Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

Sorry kiddo, you are in for a long ride. :rofl:

Not for long. :smirk:

Except it literally is.

You: “It is fine for Reinhardt to be more powerful than Wrecking Ball.”

Also you: “It is not fine for Mercy to be as powerful as Ana.”

Me: “Why?”

You: Dodges question half a dozen times.


Give :clap: Up :clap: With :clap: This :clap: Dumb :clap:Agenda :clap: Conspiracy :clap:

How many people disagreed with you, but didn’t want to say anything?

Then specifically talk about Ana and Mercy in your actual argument, instead of being vague.

Clearly not, since you keep saying I’m part of an agenda. So, is there an issue with me having an opinion? If not, I’d appreciate it if you stopped being ridiculous.

Sure sweetie. You keep believing that.

What bias? There are a ton of threads discussing it, and even more people saying that high skill heroes should reign supreme.


That sounds a lot like you’re using some universal statement to justify your main point.

Have fun with your ‘irrefutable’ argument.

Never claim this anywhere. Citations pleeeze?

I do, notice how I started my first sentence :rofl:

In my original argument hahahahahaah.

This was in response to calling them an edgy teenager due to their typing?
Ultimately that’s the sad thing about this forum is it turns into an insult fest lol.
Neither party is unbiased.
Also I hate Mercys state but I’ll still play her till they nerf dmg boost and ga.

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Before proceeding to make a universal statement, that has nothing to tie it to Mercy and Ana specifically.

If it can be applied to Mercy and Ana, why can’t it be applied to the rest of the heroes?

Ok. I was too lazy to find the most recent quote of it tbh.

Where? The most I’ve seen you say is that you can’t compare supports and tanks.

Look it up yourself. Like I said not going to bother to write the same thing over and over. It’s in this thread.

The nearly 400 post thread? Sure sweetie.

Do I need to analyze your words to clarify otherwise already crystal-clear intent?

This post by Wintore asserts that Reinhardt requires less mechanical skill than Wrecking Ball, countering your assertion that heroes of high mechanical skill should be more powerful than heroes of low mechanical skill.

Rather than saying that Reinhardt should be less powerful than Wrecking Ball, you scramble to say:

In an attempt to change the subject. It is clear that you are fine with Reinhardt being more powerful than Wrecking Ball at this point.

Not only that, but you try to justify that with:

When he has a hitscan weapon in contrast to Reinhardt’s hammer. It is blatantly obvious that Wrecking Ball requires more mechanical skill then Reinhardt. You proceed with:

Which is also true in regards to Mercy, but you conveniently overlook that. And again, while they both require some aim, it doesn’t take an expert to say that Hammond requires a lot more aiming skills than Reinhardt.

You then continue in an attempt to remove a parallel that was not on your terms, but brought up as a very relevant counterargument, while also making an outright false assertion about Mercy’s mechanical skill requirements:

It’s pretty flipping clear what your position on the Reinhardt vs Wrecking Ball scenario is. First you try to change the subject because you know that your opinion on that is a double-standard and contradicts your opinion on Mercy vs Ana. Then you try to justify it by downplaying the mechanical skill required by Wrecking Ball. You then conclude by once again trying to change the subject for the same reason as the first time you tried.


Never said anything like that. Citations please. :grinning:

Nowhere in this text I see me saying the following:

But everywhere in that text I see you defending that very position.

I don’t defend such position, nor does this have anything to do with my original argument you have yet to refute.

You say X.

Wintore says Y, that:

  • We all know to be true.
  • Flatly contradicts your prior assertions.

Because of that second bullet, it is, by definition, relevant.

Because I’m waiting for there to be a stable argument that I actually have to refute. You are holding two positions that are contradictory, and you have provided no substantial support to either.

An assertion without support can be refuted with an assertion without support.

Especially if the person saying these assertions is clearly inconsistent and therefore biased.

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About Ana and Mercy.

About Rein which is a tank.

False analogy, not applicable.

There is a stable argument, it has been for some time now. You just can’t refute it.

About “a hero”, meaning you can put any other hero in there and have the same outcome.

Literally your words.

Undertone continues to claim that the “Rein/Hammond analogy” is innately false because there are no parallels between tanks and supports as they are different roles. But both supports and tanks, at the end of the day, are present in the same game. This fact should allow anyone to make comparisons on how different heroes play, regardless of role. Therefore, why would a rule involving Mercy/Ana regarding mechanical skill, something all heroes deal with to a certain extent, not also be applied to all of the other heroes that are in the game, even if they “function differently” at the most basic level?

Mechanical skill is mechanical skill…