LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

Maybe that’s why McCree fixates on those cowboy movies so much. He likes the eye candy from the men in those movies.

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It could mean that. It could also mean that they’re just throwing us a bone because so many people are complaining at the lack of lore.


I hope they can find ways to quicken the process. Hiring Alyssa and Nesskain seemed like a good sign. They probably go through multiple iterations before finalizing it.

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Alyssa is writing voicelines, apparently. That why she was hired.

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Oh. Seriously?

I was sure she’d be working on comics at least. Anything lengthy.

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Ahh perhaps an Archives event surrounding Hanzo?

I don’t think she was specifically hired to write Hanzo

She does have a background on writing LGBT stories if you follow her Twitter. But I only mentioned Hanzo because of the tweets she was hinting about an “Asian family drama”

I don’t think that referring to Hanzo. It wasn’t really a hint, she can’t reveal anything.

How do you know that she’s writing the voicelines?

I don’t have a direct source, that’s why I said “apparently”. Someone mentioned it on Twitter.

In b4 Alyssa is just a replacement for Chu as he is getting ready for honeymooning and potentially a child. El oh el.

Perhaps this is the case. I was wondering why Michael seemed so busy and he had this whole wedding.


Ah! I took that as a fun vague tweet about her personal life :yum:

I can’t tell if I’m only disappointing myself for hoping for more LGBT representation. I guess it’s better if I give up on the idea entirely that it won’t ever be delivered; at least not for a long time. But a long time is a long time.

Hes a good guy, and while I often criticise the lack of lore (guilty) I dont entirely think that decision is in his hands. Theres obviously some sort of block or reason that lore tidbits arent released more frequently. I just feel like the more characters they introduce with such a limited unexplained universe the more difficult it will be to establish one outside of what the game offers with interactions

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Yeah perhaps you’re right. And they have a team of people that they communicate to and some people in higher positions are barriers or even localization restrictions.

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We don’t know what’s going to happen. Don’t let other people discourage you or your thoughts because they have just as much an idea as we do.

Who knows what’s going on with LGBT ideas for Overwatch. Obviously they have ideas for so, we can have it tomorrow or maybe far in the future.

Point is: Nobody knows but the writer. Don’t let people as clueless as us discourage you. It’s all opinion.


You know, whoever (if anyone) gets to be LGBT next, is probably the last one in a very long time, if not ever. So yeah.


I pray for this to happen every month and Yet.

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