List of Some of Sym paths (Role changes)

Still people would pick sym for the wrong reason

People still pick all heroes for the wrong reasons… that will never change.

personally i dont really trust any sym under 70 hours :"P

Not really, thats like playing soldier to just heal

so essentially you are not going to like the rework whatever happens o_o?

What about any Torb and Sym with a combine score of 70 hours?

Off topic about this but if it helps, there was this post on twitter about her rework suggesting some interesting changes. Some of it I disagree like with her turret but does provide an interesting changes on some of her current kit and additional stuff that can be implemented.

http s://

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Syms gun needs a huge nerf, it deals too much damage and its too easy to use

no sym require a lot of tactics and map learning, she can only be good if you spend enough time on it
up to now i can work on defense all map, attack all maps except Junker town and Blizzard world

It comes with a risk of:
Short range
2s charge up
no mobility
no escape option
no tankiness (maybe except when you got a torb and a Brigitte on your team)
no self sustain

and even im a sym main, im not gonna complain about her gun, i want her utility buffed, i want something that i can really support the team

I like it, it follows the path of the reviver. But I think Blizz would not do it. (Mostly cause I have trust issues after the last year.)

I gonna add this as the recommend path.

Her gun needs to be more like moiras imo

That really depends on the changes tho. The changes would have to be massive to compensate her gun nerf. I understand it her gun can be annoying but it’d have to be fair on both parts; how effective it should still be and what additional stuff/ things that are going to be reworked on her.

I think her gun is fine because it mostly punishes close range heroes but to long range heroes she’ll have the disadvantage. But again that’s upto debate on what the changes are going to be.


nobody like sym for that reason though

120 hp long range but have to track better? okay
the point of sym’s gun is anti stall, ever see that one Lucio keep jumping around and your team cant kill him? sym is there for that her lock on and high damage on 1 target make her the best anti stall hero of the game, but other aspect of her is weak

Updated with the recommend path images.

Personally, I think her ults are fine; tho they still need to be seen through walls from allies. Along with her turrets.

The one that stuck out to me the most was her light bridge passive, photon barrier change and secondary fire. Her light bridge is one of the ideas I have in mind that could be potentially be one of the constructs she could build to support her team not just for herself but her team to move around.

Hey, it might help Ana or those immobile heroes to get to higher grounds eh?

Yeah, also would be easier the using Turrets.

Yes Turret Bridge is a thing. Though Turrets have to be put in the exact right place.)

if we get a range buff i rather have a hitscan or projectile :/c so we arent limited to luck or max ranges

why bridge when you can make a portal (her gun looks like the gun in the portal game tho, did u notice it?)