LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

The thing is that there are things to critique about blizzard’s execution and choice.
But they are just like “HE’S MASCULINE” and are rooted in deep homophobia.


We can definitely critique that together and man…I just want a mlm relationship blizz. Show me jack finding some happiness for himself at some point in this storyline… (if we get there which is already questionable)


I feel like it’s more probable that they’ll release a new mlm couple (in 5+ years lmao), rather than doing anything with Jack.


That makes me feel a bit sad because why reveal Jack as gay if they’re not going to do anything with him.

I always wonder if Overwatch wanted a roster as large as League of Legends so I guess that might happen.

god you’re right but also :frowning:

Honestly I want a roster as big as League of Legends but it ain’t gonna happen. We’ll probably have like 5 years of lifetime left for this game until a new Overwatch spin-off is released and this one is all but forgotten… maybe.

But yeah, I don’t see them doing absolutely anything with Jack unless they somehow give Vincent a reason to be part of the lore more.


As cynical as it sounds; corporatism. Big companies will only do things that will make them money, and this kind of representation is prefect for that. You get the cred of having a gay character and avoid actually depicting them both at the same time. So you can still sell stuff in homophobic markets.

Most likely. I just hope it gets done correctly.

I’m tempering my excitement about that game until I learn more. Right now they’ve shown us a lot of first-person hack-n-shoot, some pretty graphics and a few clan choices. It’s been “ooh Brujah, ooh Ventrue, hey, maybe some Tremere, and you guys love Nosferatu right?”. And evidently Thin Bloods are a “clan” now. I want to know about the mechanics – how is V5 going to be implemented in the game? Will Malkavians have interactions with others that are more than just “you’re crazy”? Will Nosferatu have interactions with others that are more than just “you’re ugly”? Will Humanity be more than just a frenzy-o-meter? Will Auspex actually be useful this time?

In terms of relationships, I wouldn’t put to much into it. VTM doesn’t really feature healthy people having healthy relationships of any kind, and that sort of thing doesn’t really seem to foster the much-needed push to have LGBT relationships just seem normal.

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I would love to see some cinematic about tracers home life with emily
like blizzard should totally commission something from dillongoo again!
he does like crazy cute stuff!

Like how does Tracers illegal work with overwatch effect her relationship with her girlfriend?

Also imagine tracer cleaning house zipping around lol… can totally see her then accidentally recalling and turning it into a mess again … then again hmm… the environment is not effected so i guess she would only be less tired… DAMN IT TRACER IS SUCH A CHEAT!!! I WANT THAT POWER!!!
(I hate cleaning my apartment)


That would be pretty cute, but given Blizz’s aversion to even regular plot development, I don’t think we will get SoL content anytime soon.

well it’s not like thay need to commit to any kind of major important plot elements… it’s just some cannonical every day life stuff… and the can pöwn it onto dillongoo which is probably a hell of a lot cheaper… they just need to have their writers colaborate a bit… maybe peoper in some lore hinting at future things… oh and yeah some voice acting work too…

people would go crazy and love it like that last thing they had him do.
He does good work.

Ehhh, possibly.
I still would not hold my breath, but it is a nice idea.

Do you guys think we might get an event teaser tomorrow?

2018’s anniversary started on May 22 and we also know that updates happen on a Tuesday so we could assume the event starts on May 21. At least a week before the event happens, we get teasers posted on Twitter.

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If the event starts the 22nd, you’re probably right! But I’m wondering if it will start a week later, they did with Storm Rising…

Could be, but then the event won’t actually be during the anniversary which would be odd.

But then again, since Archives started later, maybe they also want to put this later as well, otherwise there’s no much downtime between these two events (which has always been kinda an issue in my opinion. LNY, Archives and Anniversary always seem very crammed and too close to each other).


Yeah, it always felt a bit front loaded. Like, archives should have been a late summer thing, but idk.
If there were more story around, I would actually suggest making them spontaneous, but that is not the case, clearly.

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Headcanon: Pharah’s already really gay

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Hmmm, I see her more as bi, personally.

Hopefully we’ll get skin teasers soon.

I’d rather get lore than dumb useless skins.