Limit On Flagging Posts?

Just got a popup saying that I’ve flagged too many posts recently. Why is this a thing?

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because you’re flagging too many posts


because there is too many troll on this forum.


people with opinions differing from your own arent trollers


You know it’s so easy to flag posts. If a few accounts were to do a “flag raid”, the entire forums would be flagged.

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opinion huh ?
i saw pretty much people saying dps is in bad condition need more buff that is not opinion that is just troll.

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no that is genuinely an opinion

most of the DPS category cant even outdamage a single supports healing output without 100% inhuman tier accuracy


I’ve flagged maybe five posts in the past week.

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So is this statement a troll?

Or is it your opinion, like other people are allowed to have


Asking for nerfs on heroes that dont need nerfs only because you, Jaeger, got outplayed is just silly and quite bad on your part


Say it louder for the people in the back.


That is literally the definition of an opinion that differs from yours. Literally exactly what his post said.




I think I found the guy who’s flagging my posts.

Just to clarify, an opinion that you disagree with, is not a troll.

Trolling is a post that is MEANT to be inflammatory or mean and in no way is productive. An opinion on game balance, no matter how wrong it may seem, is still just an opinion and not trolling.


When the new forums were introduced, players were demonstrating a really bad behavior of flagging a post, thinking that is a downvote button. This was causing havoc for Blizzard Customer Service who is responsible for moderating the forums. As such, the number of times you can flag a post is limited.

Please refer to the Blizzard Forum Code of Conduct and the Overwatch Forums Posting Guidelines to determine if a thread needs a moderator review.

On a side note, if anyone ever sees a thread that contains content that is extremely bad such as real-life threats (including threats of suicide) doxxing, or posted links to hacks or cheats. Feel free to invite me to that topic, and I might be able to help alert Blizzard faster if needed (but again, only in the case of extreme emergencies).

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nah…i didn’t flag your post yet
stop assuming i just randomly flag post with troll just because i didn’t like their opinion.

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That is literally an opinion. A troll post would be something that is deliberately inflammatory, like insulting people with actual insults or saying racist/sexist things. Wanting dps to be stronger than they are now is an opinion.

Just because you strongly disagree with someone else’s opinion, or just because their opinion makes you mad, doesn’t mean it falls into inflammatory content.

Learn to be objective.


The thing is, when I flag someone’s posts, I’m usually flagging a few of them. Because chances are, if they said something offensive/against the rules, then there’s a high chance that they did it in other post as well.

I wish there was an option to click posts and be able to add them to one flag option.
So if person A had 5 posts, and 3 of them had things that were against the rules, I would be able to check the three and flag them under one thing but the person reviewing it would see all three posts.

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And just because someone disagrees with you, that doesn’t mean they’re flagging your posts.

Until it is automatically hidden