LGBT+ Profile Icon needed

if ur not hindi, u cant say this because it cant apply to you.

for the post:

theres really no purpose for an LGBT+ icon or spray or anything. people like you are so annoying, practically being like “if they dont add it, they are against lgbt and dont support it”. like what???

THEY DO NOT need to do anything. The title just makes me mad about how u demand an item JUST because of a sensitive topic. You aren’t making the shots. Stop asking. If you continue this, all that ends up is from a tweet or something promoting lgbt…

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Ah yes. So you’ve heard of our Gay agenda


Ähm, I never said that? I never said that I demand one… I want one.

And yes, there is a purpose. Many people are LGBT+ or like/support pride month. It’s a popular event.


This feels like a few assumptions…

  1. I don’t think it is saying

I think they are just asking for the addition in order to make a statement themselves and allow other players to make a statement and to encourage Blizzard to make a statement in a broader sense; this is something Blizzard supposedly holds dear and it speaks more about that than it does “being against lgb+”. This leads directly into

  1. There is a purpose, it just doesn’t seem to meet your desire or requirement or ideal.

  2. No one on the forums is making shots or calls about anything, and yet we are all requesting and suggesting things… for everything! You better make a post to tell the entire community to stop asking or requesting for things, in general.

This seems like a conflated statement and I am not sure what the point of it is.


I get just as annoyed as other people seeing high-value, controversial posts plastered all over the general forums. I do wish Blizzard would add a forum section for “off-topic” of OW posts. However, it appears as though you reached your breaking point and offered your opinion on people asking about this particular subject… but a breaking point is a breaking point and should still be properly moderated by yourself, if not MORE so than usual, when inserting yourself into the conversation.

Concise recap:

You’re angry and need to step away from the keyboard for a minute.


Also, your name… wth man lol.

sorry, the average gamer is too emotionally immature to handle a rainbow icon in their game


Weird, considering most of us have rainbow PC’s and love them, lol.

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honestly lol

i DoNt LiKe PoLiTiCs IN mY vIdEo GaMeS
he says, playing a game with a story based on racism & war


Apperently many people still don’t want LGBT+ in their game.

Just look at Last of us 2.
While I agree that the story might not be the best, many simply admit that they hate the game because it’s SJW agenda.


We dont have profile icons for other sexualities, why would we have one for this one…


To be fair, there is a difference in “not wanting LGBTQ in your game/series/movie/whatever” and in hating an “SJW agenda.”

I don’t mind it one bit if it’s done right and fits the story. I flippin’ love Magnus Bane in Shadowhunters. He’s probably my favorite character. XD (Hmm … lots of LGBT people happen to be my favorite characters… :laughing: )

I’ve not seen the Last of Us 2 to give an opinion. But yeah, it’s clear that some companies put pandering over storytelling, and that’s when people get annoyed by the fake-ness.

As for LGBT icons and skins for OW, I don’t really care. However, if they make a Moira skin that turns her ulti into a rainbow laser of death, I’ma use it. :joy:


Exactly, where is my straight icon?

Now seriously, imo watching this flag even on the soup takes away a lot of credibility, to the point that it loses the purpose. For me it’s just a flag that big corporations use to sell more :confused:


It would be a nice bit of customization to add to this game’s pretty meager cosmetic options.
But if they were to be added, they’d still probably be shoved into the lootboxes, because we can’t just have nice things

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Wont a “regular” icon work for you?

The whole point of the LGBT agenda is just to assure folks that your just regular people?

How can I do that if you demand to stand apart and seperated from me, to call out attention to the differences between us?


I hate talking about the government and stealth!


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Open up your own thread and aks for a straight icon…

And why would you want that, don’t you know what LGBT pride stands for :thinking:

You, too, I guess :unicorn:

LOU2 kind of crammed it down your throat paired with subquality story paired with sad audience


Just give it, these threads are becoming the next Pink Mercy stereotype

While it is not on topic… I disagree.

Why do most people only call lgbt relationships forced?

Never heard anyone say: “omg this straight relationship gets crammed down my throat”

So the LGTB agenda is not to be treated equal? It’s not to be considered a normal part of sociery?

I’m mean, that’s the problem right, that historically they have been treated as pariahs and outcasts with fewer rights then the “rest of us”. Btw, notice the quotes…