LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

I donā€™t have anything to add to this conversation because I am hopelessly illiterate when it comes to video games but I just wanted to post to say happy 10k posts :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: ok thank you


I get bored and go on weird binges where Iā€™m like ā€œLet me look up all the back story and lore for this particular fantasy game at 2 amā€. Then itā€™s suddenly 7am and the birds are out and Iā€™m like ā€œOh. I see.ā€


It looks like more LoL lore is coming soon with high quality comics. I wish OW released more comics. I know Jeff said they had plans for it but ahh.


Comics donā€™t make Activision any money.

I was feeling suddenly hateful sorry lmfao


I would honestly pay for proper comics. Why not? if they promise me a proper 24 pages comic series with monthly releases, Iā€™d pay for that without a second thought.


Iā€™d absolutely pay for comics. Hell Iā€™d even subscribe to a monthly comic release.

But Blizz fails to realize this I think.

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Blizzard has an issue with not knowing who their demographic is. Their marketing is all over the place, and compared to Riot who definitely cater to teens/young adults without question, I feel like Blizzard is trying to reach the Fortnite audience, with no results, when the premise of the game works best when marketed towards teens/young adults as well.

This might be partially the reason why comics arenā€™t being pumped out, and thereā€™s no publisher working on making a bigger comic, because they are so lost as to what kind of an audience they should go for.

Part of the reason Iā€™m a bit worried about official comics being sold is that whether they allow the writers and artists to really go for the dark themes that Overwatch is full of. And the more riskier themes like LGBT inclusion.


Yeah, thatā€™s true. Iā€™d be worried as well, because I donā€™t want the comics to be just random action trying to emulate the feel of the game. Iā€™d like comics to go deeper into the setting and explore things we canā€™t otherwise.

No need to be super edgy or anything, but Iā€™d love to know more about things that are otherwise glanced over. Like the state of omnics and omnic rights and stuff like that. More individual character lore as well, perhaps exploring how these people feel about their disabilities (the only hint we have is McCree asking Genji how to deal with losing limbs). And of course, any LGBT themes could really shine through comics. Including exploring Tracer and her relationship further.

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I always have to sigh and shake my head when I realize that depictions of a terrible world war where so many people lost their lives and now live with PTSD (and many of them lost limbs and loved ones) is less riskier than showing two people in love.


I know, I mean holy heck, Doomfist smacks a guy off a balcony and Torbjƶrn LITERALLY, NAILS, A GUYS FOOT, INTO THE FLOOR. Blood spilling and everything. Both of those are fine but OH NO WE CANT HAVE MORE GAYS.


I have always wondered what age group this game is primarily marketed to. I know there are a lot of, like, children and young teens that play the game, as is evidenced by my occasional forays into LFG. But the people I play with are usually around my age (20somethings) and the same goes for matchmaking - whenever I solo queue and people talk in the mic it is usually an adult voice.

Does anyone remember the Scholastic deal Blizzard was rumoured to have? Do you think that if we do get stuff in print it will mostly be marketed to the younger audience?


Iā€™ll never forgive or give League a chance for this

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Like, with all the merch available Iā€™d assume young adults?

Kids and teens donā€™t have any incomeā€¦ but parents are more likely to buy merch for their kids if they really love a game so I dunnoā€¦

But like, a $150 statue for some pink Hanzo tiddy is above and beyond anything a parent would grab a kid - and the Nendos and Figmas are NOT child friendlyā€¦


Well, just by googling Scholastic and LGBT, you get pretty decent results, so if it comes down to LGBT inclusion, it doesnā€™t seem like the publisher will come in the way of that. I think Blizzard will be the one to wag their finger, if anything.

And looking at all the graphic novels, Scholastics doesnā€™t seem to shy away from other dark themes either.

Plus with all the marketing of the Pretty Lady culture, that pushes me more towards young adult (straight) men.

Scholastic isnā€™t really one to shy away from most themes as long as they arenā€™t explicit. Children and teens (most of their demographic for publishing) are a lot smarter than most folks give them credit for. I used to go ham at those book fairs in school - I got some really messed up books from them too.

I distinctly remember ordering a book that had a tiger on the front and the entire story was about illegal poaching and stealing away this tiger and trying to return him to the wild but in the end he was too used to people and got killed.

Likeā€¦ thatā€™s prettyā€¦ thatā€™s a lot for someone in 4th grade lmfao

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Good grief, sometimes childrenā€™s stuff is easily the most disturbing.

But yeah, I was worried about the Scholastic rumor but this could be pretty good. But it is no Marvel, lol.

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Honestly Iā€™m not mad itā€™s not marvel. I donā€™t have any ill will towards Scholastic but marvel (comicsā€¦ dont get me started on the mcu) has dropped the ball on several things. Though I will say the last decade or so has been MILES better in terms of just getting a good amount of variety in heroes and other characters.

Speaking of a league of legends, they just revealed a new champion named ā€œNeeko the curious chameleonā€ and sheā€™s a lesbian! she has interactions where she flirts with female characters. Thats pretty great considering that our only explict gay rep before that was two gay men trapped in a demonā€™s body.

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