This is not my argument. It’s clear evidence however that hide&rez existed and it wasn’t some nonsense like you claim. Don’t change my argument.
The fact that many Mercies exploited the SR by doing hide&rez - this is also well-documented.
There was never a case where Mercy didn’t get no SR at all, stop making stuff up please as you go along. Also hide&rez existed in Season 1-3 as well.
I’m not whining about anything. I couldn’t care less about your degree and the fact that you have to bring real life credentials only makes it more amusing for me. Especially considering all your points are wrong so far.
I’m not whining about anything but nice try.
You don’t think a PR responce to a balance change is important to be worded politically correct and properly from a company like Blizzard? My, my I really have to question what PR degree you got and where you got it from.
Already addressed this - PR and politically correct statements are irrelevant in the context of the situation.
The other statement is that Mercy is fine and they do not plan to bring Mass Rez back.
Strong and output are two completely different values. Sorry by man but I’m very specific and concrete with my definitions.
Still a correct one.
When you rework anything. Fun and balance are two separate things. Fun is subjective.
Mass Rez was unhealthy and bad mechanic, bringing back is not a step forward.
Because we are talking about supports and because this was OP original comparison. Maybe you actually need to look it up. You wanna talk about Reaper or Symmetra, be my guest.
Nothing conspiracy about it, the Reverts themselves even admitted to having a Discord once information leaked out.
Because you are the one claiming conspiracy theory when I have clear evidence that they push an agenda.
Not my point, whatsoever. Nice try to change the argument again.
You need to read carefully then what I write.
I actually legitimately agree with you on this. A 100%, this is actually the first time you say something that’s actually correct. And I would back you up a 100% on it as well. Give the Reverts their megathread back and prevent it from being locked and just delete blatant troll/antagonistic posts.
I got falsely reported for a “real life thread” and had to get a moderator to prove me innocent. I can quote the posts and provide link if you want. Numerous people have had the experience as well otherwise the Gatekeeping thread wouldn’t exist.
“No u” rhetoric again.
Except it’s not just Sprinkles and you know it.
I just did.
Assuming the devs don’t play their own game, nice! The delusion is real. I also play Mercy so by that logic I’m right. Good to know.