UPDATED: may 5th 2022
5 categories: displace, incapacitate (partial or complete), root, slow, stun.
- incapacitate: 5
- major displace: 32
minor displace: 2
minor displace with quick melee included: 33 - root: 2
- slow: 3
- stun: 7
Heroes and abilities:
- All heroes: quick melee (minor displace) (torbjorn excluded).
- Ana: sleep dart (incapacitate).
- Ashe: coach gun (major displace), b.o.b. (major displace).
- Baptiste: none.
- Bastion: configuration-tank rocket (major displace).
- Brigitte: shield bash (stun), whip shot (major displace).
- Doomfist: meteor strike (major displace), rising uppercut (major displace), rocket punch (stun, major displace), seismic slam (major displace).
- D.va: boosters (major displace), call mech (major displace), self destruct (major displace).
- Echo: none.
- Genji: none.
- Hanzo: none.
- Junkrat: concussion mine (major displace), frag launcher (major displace), rip tire (major displace), steel trap (root).
- Lucio: sound wave (major displace).
- McCree: flashbang (stun).
- Mei: blizzard (slow, incapacitate), endothermic blaster spray (slow, incapacitate), ice wall (major displace).
- Mercy: none.
- Moira: none.
- Orisa: halt (major displace).
- Pharah: concussive blast (major displace), rocket launcher (major displace).
- Reaper: none.
- Reinhardt: charge (stun, major displace), earthshatter (stun), rocket hammer (minor displace).
- Roadhog: chain hook (stun, major displace), whole hog (major displace).
- Sigma: accretion (stun, major displace), gravitic flux (major displace), hyperspheres (minor displace).
- Soldier76: helix rocket (major displace).
- Sombra: e.m.p. (incapacitate), hack (incapacitate).
- Symmetra: sentry turret (slow).
- Torbjorn: none.
- Tracer: none.
- Widowmaker: none.
- Winston: jump pack land (major displace), primal rage (major displace).
- Wrecking ball: grappling claw + roll (major displace), mine field (major displace), piledriver (major displace).
- Zarya: graviton surge (major displace, root), particle cannon grenade (major displace).
- Zenyatta: none.
Careful consideration has been done in The Expanse map with the very handy and uniform tiles on the ground to distinguish between minor and major displacements.
If I forgot something please say so I’ll update the start post.
(Removed Ana Bio Nade from the list to prevent endless discussions)