buff just because he is in the middle of the pack (god forbid). That is what annoys people, the constant whining about how poor Genji is so garbage.
Because his kit os overloaded , he can deflect ultimates, can deflect melee attacks, press shift for some ez dmg and random resets . nanoblade can’t be stopped until a miracle happens, need more reasons?
ah and also the stupid mobility.
and ppl complained about sombra ez ‘‘out of jail’’ card.