LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

That’d be nice! Goodness I feel exhausted from this series. Maybe I’m hoping too much from OW.

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Yes, yes you are. And so am I.


Same, to be honest. Just thinking about getting whatever we’re going to get for Anniversary - which is a toss-up as to whether it’s something we want or even if it’s something other than the Workshop - and then we basically have to wait until BlizzCon for anything new now.

H31 I’m not too optimistic about at this point. I think they’re just throwing in no-names like Ashe and Baptiste in from now on, to be brutally honest.

Summer Games is meh at best.

Blizzard isn’t going to Gamescom so abandon all hope of getting a summer cinematic. No one knows what’s become of those mythical “comics in production” we heard about months ago, either.

June-November is going to be a real painful trudge for Overwatch this year.

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Can it be any worse than the trudge last year though? I was so excited for Blizzcon because I like many of my friends called the McCree short, when it was called Reunion I literally screamed as the main connection to Deadlock Gorge was that it was where Reyes ‘picked up’ McCree.

I liked Ashe well enough…but imagine how much the story would have been shoved along by the conflict between McCree and Reaper.

I still think we might get a short (as technically the short was aired at a Korean fan event, not Gamescon, it was aired there afterwards as a repeat).

The thing I’m looking most forward to in Summer Games is for all the new summer games that people have made in the Workshop lol. You know. Hammond Racing/Lucio Surfing. Actual new game modes beside Lucio Ball.


Literally same. We knew McCree short was coming and when I saw the name of the short, I was 10000% convinced it will be exploration of McCree’s and Reaper’s story (which would also further the overall story). Instead, the short was not about McCree at all, it was just a tease for two new heroes (and Ashe will forever be a completely mishandled character to me).


I am terrible for saying this, but I would’ve LOVED if Ashe was a guy. If Ashe was Ash. I would’ve even hopped on the Ashe x McCree ship instantly. I’m such a hypocrite.

But regardless Ashe is super fun to play, has a good personality, Bob is cute but everything else is a miss… but it wouldn’t be a miss if he was a guy because I’m a pathetic gay loser.

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hey! you’re valid my guy. I’ve yet to find a pairing that really sticks for me and ashe… but, tbh, i’m not that mad about more of McCree’s history being explored and Ashe being apart of it.

I’m a torn lesbian bc on the one hand I personally really like her because I’m a pathetic gay loser, BOBs ok, im just disappointed that it did get done like that bc it could have been a home run! If they had included even a portion of the deadlock bust in it would it have tied in enough of what we knew about deadlock to really slam home the point of Ashe.

tbh tho i personally think she was the character we should have waited for. we’re 4 years late for a black woman hero, cmon. I like ashe but it was a bit u kno. Hm.

The mcCree short was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad and it’s such a shame. Not even mccree’s short; just a “hey look at ashe isnt ashe cool guess what ashe is the new hero”

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We might get Lucio Ball again. I don’t think we will get an entire new mode. Very likely a reskin of the arena.

Ultimately, the newer shorts have always been in the pursuit of hyping future elements of the game.
I do wish McCree got more solo development in Reunion, tho.

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We’re almost four years deep and they haven’t shown they care about advancing the main story at all yet.

This honestly would have been a great way to do something with it


We also would’ve understood the emotions and the backstory of the titular reunion. We know the history McCree and Gabe have, we know how much Gabe saved McCree from a life in prison/gang, we know how they fell out during and after Retribution. We’ve seen them interact during the good and the bad, we understand the complex emotions behind the connection these two characters have. Their reunion would’ve had the actual emotional impact and it would’ve progressed the story because we would’ve known that there’s one more person aware of who Reaper is and we would’ve gotten McCree’s take on it.

Instead, “reunion” is between McCree and two characters we have previously never heard of.

  1. Ashe is someone from his very distant past, during a time he was a literal teenager. We have no idea how their relationship worked. Were they really good friends or more like two people without homes looking for something bigger that just kinda stumbled onto each other? What was their fallout like? Was there in-fighting? The short suggests they weren’t exactly besties and that they didn’t part ways amicably (obviously, since McCree “betrayed” the gang by joining the other side). The short is trying to make us care, but we were never shown why we should care simply because Ashe appears out of nowhere.
  2. Echo is even worse. She’s a completely new and odd character that isn’t tied to McCree’s known past. She was never mentioned before as a part of Overwatch, we have no idea what McCree’s connection to her is or if there even is a connection or he simply just knew this was once an Overwatch member in need of assistance. And yet, we’re supposed to feel for their reunion but there’s nothing to feel because there’s no context. There’s no history that we’ve been shown between these characters.

McCree got some nice cool moments in the short, but not much in terms of development or progress. We found out what his take on Recall is (he’s in favour, but also realises it’s not for him). That’s about it. I like the beginning of the short a lot; the scene of McCree alone in an abandoned dinner is really poetic to show us who he is as a person; a lone wolf and bounty hunter with a price on his head who is pretty much cut off from society due to his wanted status and the beginning of the short conveys that nicely. I was so excited during that intro, but then as he leaves the dinner, the short kinda just forgets that it’s supposed to be about him.


Hmm I wonder how soon we’re getting Anniversary teasers. Do OW updates happen on a Thursday too? The event either happens on 21 or 23. But I’m used to seeing OW update on a Tuesday.

its the same issue with the Storm Rising short. We didnt have enough background to even understand the stakes and unlike retribution n uprising where we had enough characterization and backstory to get things…like. It could have been done so much better.

But it didnt quite work.

I swear the only reason they did that is bc they didnt want to have reaper and mccree be the titular 2 for another event so close to retribution bc it would have 2 close some doors on opportunities to the future

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i’d bet that its gonna start the thursday, and yes, some events have started on thursday in the past. the all stars weekend skin period goes through (i think?) until the 21st, meaning a 2 day break between events would be uh called for.

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Hopefully the skins are nice.

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i hope so too!!! but i’d expect the skin reveals to either start today or on friday tbh


Hopefully the skins suck. So that Blizzard doesn’t get money.

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while fair i do like myself some nice skins for my girls

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Fair but the OW team can’t be let off the hook just because they made a pretty lady skin or a hot guy skin, when they’ve been failing to deliver lore or needed content for so long. Literally would be fine if there were no new cosmetics for a whole year just so they can concentrate on other things.