Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

I’ve already answered this - the only way that you can do this universally is by having the same hero in the game multiplied or basically a standard FPS.

Ult charge is a mechanic applied to every hero yet works differently for every hero exactly because it takes into consideration that every hero is different with a different kit. Your logic falls apart in that sense.

But what does ult charge have to do with mechanical skill? Where does ult charge come to play here?

There’s no reason we shouldn’t just be able to look at the mechanical skill that’s required for each hero as that is the crux of your argument.

I’m not sure where you’re getting your statistics but Ana’s winrate was in the mid 40s for MONTHS.

Again, I have answered this in much more detail in my other posts.

You were not doing a very good job of it.

In any case, tell me:


Ult charge doesn’t work differently for every hero. All abilities in the game net a certain amount of charge and once that ult charge is reached, the hero has an ultimate ability to use at their disposal…

I still don’t understand why mechanical skill, something that is present in EVERY hero, cannot be discussed just because hero X isn’t in the same role as hero Y. As I and many others have pointed out, it just doesn’t really make sense and hurts your argument.

Again, mechanical skill is mechanical skill, something that is present in all heroes.

Ana and Mercy are not “the same hero in the game multiplied” and Overwatch isn’t “a standard FPS”. So what gives you the right to compare the mechanical skill required between those two heroes using your logic? Because they are both capable of healing? Because they are both supports? Mechanical skill transcends a hero’s primary job or role.

So apparently Symmetra and Zarya ult charge gets filled up in the same speed. :rofl:

Wait, you’re actually going to ignore all the points I made because I didn’t specify that heroes have different ult charge #'s that they have to meet? I didn’t think I had to get that specific because I thought you played the game before, but the way ult charge is earned (using your hero’s primary fire/abilites) is the same, each hero just has a different amount of ult charge they have to reach.

Hopefully I cleared things up. Maybe you can look at the rest of my post now?

Your logic falls apart. You cannot have a universal rule for every hero because every hero is different. This is the norm, not the exception. The only way you can apply a universal rule is by having all heroes be the same and basically have a standard FPS. Ult charge is a mechanic that applies to all heroes yet works differently for every hero because it takes into consideration the specific kit. Therefore your logic fails.

This by the way again has nothing to do with my argument. Nowhere in this thread I talk about all heroes or about something universal. I talk specifically about Ana and Mercy.

Okay. Can you explain to me why it is okay for you to make a universal rule here then?
And even if it is just in regards to Ana and Mercy, last time I checked Ana and Mercy aren’t the same hero, so why is it that you can confidently make a rule regarding just them?

Your logic seems to be falling apart.

Again for the 10th time, this is not a universal rule. It’s a continuation of my previous sentence which is specifically about Ana and Mercy. If this is not clear enough, literally the next sentence talks about the latest changes to the supports making it even more clear that I’m talking specifically about Mercy and Ana. :rofl:

Because to balance one hero you have to take a look at its counterpart in the same role. This is completely different from making universal rules that apply to all heroes.

Nothing about my logic falls apart, you guys either don’t read my argument or want to take separate statements out of context and present in a way that I never claim to be so that you can “defeat” them.

This is my original argument - which is pretty specific and concrete. Stop trying to take apart every sentence and present it on its own or put some spin on it that I never claim. The argument is coherent together.

Also fun fact. The devs tried to use Mercy’s winrate to justify her not needing any changes, despite the constant complaints. Remember this quote?

This was posted on May 3, 2018

Meanwhile, Mercy during that time has had a 53% winrate in GM.

What they did not disclose was that during that same day, Ana’s winrate was at a healthy 57% GM. A whole 4% difference.

Ana didn’t just do well, she was doing amazingly well, according to their standards. But of course, people will still say “Mercy needs to be nerfed so Ana can shine!”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Have tanks been recently reworked? :rofl: This debate is too much for you mon’amie. (French for friend, don’t false report me, not flirting with you) I’m expecting too much from my opponents I guess, you can’t even follow two paragraphs. :sweat_smile:

Nope. But you might notice that Brigitte, who is also mechanically simplistic, was nerfed in the support patch.

Here, you can have this back:

As it’s pretty clear based on how you still have yet to…


I’m not talking about Brigitte, I’m talking about Ana and Mercy. I’ve never said the word Brigitte anywhere. Find me a citation.

And since you couldn’t find a citation for this either like I asked you, I never make such statement.

No matter how many people you bring against me or how much you try to assassinate my character, my argument still stands and you can’t refute it.

Avoiding answering direct question doesn’t mean you win argument, rather the opposite.


I never make such analogy and never compare the interactions of two tanks to the interactions of two supports.

Refute away.

You compare two heroes in terms of mechanical skill. How hero category affects it?

And if heroes with higher mechanical skill should dominate, then Widowmaker supposed to be best hero in whole game.

Ana scales a lot better with mechanical skill than Mercy.

A team with a strong Ana vs a team with an equally strong Mercy, the team with the Ana should technically win out IMO. Her abilities can be applied offensively and defensively quite well. She also contributes to the mid-fight a lot more (in fact, I would argue more than any other healer).

It is not crazy to see why Ana is seeing a superior win rate to Mercy after the recent changes.

I would argue she is. Have you watched OWL? Some teams are literally carried by their Widowmaker players. She is one of the heroes that was more or less mandatory most of the OWL season.

Because they occupy completely different roles. You cannot apply a universal rule that applies to all unless every hero is the same and you have a standard FPS. I already answered this. This is why a universal mechanic like ult charge is applied differently to every hero respective of its kit and specifics.

You never do a uni-varied analysis to predict dominance or superiority. That’s not how it works. There are multiple variables that predict success.