LGBT and the importance of Tracer (Papa Jeff responds) 🏳️‍🌈

Exactly. I have wanted for her to evolve into a real character ever since her release. I was really bummed when all she got was a dorito emote because the devs thought making gremlin Dva canon would be funny… :frowning:

love just for this voice line _

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Daddy Jeff**********

“By the way, I know I say “Nerf this!” a lot. Please don’t actually “Nerf this!”, okay?”

Hots seems to do Dva far more justice than OW, imho :stuck_out_tongue:


My only issue with this is that I now realize that there is no Tracer skin where she’s wearing a tux.

The essay and Jeff’s response is lovely.


that might be too “ellen degeneres”

This is where we are at. Discussing the sexual orientation, gender and sexual identity of cartoon characters…

There’s a better way to think of it: discussing the background of characters that people like. That would include Tracer’s girlfriend, Emily.

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and you posting on it. congrats. you contributed to your problem

So you want it to be more than what it is?

Keep social aspects and politics to the comics, don’t ruin the actual game.

if social aspects are a problem for you, then overwatch is not the game for you. and not everything is politics. only ones making it political are the ones bringing up politics in the first place.

Well Whatever game still sht

Can’t believe it’d offend you that much that it would ‘ruin the game’ for you considering that so far no character’s backstory has really affected gameplay whatsoever. If it ruins it for you it’s because you let it ruin it. Blizzard shouldn’t feel stifled in what they want to do with their characters just because of how easily some people get offended

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How would you feel if they took another FPS game/franchise and focused more on social aspects?

Battlefield franchise focusing less on gameplay, and more on representations from these communities.

Call of Duty less gameplay, more representations for these communities.

It’s awesome that diversity in games are happening, it really is. However, things like “Tracer has a girlfriend, meaning she’s gay” shouldn’t be talked about more than what it is. Tracer is gay, that’s it. You don’t really need to go farther into it with the way people have been talking about in the main game. In the comics? Sure, knock yourself out. It’s not needed in the game itself.

overwatch was that way from the beginning, so in this case it’s the other way around.

I’m not offended, actually. I’m simply stating that it isn’t needed.

What’s next, are you going to call me homophobic as well?

no, you’re more of a self imposed victim that people who care about something you dont triggers you.

You think I’m playing the victim card?

You’re hilarious

I’ve talked about this on another post, explained my reasoning, and one person who disagreed said they felt attacked by others in the post (which they weren’t). That, is playing the victim card.

I love this because you think something of me just because I disagreed, and explained why. Pathetic.

you are. and ive seen your other posts. you’re the same there too. you’re playing the victim like people are going to accuse you of something and just waiting to see it to validate yourself. if i wanted to deal with people like you i’d go on tumblr and out myself as a conservative.