Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

i remember when vale made a topic complaining the first time valk got nerfed on ptr, claiming she was unviable and all

having the #1 ranked mercy doesn’t mean that someone can’t have a questionable opinion


i also remember when people cried how original valk was a nerf from mass res and look how that turned out lol … got downvoted to hell on the old forums for saying it was a huge buff…good times …

So she is only required at high skill ceiling, so she is only a cancerous hero for those that play at masters level and above and those that watch OWL? That’s I can’t even, how do you rationalize that as being ok? You do know that implies that there will never EVER be another hero to take her spot for the rest of Overwatches entire existence yes? That just screams boring.


What? Why is Ana cancerous?

What? :rofl: I’m sorry but you literally make no sense whatsoever.

You provided me with a reddit link. Try again with this “evidence”.

Since you like reddit posts, here’s a post with 94% upvotes speaking of the terrible SR all supports (including Mercy) used to get. Note that the OP says that Mercy was getting the most screwed of all of them.

https:// www.reddit .com/r/Overwatch/comments/655ote/flawed_sr_system_for_supports/?st=J1HAHXWA&sh=aaba257e

No it isn’t. Sorry.

Oh please. Like you aren’t just petty with your smiley spam.

You didn’t answer the question. Who are they being “PR” for, if everyone agrees with them?


Ana is cancerous as a hero that is forced to be picked is cancerous as they aren’t choosen for fun, but are choosen as they are required. Ask an Ana main what they thought of 2.0 Mercy before all the nerfs, I bet cancerous is one that comes to mind.

If she is the superior choice at all times, than it falls to reason that either she lose that mantel (which you seem to think is a bad thing), or she remains the best as she requires the most mechanical effort.

This isn’t rocket science I’m doing here, its simple A leads to B logic, are you purposely ignoring this? It seems really disingenous and makes you come off as kind of a prick.

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I provided you with multiple threads and multiple videos. The SR abuse is also well-documented. You cannot refute that.

From the example thread you gave me - “Especially mercy is kinda screwed, since rezzing is now her main source of generating fire, meaning she’d rather let her teammates die on purpose for a rezz than healing properly, or even wasting 1 man rezzes just to get more fire and SR.”

You realize that supports my point right? That’s literally what hide&mass rez was.

Yes it is.

Already did answer.

That’s the way I communicate :rofl: Is that all? My, my and you started so confidently…I’m disappointed.

Oooohkay. Ana = cancer, got it. No reason why or how.

She is not the superior choice all the time, because mechanical skill is not 100% consistent.

I play Ana at a level where I miss a shot on my team mates 4-5 times per match, that means I should never play another healer? How does this make me happy?

A lot of bad evidence is not “well documented”. A lot of bad evidence is just that: bad evidence.

What you’ve provided is a bunch of opinion pieces which all repeat the same debunked points that have been made over and over. That includes your PC Gamer link.

Okay, and? The way you communicate is petty. And now, passive-aggressive.

No you didn’t. You dodged the question.

I’ll ask again: who were they being “PC” for if you claim that everyone agrees with them?


It’s not bad evidence when Mass Rez doesn’t exist in the game anymore, you realize that right? :joy:

A little presumptuous are you? Lots of assumptions there.

I never claimed everyone agrees with them. Stop putting words in my mouth I never said. Again, for someone that supposedly studied PR, you should know about how corporations handle themselves and how lawsuits and legal battles work. Apparently, not. :rofl:

Never claim anything like this. This isn’t my argument.

But its the outcome of your argument… If I’m mechanically skilled enough that I’m basically playing her at never perfect healing level. Now I don’t have a choice in the matter. Where you wanted to make this argument or not, you made this bed, now you have to sleep in it.

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No, it’s not. Nowhere am I advocating to make Ana OP or broken.

I’m assuming you mean “near perfect healing level.” First of I really doubt that this is the case and if it is by all means provide some game play. Second, yes you do have a choice in the matter. Because mechanical skill is still a variable and therefore is subject to change. It’s not a constant.

Because Blizzard’s balancing decisions are 100% perfect, huh?

Just calling it what it is.

You said that the pros and players generally felt that Resurrection was bad for the game. Your entire argument, including showing a reddit thread with tons of likeminded votes, was based on that.

So which is it? Is Rez being unhealthy for the game just an opinion like any other opinion, or is it a “well documented” fact?

And if it’s a well-documented fact with so many people who agree with it, then I’ll ask you again: who was Blizzard trying to be “PC” to?

Aaaand Argument invalidated.
Mechanical skill is literally one of many different Skill-sets in Overwatch and rising through the ranks usually means… “This person is overall good in several of these skill-sets”. Focusing on one only gets you so far… as it should.
That’s why Widows with great aim can still be hard-stuck plats… you can master the mechanics of a hero as much as you want… if other stuff like Gamesense or positioning isn’t on par with that you simply don’t deserve to be on a higher rank.


I would trust Blizzard’s devs any day over you or some other one-trick Mercy main when it comes to balance. :rofl:

Whatever you say amigo. :wink:

I said a sizable portion of the community and the Pros, plus the devs agreed that Mass Rez was bad and unhealthy mechanic, hence why it’s gone. It is a well documented fact just like the SR abuse and everything else I said. Mass Rez doesn’t exist in the game currently which by virtue alone supports my claim.

Blizzard needs to be PC in general because a corporation always needs to be mindful about lawsuits of any kinds.

How precisely? What is Mercy’s mechanical skill exactly? :grinning:

This isn’t my argument. Let me refresh your memory:

That’s literally what you said. You very clearly state those with mechanicall skill should be superior. If one is better than the rest, that is the definition of OP and broken. You’re argueing against yourself.

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You conveniently miss out the context again. You cannot have a support without any mechanical skill provide more utility than a support that has mechanical skill. Why? Because no one will pick the support with mechanical skill required, because the one without would be consistent 100% of the time. This is basic irrefutable logic. Which is literally what Mercy has been - a must pick, applicable in any and all situations.

Not when you have mechanical skill as a variable or check.

Exactly, you can’t have them have more, they need to provide the same.

Also you put too much faith in people’s incompetance, I assure you, Ana isn’t nearly that hard to heal with, her hitboxes are massive.

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Why pick a mechanically demanding character then? When a character without mechanical skill can do the same.

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Why pick a not mechanically demanding hero when the other one is superior?

(Hint: its exactly what we’ve been saying, one shouldn’t be superior, they should each have cons and strengths)

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