LifeWeaver, and "Just dive the sniper"

Weaver/Kiriko cycling through life grasp/suzu/petal platform will be such aids.

Tbh, I’m expecting they swap the invulnerability on LifeGrip for temphealth.

And Kiriko will probably get her Suzu replaced with something like damage reduction.

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Yeah I see that too. Suzu is already crazy good.

It’s safe to say that those unreverified numbers don’t even matter. Let’s not forget that the OW team used to balance patches for everyone based on less than 1% of the playerbase (and maybe still are). Remember when OWL and some streamers were dictating what patches go through and how many Tracer mains manages to keep Sombra to getting a nice buff… ?

Gimme a heads up when the OW team finally cares about the playerbase that made the franchise successful in the first place in 2016.

In the meantime, I still don’t see anything objective related to snipers. All I see is biased complaints.

Remember when 3x OWL teams are going to disband this year, OWL has no sponsors, OWL lost it’s $180 million dollar YouTube Exclusivity deal, OWL hasn’t gotten franchise payments since 2020, they got in a lawsuit with OWL team owners for how unprofitable it is, got sued by the federal government for underpaying Pro players, and lost +90% of their viewers because they lost access to China?

What makes you think, that Blizzard thinks OWL is going to bring them the dollars?

And if it’s just a shambling corpse that bleeds money away, then why balance around it?

It’s always the Lightbringers fault.

Or on Havana, Junkertown etc. Which can be fun maps to play on, but that fun is quickly drained when the sniper mirroring comes out and I’m speaking that as a person who plays all roles.

Question is what would take more work to do? Change every map that enables snipers (which there’s a lot) or just nerfing Widowmaker?

Could just have her one shot be tied to her ultimate and give her buffs in other areas of her kit like more venom mines or a grapple that swings.

If it was less frequent like the ability based one shots (which there are fewer as patches go on) it would definitely bring down the frustrating levels of playing with, as and against a Widowmaker.

No need to preach to the choir, I already know and I’ve never supported the OWL (for obvious and good reasons).

My point was that everyone matters and that stating sniper players don’t have a say because they’re 4-6 % of the playerbase (according to you - not my stats), is not a good argument.

However, controversial changes to certain heroes or certain mechanic is not recommended to a game that’s existed for such a long time. Look at how every single big decision has divided the community since reworks to certain heroes, Role Queue being forced in 2019, F2P, 5v5 etc…

People don’t like changes and even when they do, there will always be people that will like the former version better. I’m all for buffing heroes and help those that struggle but I’m not sure clipping some specific’s hero’s wings is going help. It’s counterproductive.

No one will as long as the OW team doesn’t release that PVE game they promised. This was their decision, they hyped us, now they’ll have to take their responsibility.

F2P OW is doing okayish, in my opinion but I think they want more profit and are not really satisfied with sales (through skins, BPs etc…).

They’re doing their best. Not the same team anymore. Many mistakes were made in the past and Overwatch was ruined a long time ago, mostly because of the community, and they keep not fixing the behavior that was damaging to OW1… so… I think there’s no hope there.

When some unsatisfied players doesn’t want to move on and play another game, all they will do is doing their best to keep ruining what was once a great franchise. No matter what Overwatch does, it will never be enough to an overall toxic community.

The way I see it, any significant change is going to upset some amount of people. So instead they should focus on making the largest cumulative amount of players happy.

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Making everyone happy is a “case by case” type of effort and it’s impossible on a multiplayer game.

It’s hard to define what the majority of players is on Overwatch and I think people are fed up with losing the content they once liked (some hero that was great at some point but got over-reworked or deleting a complete game, such as OW1 in favor of F2P and 5v5, etc…).

This playerbase grew to like some heroes a lot it has become close to an abusive relationship (even if it’s only pixels). This community thinks of this game as if it belongs to them so the OW team is kinda stuck as long as the community keeps having this type of mindset.

I hate how easy Winston has it just jumping in and holding left click to kill sometimes. So I hope he suffers a bit this season.

I admit this is me being salty though lol I know Winston isn’t exactly OP or broken

How about a hypermobile and aerial DPS with 250 base health, +200 bonus health, regeneration, an uninterruptible get-out-of-jail free card, cleaving AOE damage, a stun, a one-shot, multiple displacements, a partial root, all with some of the lowest average cooldowns in the game that could be cycled almost constantly.

Then we compare that to a 175 health hero with normal interruptible mobility and no cleaving damage on their one-shot that requires pin-point precision and charge time?

I know which one I’d rather have in the game. I’d be VERY interested in you sharing your PERSONAL replays that demonstrate the Widow you are describing constantly on this forum.

Sometimes a challenge is fun, that’s why we play Dark Souls.

If it does end up helping snipers even more, I hope they just finally gut them like they deserve. I’m so sick of them lmao

Agreed 100% Lifeweaver is certainly a new design and I for one am very excited to see how he plays.

Nah just a dude not playing the game with enough time on hands thinking about how do I make everything about sniper.

He is on path to get justice for hog.

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U really hate snipers ya? That’s why I love playing sniper all day long


  1. I’m a somewhat resentful Hog main who figured if oneshots combos are a problem, then oneshots are just generally a problem. But if it were just that’d I’d be salty, but a lot less verbal about it.
  2. But more generally I see an opportunity to really ramp up the player retention in Overwatch before PVE launches. And as you can tell by the massive post count, I’m kinda invested in the overall success of the game franchise.
  3. But really none of this is particularly new to me. I’ve been talking about this stuff since before 5v5 beta was even announced. And one of the main criticisms I had for 1-3-2 and “SuperHog” meta was all the sniper spam.
    [OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

You do realize that “Dive” implies a coordinated strike by multiple players

Not Winston solo-inting simply to die to team focus fire?

Saying dive but implying only one player is engaging is disingenuous to the actual concept, and probably a reason most people don’t understand how the game works.


I’m aware, but this is mostly just an extension of “Just one more way Sniper counterplay in Overwatch is going to be really un-enjoyable compared to other FPS games.”.

To be fair someone should be.

I mean they were all mum when nerf was announced for hog and instead of asking for reverts like mercy mains or asking something worthwhile in return, they want other heroes ruined.