LGBT and the importance of Tracer (Papa Jeff responds) šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Thereā€™s a lot of things in games that donā€™t need to be there for it to be functional. Like detailed map textured, unique character models, voice lines, sprays, emotes, highlight intros, etc etc. I donā€™t think itā€™s an unsafe or unfair assumption to say that if something is going to ā€œruin the actual gameā€ for you, that it offends you.

oh,ā€œpatheticā€, school yard insults. nice one. really mature of you. sure showed me.

Stories like this are awesome and make me glad that Blizzard hasnā€™t backed down from their goals of having a diverse cast. If this gameā€™s message of positivity and diversity can help someone like Eva, then itā€™s doing its job tremendously.
To all the naysayers out there: can you at least appreciate Blizzardā€™s reach for diversity on the basis that it creates a more varied and memorable cast?


Saying that something would ā€œruin the gameā€ implies that you have a problem with it


dont bother. heā€™s looking for people to call him homophobic like some sort of poorly thought out trap.

Iā€™m not, already told you. Youā€™re beating a dead horse, friend.

Thatā€™s because they have. Like I said, Iā€™ve explained myself on why we do not need this in Overwatch, and I have been outed for being homophobic. I have been called these things for simply disagreeing, and now you think Iā€™m ā€œtriggeredā€ by something that I simply disagree with, making it stupid of to even say that. I donā€™t say youā€™re triggered for wanting things like this in the game.

Mentioned up top, saying that Iā€™m triggered, a common internet slang used against people who seem upset/angry. Usually used by internet trolls, and you sarcastically say ā€œso mature of you.ā€ Grow up.

And again, youā€™re accusing me of wanting to play the victim card, Iā€™m not. You do not understand a single thing I have said to you.

nice Freudian slipā€¦

But the second I disagree with you, your response?

Thatā€™s no different than what you were just complaining about others doing to you

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And that is my personal thought. I donā€™t come to you and imply you are wrong if it wouldnā€™t ruin the game.

When did these theads blow up like this we see a new one every single day is this from the ā€œWhat about me postā€ that came from the The mercy charity i know they donā€™t effect anyone but why so many giving me flashbacks the before the Mercy megathread happened when Mercy Threads were daily

people keep trolling decent threads to get them closed, like above, and people make new ones in response.

Because on here, all people have been doing is calling me homophobic for disagreeing with you. Iā€™m saying I donā€™t want to be called that, it isnā€™t nice for a simple disagreement.

My apologize, it was a slip up.

What I meant was that I have been ā€œoutedā€ for being homophobic, yet I am not.

I will gladly admit my screw up there.

Assuming Iā€™m going to insult you because I disagreed with you is playing the victim. I made a pretty reasonable assumption that something that would ruin the game for you would be something that offends you and then you act a victim immediately.

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exactly my pointā€¦

So youā€™re basically saying itā€™s okay for others to call you homophobic, got it.

I understand what you mean, but it isnā€™t right to throw that stuff around without any real reason to.

Iā€™ve havenā€™t intentionally insulted someone here, maybe as a clear joke with some /s involved, but that isnā€™t what I am going for.

At the very least you must be good at yoga because thatā€™s a far stretch from anything I said. I ask to be judged on what I say, not anyone else, which I think is more than fair. But if youā€™re so determined to read insult in every sentence someone says to you thereā€™s nothing I can do. Be insulted if youā€™d like.

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Nah, youā€™re right. Iā€™m insulted.

Nice discussion(not /s), said what you believe/know. Iā€™m off to go somewhere I am not needed.

Have a good night.

Really nice that Jeff responded to the girlā€™s letter. I hope we get a similar affect if we ever get a gay male reveal.


if we ever get the fansā€™ permission for a gay male that isā€¦