LGBT and the importance of Tracer (Papa Jeff responds) 🏳️‍🌈

Blizzard seems to give the okay for more LGBT characters.

But some of the fans don’t.


i am aware. but the forums make it clear, not allowed…

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Why would any of those things imply JR and Hog are gay lovers and not just best friends?

Have we reached the sad point where men displaying love and affection for each other must imply they are gay?

Women wear matching clothes, send each other cards, and even share beds. Does that make them all lesbians?

Nothing at all wrong with being gay, and if Hog and JR turn out gay, hey, fine by me. However, all displays of love and affection do not denote romance nor sexual attraction.

“I guess we know who’s really on top!” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Coming from a bi person here (I only ever mention this so people can’t try to slap me with a “you’re straight, you don’t know what its like being gay or bi!” card)

A lot of people are just tired of seeing this non-stop LGBT stuff because people are going so bloody overboard with it.

The fans are at times very overzealous and the companies often end up handling any diversity they put in in such inorganic, horribly implemented ways it just makes their characters cringey pander bait, rather than well written, established and interesting characters.

Before someone intentionally misses my point: you can have gay characters. You can have diversity. That’s fine.

I’m saying if you ARE going to do diversity, do it right. Make your character interesting, unique, have depth, and most importantly: don’t make their ethnicity or sexual preference, or gender, the thing that defines them.

So many companies pushing for diversity pandering completely fail that part. It’s not “here’s a amazing well developer character. And they happen to be bi.” Instead its “look! a bi character! LOOK! They’re BI! They’re into B O T H genders! Look we made a over extending character arc about just how bi they are! We’re dedicating a uncomfortable amount of focus on this subject!”

Character development first, not diversity first and character development taking a back seat.

If companies started handling diversity better like that I guarantee you won’t see nearly as many people complaining about diversity.

yet russia banned it

I agree with this statement. It can be taken to the point where it stops being a means to raise awareness and starts coming off as a parody. I hope OW avoid that temptation.

If your character’s “selling point” is their sexuality, then that is a poorly designed / written character. Better to have a solid, likeable character who happens to be gay, otherwise it comes off as "Hey! Look! We got a gay character! Buy our stuff gay people! ".

If you want to embrace diversity, you need characters, not mascots.

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