List of Some of Sym paths (Role changes)

That path is too niche, Turrets arn’t favored for a game that’s competitive like it is. (She would be heavily nurtered in this path.)

Blizzard has already decided that long time ago. (Drones would be the same thing and healing would also be limited.(Sym got alot in her kit, adding healing, would remove alot of stuff, basically making path 6.)

Even if she isnt being switched to another role she needs a healing aspect if she is going to stay a support. Nobody likes the fact she cant heal when there isnt any support but her. :confused: Sym needs a healing ability, maybe bringing back the old shield giver thing when she doesnt have ult. She would provide healing for the team when there isnt a healer

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Healer-Defensive role suits her

If Sym is brought to a healer through, she will be balanced in line with the other healer. Meaning she will lose a lot of her kit. It’s why Devs are really struggling with her right now.

Side Theory: Maybe they are planning to give the next hero, some of her abilities. (Would make sense, judging the paths currently tried.)

She has a really simple kit anyways so it wouldnt really bother sym players, the only new thing to replace it is a healing ability. I dont really find Photon-Barrier useful, unless they add an healing ability then she’s trying to heal a teammate without getting hurt (Like Brigette).

i have an idea for that

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Thats Basically Zaryas bubble, without she being able to do it to herself

I always kind of felt she was more on the Defense role? Just her overall kit felt more defense than it did support.


Already tested this before, no one likes this path. (Its actually the hated path)

Thats what im saying

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Wheres papa jeff when you need em

The probelm with the Def path, she basically ends up in the same hole with Torb. (But in a worst position.)

I mean, when you think of defense, you think turrets to set up for killing, a shield generator for helping to give you more defenses and her teleporter as well. I just never truly felt she ever really belonged in support.

She’s even played more on defense than anything.

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Likely enjoying easter with His family and then getting ready for April Fools…which last year was Uprising trailer.

no its not
zarya’s bubble also cleanse bad effect and give zarya’s charge and she cant put it on the enemies and non-hero things
Also zarya’s bubble on herself is another ability with longer cd

This cant cleanse and no charge thing but she can put it on enemies and non-hero things to zone / protect it, it open a new power level for sym

Torb is in a pretty good place right now, but we should consider not totally removing her turrets but finding a better solution to them

F tier is not a good place

It would be only reliable for other players on the field, sym would be unprotected

Torb still needs some work like Reaper, Mei and Hanzo are getting.

I think it would be awesome if Sym’s turrets could link together to make some type of hardlight bridge or barrier.