LGBT and the importance of Tracer (Papa Jeff responds) 🏳️‍🌈

10/10 would read again!


Jeff just made someone’s life easier by making a character gay and this guy still asks why is needed.


Blizzard has made plenty of statements saying inclusion is important and yet a loud contingent keeps insisting otherwise.

One has to wonder why they still even play the game.


or frequent the forums if it bothers them so much. what’s not hard to understand is that nobody forces them to get involved or click these threads, and yet time and time again they act like their lives depend on this stuff not being even mentioned.

In all seriousness, I see the two as life partners. Though people often think that means “THEY ****ING!!!” but it could just be 2 people who prefer to be a pair. Like BFFs who take the phrase very literally.



yeah, it comes across as jay and silent bob with junk and roadhog.

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Wow. Representation matters. :rainbow_flag:


That’s cool and all, but maybe we could get some lore update or something?



we agree with you. that’s why we also make threads asking for non lgbt lore.

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Jeff made a video just for Korea saying that something is coming this Summer for Korea, short babyyyyy


That would be neat-o. The last update feels like it has been eons ago. :frowning:

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gonna be honest…not excited for that one…least favorite character in the roster for me.

Oh boy, freaking finally. I’ve been waiting for a Dva one. I was rooting for either her or Hanzo.

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sadly, he wouldve been a long shot since he got dragons with genji…when’s a reaper short though…

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multitasking, bud. keeps things goin’.

Oh, reaper would be nice, too. But with retribution, I doubt we will get cool stuff about him in a while…

Welp, she won’t be a dorito gremnlin in the short so her personality will be a little more serious

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sadly…but at least he gets attention.

Really papa jeff? That is creepy.