LGBT icons and stuff

I mean You’re not helping yourselves pushing this LGBT stuff in our faces repeatedly.

It’s the end of pride month right now. If bliz was going to add something they’d have done it by now.


How is this pushing?


No one parades as being heterosexual, some people I know introduce themselves as gay the minute I start talking to them though, no hate but…

Half a thousand threads.

“LGBT Player icons!”
“LGBT Sprays!”
“LGBT Skins!”

We’re getting to the point now where we are sick to death of it.


There was 0 content that year sis, you have to catch up with reality, just saying. Plus I don’t hate you, I don’t even know you. As if I had time to hate people.

And as I’ve said said, this wasn’t the only thing that was discussed. Once again, you need to read Bastet again. You’re showcasing to me that you’ve never once read it properly.

This isn’t a problem with the story. This is just you wishing that the story was something else. Wanting something else doesn’t make the original story bad.

Misses his old boyfriend? That doesn’t begin to cut it:

Why don’t we take a look at the transcript:

“Vincent… I haven’t thought about him in years,” Ana said. “Still keeping a candle lit for him?” Jack shook his head. “Nothing like that.” “You’ve never looked in on him? You must have been curious. All the surveillance power in the world. I bet Gabe would have put a Blackwatch agent on him if you asked,” Ana said. Jack glared at her. “Okay, touchy subject.” Jack laughed. “He got married. They’re very happy. I’m happy for him.”

“Vincent deserved a happier life than the one I could give him.” Jack sighed. “We both knew that I could never put anything above my duty. Everything I fought for was to protect people like him… That’s the sacrifice I made.”
“Relationships don’t work out so well for us, do they?” Ana said, unconsciously running her thumb over where her wedding ring used to be.

Nah, it was definitely because Soldier is gay. The content drought isn’t even in the hands of the lore team. :man_shrugging:t5:

Just search up soldier gay in the forums and you’ll see what I mean.

Here’s one:

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You really don’t get it. For one thing, yes, people do, a LOT.

A guy is totally comfortable expressing how hot a woman is in public, to any loose group of friends, having “conquests” is this respected lauded thing, meanwhile a gay person has to consider if its safe for others to even know that they’re gay.

Every bit of media is aggressively filled with heterosexual relationships and plenty do not “further a story” but they’re there regardless.

People will ask a guy “do you have a girlfriend?” not “are you seeing someone?” etc etc etc

I think you’re both approaching this from a kind of immature/naive standpoint and are putting too much stock in nitpicking specific words used instead of actually understanding what’s being said.

Then Blizzard should say something to end it.

“We’ll make a rainbow” or “We won’t make a rainbow at this time”

People ask for stuff all the time that has nothing to do with the game itself from a gameplay numbers perspective but people only ever magically hate on LGBT topics.

My last post in this cursed thread btw EDIT: second last, need to comment on the cursed post below me


So we should do everything like League?
People can pretend it’s not political while it is.
And such things have no room in the game.
“It’s obviously important to these players Blizz”
So is nerfing certain heroes
so is buffing certain heroes
so are certain skins which have been made years ago as fan concept
Your point?

If you think this way you’re part of the problem. Race was political once too. Still is, really.

People just exist, it should not be a political statement to exist.


Do we have any icons regarding BLM? Which I find dumb anyway.
And you already said alot of things which just aren’t true.
I don’t know in which country you live, but I live in the 21th century.
People aren’t getting attacked or killed for being different.

I want to come to whichever planet youre on

Also what lot of things did I say that weren’t true?


BLM is inherently political. LGBT isn’t.

And this is just straight up false.
A stabbing happened in 2009 near my area. An old gay couple were literally attacked for being gay and this was like 10 years ago. :confused:

I live in the U.K. just to clarify. One of the more tolerant countries. :roll_eyes:


I was talking about the entire team, developing a sobbing comic instead of heroes who really needed a story would’ve been 100 times better: pharah, zen, even if paharh was gay…

Stop viewing all people as your enemies… I had enough of fellow people feeling offended for me or seeing others as enemies.

Also why you’re bringing people’s opinions in this when I can’t bring twitter’s opinion in this?

Soldier gay or not. Don’t give a single damn about it or him, meanwhile the game was dying.

I read the story, definitely felt like he had some regret and was missing him.

I’d have thought the fact they’ve done absolutely nothing throughout the entire duration of pride month says enough?

You can’t expect me to believe bliz hasn’t seen the half a thousand LGBT threads.

It happened ELEVEN years ago?
Ok, unfortunately it happened, once.
Ever saw, experienced, or heard more of it on the news?
With the amount of small news that gets attention, ANY kind of abuse towards someone who was a “”“minority”"" would be reported immediately.

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What is the county you’re living in, I live in a very homophobic country and don’t give a damn about this representation, I’m sorry.

I live on planet earth, and I have and had coworkers who were homossexual.
No one gave them crap, they always talked openly about their orientation and whatnot.
I referred to the “x happens to z alot and etc etc”.

That sounds to me like you’re applying your bubble to society at large.

This sounds to me like your country definitely succeeded in its goal to make you feel ashamed to exist.


What? Firstly, a comic and a short story provide equal amounts of lore. In fact, a short story is more likely to provide more lore and story than a comic. Secondly, comics arguably take more time and money to make than a short story so if you’re going to be complaining about a content drought, the last thing you’d want is a comic. Thirdly, your last sentence is simply your opinion. Potential lore for those heroes are fine but they went with Soldier and Ana. There’s literally nothing wrong with that.

You guys need to stop making it a problem when it isn’t.

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One, I never said you couldn’t cite anything yourself. Two, I’m giving an example of what the outrage was about. You’re arguing that people were mad because of the lack of content. I’m refuting that by citing one out of dozen examples of people complaining that Soldier is gay.

And once again, the lore team can’t control that. They’re strictly here to write story. They’re not developing the game nor can they make things like balance changes - something that a lot of people were complaining about back then.

Which is still 100% times more than him simply being gay…

Indeed. Stuff like this still happens in the 21st century.

More than one. That’s just one example that was actually covered by the media. If you want another example, I went to two schools during secondary. Whilst i was in the first one there was an incident where a group of boys beat up a gay kid after they get outed. In the second school, it was the same situation except they were bullied verbally and digitally as opposed to anything physical.

What I’m saying is that there is still a clear problem here. It’s absolutely not true that most LGBT people are living their lives in Nirvana.

Contrary to popular belief, news companies aren’t liberal propaganda machines. They’re going to publish what makes them the most profit. A lot of LGBT victims don’t get coveted by the media. :man_shrugging:t5:


This is just pathetic. You live in a country that hates your existence and you don’t care? :roll_eyes:

Sorry if I’m being harsh but this is just so depressing to hear.