Literal Bias Towards Mercy. (PLEASE READ)

She’s not meta among the 4% though, that means by your logic she is troll/non-viable. You just contradicted yourself, gg.

And you outright admit that this assertions is not true, except for in this one specific case:

So again.

Answer the question.

Why is it okay for Reinhardt to be more powerful than Wrecking Ball when Reinhardt requires less mechanical skill than Wrecking Ball, but it isn’t okay for Mercy to be as powerful as Ana when Mercy requires less mechanical skill than Ana?

You are making a massive exception either way you look at it; if the Mercy vs Ana scenario is the norm, then the Reinhardt vs Wrecking ball is an exception. If the Reinhardt vs Wrecking Ball is the norm, then the Mercy vs Ana is the exception.

That exception needs a justification. If there is no justification, then it’s blatantly obvious that you are only saying that because you are biased against Mercy and/or in favor of Ana.

Although that’s already clear at this point. You have dodged these questions because you have no answer to them.

I’m going to hold off on replying to the rest of your assertions until you give me a reason. Your argument simply cannot stand without one.


Um, I literally just said she’s more viable than Mercy was and still needs improvement.

Then that would mean that you were wrong for saying that Mercy requires zero mechanical skill.


My second paragraph is in direct continuation of my first. :smiley: That is clear to anyone that doesn’t have an agenda. Never in this debate have I talked about all characters universally.

Not dodging anything, I’ve never claimed to talk about all heroes so the rest of this text is not applicable.

Not in the context of output. I never compare or talk about Mercy vs Ana in terms of DPS-ing. Mercy doesn’t require mechanical skill to heal.

This is also a false analogy. Comparing two tanks’s interactions to two support’s interactions isn’t applicable since we are talking about two completely different roles. Regardless, to explain Hammond and Reinheart’s interaction, one needs a multi-varied analysis again to do so properly.

Again, thats the idea. Ways to make it counterable but also to ensure teams don’t just go throwing way too many resources into a fight that is won.

The way it works now, teams over commit and have everything back up before the next fight anyway. Mass Rez was a way to force people to be aware of their resource use and to not over commit, but its lack of somehow being able to be stopped made it guaranteed value. I don’t care how, it needed a direct counter besides “kill Mercy first”. Thats why rez on E had to gut Mercy’s flow and get a long cast time and interuption putting it on cooldown; to make Mercy counterable and killable before she could cast Rez while costing the opportunity to use Rez because it can’t be stopped once it starts.

You talked about output in your original argument. That refers to output of damage, healing, CC, utility etc. Therefore, unless you’re backtracking on your original statement, your example should be applicable to all heroes in the game.


:rofl: You guys are sooo desperate to pluck statements out of context in order to try and defeat my argument, it’s so entertaining.

Again, this is absolutely clear to anyone without an agenda, what kind of output I’m talking about. Especially considering Mercy doesn’t have CC and does not have mechanical skill as prerequisite to do her healing.

Soooo desperate :joy:

Unless of course you are contending that I somehow think Mercy has a CC ability. :rofl:

You were being very vague to say the very least. Also, when you say output, that could literally mean anything from; damage, heals, utility to cc.

No, I’m being very concrete and specific. You guys are just desperate to try to break apart my argument in little pieces you can defeat because you know my full argument is irrefutable.

This is quite a common and basic tactic in a debate. You also might want to look up what a “strawman” is.

This is concrete and specific?

You didn’t even specify whether you’re talking about heals or damage. Also, the word, ”output” wasn’t mentioned in this quote, once.

It is hard to refute someone who keeps modifying their stance every second.

Please do tell me how you didn’t mention output in your post. Otherwise, I haven’t taken anything out of context.

We insulting people now? Cool.

If you’re talking about healing output, call it healing output. Sweetie, you have no-one here to blame except yourself.

What’s the relevance of CC? Am I missing something?

Oh, and because she doesn’t have to aim, her healing’s fairly slow compared to other main healers (although, she feels more like an off-healer).

Where did I mention anything to do with CC?

Have never changed my argument from day 1. Titanium always ignores it cause it doesn’t fit her agenda and she can’t refute it. :rofl: She tries to break it apart of course in little pieces so she can “defeat” an argument I never make. I keep correcting her until she eventually gives up and stop replying. Been like that in multiple threads now.

It’s very clear what I mean. Again, unless you contend that I think Mercy has a CC and her heal requires mechanical skill :rofl:

What? You call that an insult? Come on man, you are getting so desperate. Of course you have an agenda.

Hey, everyone understands it. 64 other people understood it, I assume the level of reading comprehension in these forums is about average. Unless again, you contend that I think Mercy requires mechanical skill to heal or has a CC ability and we both know that’s ridiculous.

You claim that I mean output as in everything - CC, mechanical aim, etc.

Do you even read what you write? :sweat_smile:

No it’s not. Otherwise, there would be no issue.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

Where did I say any of that? I was referring to the fact that due to ‘output’ referring to a multitude of things, your statement should be applicable to more than just the heroes you want it to apply to.

Am I not allowed to have an opinion without being called part of an agenda?

Except everyone who’s arguing against you, and everyone who disagreed with you, but didn’t want to say anything.

We talking about likes here? Not surprising considering how many people get caught up in the mentality of “I can aim, so I should be rewarded for mad skillz!”.

And hence, it’s applicable to more than just the heroes you want it to apply to.

Inb4 they rework her

It’s not cause you have an agenda and you cannot refute my argument so you wanna make stuff up so you can “defeat it”.

Again, 64 people understood it but somehow you don’t. :rofl: Sounds like a “you” problem to me.

And I’m talking about Ana and Mercy, therefore your argument is wrong unless you contend that I think Mercy has CC or mechanical aim as prerequisite to healing.

You can have whatever you want mate.

And so far failing at refuting my argument, no matter how hard you try to break it apart piece by piece.

Nice for you to show your bias. :kissing_heart:

Here, I will break it up for you because it’s obviously challenging for you to read a few paragraph and you need an explanation:

“Mercy doesn’t require mechanical skill to play. Ana requires very high mechanical skill to be effective.” - self-explanatory.

Next paragraph - continuation of previous thought:

“You cannot have a hero that requires no mechanical skill whatsoever have the same (or actually higher) output as a hero that requires quite a lot of mechanical skill. That is poor balancing, the latest changes address that and in the right direction.” - even in this paragraph, it’s clear I’m not talking universally because I mention the latest changes to the supports. :rofl:

I mean you and Titanium are seriously so desperate because it’s absolutely clear what I’m saying.

Next paragraph:

“What would be the point to pick up a hard mechanically skillful hero when you have a character that does the same or better with no mechanical skill whatsoever?” - continuation of previous two points and elaboration of primary argument.

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Cool. Now answer the question.

Explain how this makes a difference, as I have asked multiple times now.

Then proceed.

“One is a tank, one is a support, so they’re different” doesn’t make something that is obviously a double-standard suddenly not a double-standard.

I guess I’ll keep coming back with this until you can give me a reason.

This topic isn’t about Rein and Hammond my friend, we’ve been talking about Ana and Mercy unless you forgot. And you still have to refute my original argument. :rofl:

Yes, it is clear that you repeatedly make statements that you are unwilling or unable to reinforce, revealing that you, quite obviously, have a bias that you cannot substantiate. Thus proving my long-standing point that injecting mechanical skill into balance is injecting bias into balance.

“Quick, change the subject!”

This is about a double standard you are trying to perpetrate.