LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

Liao would have to be roughly in their 50s or so if they still exist in the story and since Mei is like, technically 40 that could work??

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Winter Wonderland Mercy leak, real or not, who knows

No that’s a fan design on twitter.

Actually that’s fan art haha. I’ve seen the fan concept art.

Foiled again!!!

I think it’s from here.

Once again fans have better ideas than most of the stuff that gets tossed out at us. :thinking:

That isn’t revealing enough to be official. :rofl:


Mercy’s new ice queen skin features her entirely naked but covered in mostly opaque ice with some Clear Spots to make it titillating. also she doesnt have shoes and her wings are blue yay


They could probably do that. Maybe I play too much Final Fantasy but this gives me Shiva vibes.


I think personally, Mercy in a trenchcoat might be better?

If it was up to me every character would get nothing but ridiculous sexy skins. Absolutely everyone.


I can’t post gifs anymore but insert the “It’s Equality” one here thanks

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Have you guys had a nice Thankgiving/Black Friday/Cyber Monday?

I saw the Genji Nendoroid was on sale but I kept hesitating to buy it since my love for Overwatch feels uncertain. I was considering it because it’s Hanzo’s brother but hmm… I sort of made a rule for myself that I won’t buy too much OW merch unless the lore progresses in a beautiful way.

I come bearing gifts.


I want to eventually get Genji so I can dress him in weird stuff and pose him as if he’s bothering my Hanzo, but Alas no money.


You’re doing the lord’s work thank you


Still mad about Jesse’s eyes being grey and his skin looking sickly.

They gave him cute lil wrinkles and a beautiful smirk and his cigar but they couldn’t be bothered to color drop him at all. RIP

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Oh, I wanted a Genji nendo so I can pose the bros, but even with a discount, It’s a bit too much for me since I plan on preordering McCree.

I did order the Hanzo and McCree funkos and I also bought Hanzo leggings because of the sale and I’ve been eyeing them for months. I’m more keen on spending on something like that because I can actually wear it and it’s useful, unlike buying a Genji nendo for the sole purpose of making him lose a duel against Hanzo on my shelf.