LifeWeaver, and "Just dive the sniper"

Sure is going to be “Fun” attempting to dive a sniper, only for them to become invulnerable and get teleported 1.5x objective lengths away.

Oh you Winston jumped in, well here’s a petal platform that was pre-cast by the Lifeweaver and activated independently by the sniper. Gotta wait for that leap cooldown to get up there.

Oh, they got more peels and selfpeels by the time you get up there. Oh well huh?

That sure sounds like “Fun”.

Add to that, all those carefully crafted sniper sightlines? Petal platform doesn’t care.


Lifeweaver isn’t even out yet… let’s wait to see if he actually gets any play and/or if his abilities are as strong as they sound on paper. Let’s not jump the gun and judge a hero we haven’t even played yet.


Someone actually looking at how the kit can be used properly :slight_smile:



yea im thinking lifeweaver and widowmaker will be good at high level elo play along with communication.

i wonder about low and mid elos tho lol… since thats where i am but i expect maybe lifeweaver to save me sometiems when im widow. more likely they will try and troll me tho

will be interesting


I have an idea, let’s rework Sidewalk Piglet. Just nerf his damage again and make it so that he can hook through Wife Leaver’s grip. That will totally make him a real tank.


I never heard that term before, it is genus.


flower elevator soldier ult


Lifegrip is on like a 20 second cooldown isn’t it?

Seems like plenty of time to dive them again


Grapple exists too. Grey is 100% right that this is going to make Widow even more cancerous and will probably push her even closer to must pick territory on maps such as Circuit. At least in high ranks these cooldowns will be cycled and make diving her even more pointless since after 20 seconds she’s definitely shot multiple people in the face.


If you are lucky / good, petal AND grip can both be used to stop a dive on the sniper.

Given his positioning is likely to be near the sniper as well, it makes sense to use them as such.

I think the petal platform will be a really fun ability to play with because it will create a lot of fun, ridiculous, and goofy moments as well as reshaping how many characters play. It’s a very creative ability, but I don’t think the devs understand (or maybe they do and just don’t care) how oppressive it will make certain characters or nullify others. What’s a reinhardt meant to do against someone on it for example?


Okay. But Lifeweaver is probably very weak to being dove, due to his enormous hitbox and pretty long cool down on his mobility.

I think that is going to be the most fun ability in his kit for sure.

Totally. The best he can do is Petal and jump dash from the top. That gives you some serious range.

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Support release in a potentially broken state which buffs another class by result. Lets nerf the dps instead of the support. Thats the result coming.

As backwards and sad as that is.

Time will tell.

Kinda hard for Lifeweaver to just leave his platform way in the back for Widow & save Lifegrip for her if him & his other allies are being pressured too.

Seems a bit too easy to assume that everything will go right for Lifeweaver/Widow and wrong for everyone else. If Weaver is using all his resources for the Widow in the back that should make him & his teammates easier to kill.

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You think that snipers are not too strong currently? I think they were going to be nerfed anyway, AND that weaver isn’t going to be picked much regardless.


So what happens if the dive is Wrecking Ball based instead of Winston? Suspect he’ll be better at tying up Widow/Weaver duo.

Then weaver is going to die :slight_smile:

I would not play weaver into a good ball player. Or with one, since grip / petal will be basically pointless for them.

No, time won’t tell. Diving Widow is already not viable on a lot of maps due to the sightlines being further than the dive heroes ability to safely engage. What can be boiled down to an extra grapple with immunity will 100% make diving her throwing.

I suppose you could dive the Weaver instead…Except you can’t ignore Widow on these maps or half of your team is dead. Yay for reinforcing Widow/Sigma mirrors or lose :partying_face:


You think Wife Leaver is the broken character because he can prevent Widow from being dove? Logic, where you at?!