LifeWeaver, and "Just dive the sniper"

What’s with all the sniper hate post again today lol… Literally have been checking the forums 3 times today and all there is, is those threads xD…

Again, people overexaggerate how good Widowmaker or Hanzo are.

Get over it. Can’t wait to give Lifeweaver a try and see all the possibilities.


I hate that this is always what happens in this place.

I mean, to an extent I’m rabble rousing.

That said, I’ve been looking for Sniper nerfs in 5v5 for 2 years.

And with them effectively nerfing/removing 7 oneshot combos. You’d think the heroes that are spamming oneshots with a high pickrate should be toned down.

And ultimately I’m very much in the “If it grows the overall playerbase, do that, and I don’t care if we lose a proportionately small amount of players along the way”.

Don’t worry, dive her and I will pack you. Oh wait they nerfed the range on my Brig packs. Guess I won’t be. I’m not excited for this hero or this patch.

It’s not how good they are that’s the issue.

It’s how the counterplay against them is frustrating and frequent, and no hero in the game deserves counterplay that’s frustrating and frequent.

Stun spam and barrier spam was frustrating and frequent. It didn’t deserve to be frustrating/frequent.

And other FPS games go out of their way to lower the frustration and frequency on sniper weapons/characters.

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I don’t agree. As I’ve said on my post, people forget that a Widowmaker is a great liability to making good pushes in Escort or Push (as she can’t contest the objective) and outside of it, it’s all a question of positioning.

I’m looking forward to Lifeweaver helping the team reposition, especially snipers that keep getting nerfed because of the community that complains a lot over literally nothing.

I get it but I’m not sure an eye for an eye is the answer here. When my favorite heroes get nerfed or when my favorite game mode got deleted from the game (2CP), I didn’t retaliate by asking Push to be removed (even though it’s the worst game mode ever).

Not really… Ever played PUBG or any other more demanding FPS games… ? Snipers are insane there, especially if you’re not good at the game (I literally sucked at PUBG xD).

Plus Overwatch can’t be compared as each hero as a unique (more or less) kit. You can’t expect a sniper not to be a sniper when they don’t have anything else in their kit. Leave sniper and Hanzo alone.

That being said, I wish we get another sniper hero at some point next year.


So here’s the copy paste I wrote in another post.

Other FPS games don’t have counterplay vs Snipers that is both frequent and frustrating.

  • CounterStrike: 90% of the guns in CounterStrike can deal with an AWP user in under half a second, aside from AWPs being so expensive that it’d be bizarre to use them on a very frequent basis. And by the time people get AWPs, you can just use a smoke grenade to deal with it.
  • Apex Legends: The Kraber basically can’t oneshot in Apex, as of about 10 months ago. And it only shows up in RNG care packages late-game. In addition to pretty severe bullet gravity drop, and and aim punch.
  • Halo: Snipers have a very obvious “scope glint”, a slow zoom-in, and taking literally any damage de-scopes them.
  • TF2: If a Sniper gets rushed at close range, they are are almost 100% certain to be dead. Add in spies that can instant kill. (I.e. Nothing like a grapple). For example, get a Spy with a Enforcer Revolver, Spycicle, and Dead Ringer, and there’s not much that Sniper can do about it.

Where as the counterplay with OW2 Snipers basically boils down to:

  1. Hide behind a barrier/wall 90% of the game.
  2. Ignore the main fight, and play sniper-whack-a-mole the entire match, and pray they don’t selfpeel or get peels.
  3. Snipe Snipers with more Snipers

Which basically translates to

  • Don’t have Fun
  • Don’t have Fun
  • Self-Perpetuate other players not having Fun

Just as with Barrier Spam, and Stun Spam. If the counterplay is frustrating and frequent, then that doesn’t deserve to exist at that level of frustration/frequency.

And ultimately, Overwatch’s current business model is:

  1. Get as many players as possible
  2. Sell them microtransactions and DLC.

Meanwhile, Snipers are at most somewhere between 4-6% of the total playerbase, with a small fraction of those being “sniper mains”. So realistically, if the devs gotta consider losing something like 0.5% of the playerbase to gain anywhere between 5-10%.
Then there’s no financial or ethical reason they should intentionally not grow the size of the playerbase on behalf of a negligible amount of players.

Nope, but it took me about 10 seconds to confirm it has aim punch.

And similar to CounterStrike, an instant kill is a lot less of an issue when most guns have very fast time-to-kills.

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Again, you compare completely different games. Overwatch doesn’t revolve around characters having the same weapons. You’re way off-topic.

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Not really, I’m demonstrating that other games have ways of making it so that counterplay against Sniper weapons is not overly frustrating and at a high frequency.

If the counterplay against a frequent gameplay mechanic is overly frustrating, then there’s probably no valid justification for that to exist in a videogame at that level of frustration/frequency.

Sustain is extremely important in games especially in the lower Elos where the meta is basically have a tank brute force team positioning by staying alive and taking space and constantly pumping heals into them.

Either two ways of play are going to happen with Lifeweaver:

  1. In lower Elos, Lifeweaver is not going to be able to compete with the healing of the opposing team and be “heal diffed” easily, the enemy team achieving more elims roughly from just not being kept above half HP and getting destroyed. His utility will not be properly utilized well enough as a substitute against this. As well, his large hitbox will make him a “die on cooldown by default” champion.

  2. Higher elo is going to hard abuse his utility to enable DPS heroes that benefit the most from this and there is a “possibility” his ability to add a new annoyance factor to the game will outweigh his underwhelming Hps. Forum will immediately speculate what new horrible meta has been created due to his existence.

You listed the possible counters to snipers on Overwatch yourself… You’re just not happy with them and would rather get more counters (to your liking). It’s just your opinion :man_shrugging:

We’ve been having this discussion forever on these forums. You know as much as I do that the term “frustrating”, “anti-fun”, “unfun to play against” etc… are just personal opinions and most of the time biased.

If people on these forums would spend more time accepting the game for what it is and less time complaining and asking for nerfs, I’m sure everyone would rank up faster and enjoy Overwatch more.

As a support player, there were many metas that were annoying but it made me a better player so thanks to any flanker, sniper or whatever that gave me a hard time. I wouldn’t have reached my ranking goal on OW1 if it wasn’t for them.

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It’s not the quantity of counterplay.

It’s the quality of how Fun or Un-Fun is it to perform that counterplay.

Is it really such a bizarre concept that videogames should be designed to be fun?

Then I don’t know what to tell you, if you think having a good positioning and playing as a team is not enough… If you keep nerfing snipers, sniper players are not going to be happy… and if you give everyone a sniper to defend themselves with the same ability (oneshot) then it’s not “Overwatch” anymore…

And these are always personal takes / feelings.

Well again, fun is subjective. I have zero issues with snipers and I don’t find them unfun, just like many other people in this playerbase. Back to square one (since 2016) : defining a term that is anything but objective… the term “fun”.

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I think we can safely say that if maybe only 4-6% of the playerbase are Sniper Players, and maybe only 1% of those are Sniper Mains. That if the devs are trying to create the most fun for the most people, that they should focus on that 99%, instead of that 1%.

Especially since Snipers being a problematic game design issue has basically been a known thing for decades.

And pretty much every other FPS game is putting comprehensive counterplay mechanics to keep them in check.

For real, there’s an infinitesimally small chance I’m wrong about this. But with those kind of numbers, or wouldn’t even matter if I was wrong. They’d still gain more players than they lose.

You act like support players give two craps about snipers. Widow is one of the most ignored characters when comes to healing, so while you might see a handful of Lifeweavers maybe coming to her rescue, most will just ignore her. And even for the ones who do care and rescue her, it still won’t be the end of the world because now the Widow is out of position and an easier target for everyone else. Plus, you can dive them again while Lifeweaver’s pull is on cooldown.

This isn’t the massive change you people are thinking it is.

Boo hoo, I like to cry on the forums because I get no attention in real life

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That is ok, you can pack them in advance and have the armor…

Oh wait…

They are turning this game into an absolute chore with all these invulnerability heroes. Nothing will die with Weaver/Kiriko.

Well, I’ll always agree that if the game ever gets to the point where there’s too much “Composition Durability”, then there’s a lot of ways to fix that.

How it always should have been.